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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. cable boxes do come in silver. who is your provider?
  2. Its not a national holiday in the UK either. Two minutes silense is observed nationallly at 11am with a religious service the following sunday.
  3. Its the second option. That is the funny one.
  4. Thats a lot of characters!! I know you promised calax physical pleasure, but could i have it instead please? *removes prosthetic buttocks in eager anticipation*
  5. Well bear in mind the fact that you usually have to be literate to even attempt the test. That a whole bunch of dummies excluded from the results.
  6. Then you only have to worry about the traditional infections! (w00t)
  7. I had always thought the drugs merely prolong life expectancy, augmenting the immune system as it degrades over time. As for 1/100000 europeans being immune to hiv, thats a new one if that was so they'd be the basis for acure.
  8. Erm... no. Hold your horses. If this guy carries on refusing tests then we'll most probably never know. Until another one comes along.
  9. How about listing off attributes as if they were technical speciafiacations of a computer. Or as an example fo your "sexual prowess" boast about your own computer listing off the specs with heavy innuendo. To make it really geeky work in some Monty Python quotes.
  10. I don't think thats a direct disrespect for war memorials more a symptom of of disrespect and loutish behaviour in general.
  11. well he is already tinkering with episode one, puppet yoda has been replaced with cgi yoda when little annie is first brought to the council. You can see it in The Chosen One feauturette on the Ep 3 bonus disc. You should prolly get the OT on DVD right now i dont think he will change anything yet again cept maybe for the 3D stuff...
  12. Well then maybe the game isn't for you, try something less demanding.
  13. TBH this is a bit of a random thread, you'd probably find more help at the game publisher/developer boards. You said gamefaqs was no help, did you actually search? http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/game/913744.html
  14. You created a forum? where is it? I am suspecting you mean to use the word "thread"
  15. Thanks, i'll go and look for them in english pounds now.
  16. The quickness and and smoothness depnds on certain factors. I'd expect for a young whipperfapper like yourself accelration overall speed isnt a problem.
  17. Thats a bit too organised, rather dry soulless fapping.
  18. Yes, soon i wil do my usuall thing of researching a potential purchse to death; becoming a temporary expert in the matter and then forgetting all info after the fact. Cheers for the link meta i wasn't even aware of that magazine until you linked to it once. Same publisher as computer shopper.
  19. I wasnt talking about your crazy strange land where, its warm in the winter and cold in the summer, where rain falls up, where it is dark during the day and bright at night.
  20. Bastulas are good plant for this time of year, they flower when its really cold.
  21. I am toying with the idea of a self build but that is a separate project. I just want to upgrade the current PC without having to reformat my hard drive.
  22. Budget isn't really a concern, i would like to replace my ancient Geforce 2, without changing the mobo. It has an AGP 4X slot.
  23. I don't follow graphics cards so i was wondering if anybody could point out a good "mid range" card. It has to be AGP.
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