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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Never thought of that. That might have been just enough for me to start thinking she is Kae.
  2. Was it just me or did my box have 4 discs? "
  3. I think she was just refering to the whole Darth Traya thing, as Kreia wore that title again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly. Title, not name. At least that's how it appeared to me - Darth Traya is a title. Kreia is a name, only it is not her real name... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I was kinda getting sick of people saying that she is the Handmaiden's mother because Atris says Kriea was not her realy name. Kriea says it herself, there must always be a Darth Traya. That appears to me more as a title than a name too.
  4. I loved the tomb, but your right the force was messed up in there, Lightsiders recovered there points much slower than a Darksider.
  5. Some people can work wonders with a computer. These guys can make an awesome game, I can barly open up Internet Explorer.
  6. Hm, try realoading an old save. Worse comes to worse you can restart cause your not that far yet.
  7. Hm, well you'll need 2 hands, unless your very good with your feet.. :D Couldn't resist...
  8. You are not alone...
  9. Hm, that planet does't fall into the the "Unknown Region" as far as I know, only because the entire Republic and Sith Armada was there for one of the biggest space battles in Star Wars history. But who knows, mabye everyone blacked out at the After Party and forgot all about it "
  10. Hm, I have the X-box version and I have never encountered a game ending bug. The only one I have ever gotten was the Galexy Droid() in K1.
  11. Alas, if only my computer had not been so crappy..mabye I would have bought the PC version instead of the Xbox one ...Oh well..good luck anyway
  12. I hated that part of the game, when Kriea kills them and all. I felt like I had just put in 20+ hours in a game to watch them be killed in 4 seconds. <_<
  13. Boy meets girl. Girl plays had to get and later becomes damsel in distress. Boy saves girl and saves world. Boy and girl get medal and make out happily ever after. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You forgot "boy and girl then find out they are actually brother and sister" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Haha, but what about the imfamous..."and then older boy tells younger boy that he's his father"
  14. Hm, I voted Revan. But of course this would never happen because Revan (being lightsided) is going to take the Exile(also lightsided) as his Padawan :D "
  15. Just another problem do to the Holiday rush...
  16. Added on: Handmaiden: So you're saying... Kreia: I am your mother Handmaiden: That's impossible! Kreia cuts off Handmaiden's hand with a swift slash of the lightsaber Kreia: Come, join the Dark Side. We'll kill the Exile and the Sith will rule the galaxy Handmaiden: Nooooooooo!!!! Handmaiden kills Kreia with a lightsaber strike. What she doesn't realize is the Exile then dies too because they're bio-linked <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (w00t)
  17. ...I have the X-box version <_<
  18. Hm..I'm gonna go buy Galaxies right now so I can make my own movies... BTW, is Galaxies anygood?..yes or no will do..no need for spam.
  19. Exile(to Darth Traya on Malachor 5) So...come here often?
  20. Who woulda guessed the Fett-Man could bust such a move?
  21. I'd be a Jedi, but I would have followed Revan to war. Not for battle, but to save lives. I would then of course return to the council and face my punishment. Or continue on as a "Gray" Jedi.
  22. If this matter is settled, delete this thread, or just ask it to be locked.
  23. Sentences, punctuation, they all wanna be your friend. I'd choose Jedi. Sometime polls are best for these questions.
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