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Everything posted by darthbass123

  1. I never got my picture on the front screen. I guess it's because I'm never dark side. I'm doing dark side now so i guess ill see it.
  2. I always get HK-47 on the first planet I travel to. Which would be Nar Shadaa.
  3. If you are male then the Handmaiden will show and if you are female and have visited Dantooine before Korriban than Disciple will show and if you haven't been to Dantooine then Visas will show up.
  4. I agree that K1 was better than K2.
  5. You are right about her might being 60 and MAYBE!! MAYBE!!! 50. but all u really have to do is look at her. Keep in mind that she is not on dark side yet.
  6. 6 hours a day!?...you don't get out much do you? I play for an hour at the most. You do have atleast one window in your room right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very Funny. No I don't get out much and yea I have 1 window in my room.
  7. Actually kotor.com says she is 14 years old.
  8. That doesn't prove that I'm wrong though.
  9. It only looks like she fights well because it is an RPG. Mission was a 14 yr old twi'lek who did flips if she used a power attack. It was about a 4 ft. jump into the air. Which might be possible but not for a 14 yr old.
  10. besides; Kriea was nuetral so the bags under her eyes are real. Just imagine what would happen on the dark side. (Which we see but there is little difference.)
  11. Not really, considering I play about 6 hours a day which may not be alot to u guys but is alot to my mom.
  12. You have to be the 50 yr old lady on the bowflex commercial to be hot. i doubt Kriea used bowflex.
  13. Bao Dur would make a better Jedi and it's alot easier. u only need 3 influence gains.
  14. How did u go from Kae to a castle on Malachor 5.
  15. It never took me that long. the most 10 min.
  16. U have to look at the age difference. The MandalorianWar began almost 10 years ago and Kriea is like 70 standard years old, while the handmaiden is like 20 - 25. seventy minus twenty is 50. I doubt she will be able to have a kid at 50 and that is way before the war began.
  17. I realize that he says this but I don't remember him saying Arren Kae. There could be different Kea's
  18. If I did, I would think Kreia is hot. Which I don't. I think the handmaiden and Mira are hot.
  19. You must have taken a blaster shot to the head when I wasn't looking.
  20. K1 : Kam Solusar M Padme Bell F K2 : Corran Horn M Malle Cordana F
  21. I thought that hanharr was a great character. very powerful.
  22. they may have an "RPG of the year but that doesn't compare to over 60 Game of the Year awards. You can't compare that. That is just proof that K1 is better.
  23. that's pretty cool. thanks.
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