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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. well as a Rangers fan this was supposed to be "your year" so I'd say Gaborik is more of a choker anyway! I mean, the Devils had a 40 year old washed up goal tender in net..How were they supposed to contend with Gaborik and "The King" lmfao
  2. when did they change the defintion of rooting for a team to claiming something? trollolololololjustgetoutlololol LMAO if you think Gaborik playing injured and Kovy playing injured is even the same thing. Kovy is 10x more skilled that gaborik. Gaborik can skate fast and shoot hard, thats what makes him good. Kovy brings so much more to the table.
  3. no one was sure they were making the comeback LOL kovalchuk wasn't a choker, he was playing with a broken back. theres a difference
  4. Stupid way to end the season. Didn't think the Bernier hit warranted an ejection...Hopefully the Devils can resign Parise. First real "full" season with Kovy + Parise and we make it to the Finals, not bad. Great season of hockey and we managed to knock out the Flyers and the Rangers which was a load of fun.
  5. Horrible way to end the season. Gionta was also hit from behind seconds before the Bernier hit. Not blaming the refs but that game misconduct ruined the Devils season. Blame is on Bernier, but O'Rourke needs to be held responsible for missing that first call. Hopefully the Devils can resign Parise and make another run. Kovalchuk has been playing with an all but broken back since the Panthers series, so I'm excited to see a healthy run for him next season (hopefully). Congrats to the LA Kings for being the most dominant post-season contenders I've seen in my life. Great year of hockey.
  6. One more for Brodeur! One more for Elias! One more for Sykora! First for Parise! First for Kovalchuk! First for Zajac!
  7. Devils get another win! Game 6! yay for more hockey
  8. Just beat it after 60 hrs. I gotta say it was probably the most enjoyable RPG experience I can remember since KotOR.
  9. huzzah! no sweep for the kings! can we all admire how insanely clutch Adam Henrique is? He's got 4 goals this post season. 2 of which were in game 7 of the first round (one was the 2OT winner)...The third was the series clinching game 6 OT goal against the Rangers...And this one gave us the lead with 4 mins left in our season. 22 years old...Incredible player.
  10. Devils have never been swept in a playoff series before, so we'll see if they can at least bring it back to Jersey for a 5th game. Sykora is FINALLY being put back in the lineup (he should have been there since game 1 in my opinion), and he usually does well after being moved down a line (or in this case, being a healthy scratch).
  11. Kings just hit their stride at the right time. I still don't think they're as good as they're playing, but I'll give them all the credit in the world for playing when it counts
  12. Two heartbreaking OT losses at home to start the series is not exactly a good thing...
  13. I think "dominated" is a better word
  14. Well that's 1 down. Once Teemu and Brodeur call it quits, I'll officially be in a new era of hockey. I'm 20 years old, played hockey for 16 years, those are the only three who I can remember consistently hearing about/admiring for my entire life. I literally do not know hockey without those three names =[ Farewell Lidstrom =[
  15. Holy crap, that's the prettiest goal I have seen since.. Well, since the KLM line in the eighties Was yelling louder and louder every time they passed the puck...When it finally ended up with Kovy I flipped the chair I was sitting in hahahaha Also, I love Kovalchuk's energy during that celebration. He's such a team-first guy and he doesn't get enough credit for it
  16. Do you think Kovalchuk has free reign to do whatever he wants out there? No. He needs to be defensively responsible (just like Gaborik) but he still manages to be the leading scorer in the playoffs.
  17. LOL llyranor edit: i miss your voice and your touch
  18. but the rest of the world still doesn't want the USA to just deal with this stuff right? Even though no one else is going to? no, no...those stupid Americans get involved in to much, let the other people fix their problems!
  19. The Rags signed Richards for games like that and he didn't come up big enough. His fault, Gaborik's fault..Callahan started to pull his weight but everyone else was a flop
  20. "Explains that GW he had" ...seriously? 11 points in 20 games from your most prolific scorer in the regular season is not good enough, he's just not a playoff performer.
  21. Except Gaborik. He really does suck in the playoffs lol
  22. Devils in 6. Wishful thinking again. If we can take care of business at home (which should obviously be difficult against the Kings) I think we'll be in good shape. If we can steal 2 at the Garden, I'm not worried about winning in LA.
  23. Devils win! We're going to the Finals! Hahahahaha! Rags/Flyers fans officially have no room to talk trash in the tri-state area (that's NY, NJ, and Pennsylvania for you Swedes/Canadians)...What a game. http://i.minus.com/i5RjEPHsDD7No.gif That happened, by the way. Henrique, our rookie of the year candidate, has now scored 2 overtime series clinching goals...Talk about clutch. Rangers played a solid series but they just couldn't climb their way out of the holes that they dug in the last two games. Go Devils!
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