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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. Did you read what i said? Because it seems to me like you didn't. A clue, i couldn't care less who's worse.
  2. Depends. But that has nothing to do with the point he was making. The point that generalization is a sure way to get something wrong. It's funny really, on one side you have "SJWs" believing that "GGers" are the spawn of satan. On other side you have "GGers" believing that "SJWs" are the spawn of satan. It kinda reminds me of what veterans said in Band of Brothers about germans. That at first they thought they were the evilest people in the world. But as the war went along, they realised that it wasn't germans per se, but SS and nazis. And that under different circumstances they might've been good friends. Also, whenever you feel like blaming an entire group of people for something, i recommend watching this video.
  3. So basically they just used it as an excuse? Not very ethical, isn't it.
  4. Fun fact. Even though i never associated myself with GG nor do i ever intend to, but when i for example disagree with Anita's supporters, they always immidiatly assume that i am a GGer. And everything else that comes with it. And that frustrates me a lot. Because the world is not black and white, because there's no "us" and "them". If you think you're better than "SJWs", well then actually be better. Otherwise you're just as evil and inhuman really.
  5. Just a as side note, if you care about ethics and all that good stuff, i don't think labeling people (using term "SJWs" in every sentence, or any other really) is a good way of achieving that goal. They are people not "SJWs", however wrong you think they might be.
  6. Can't say anything about the acting, i felt it was as it always was, decent. The problem is probably that every actor just gets less and less screen time. They can't possibly do anything interesting in those few minutes they get per episode. But i agree that the show now is not that good. Just too many plot lines. And plot itself is starting to get really boring, feels like it's going nowhere.
  7. I know, and i agree about The Witcher 2. But this just looks like the RPG to end all RPGs. And that just can't be true. There's gotta be something wrong with it. Because if there isn't, then the only question is what the hell Bioware and Bethesda and others were doing all these years...
  8. This game just can't be as good as it looks. It just can't... Can it?
  9. It's interesting that before the word "tolerance" meant being respectful of other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them or they might offend you. But now it would seem tolerance means self-censorship because there's someone, somewhere who's feelings might get hurt. People who advocate these changes say they are for inclusivity and diversity, yet all they do is trying to silence different opinions. They want the world to look exactly how they want it. You say "broaden your perspective" yet it is you who doesn't want to do that. I've seen many good arguments why that limerick was not in any way transphobic, but not a single one why it is. So who's perspective needs to be broadened?
  10. Just because someone is more insane, doens't mean it's ok to be slightly less insane. I am disappointed too with the whole thing, but if this is all it takes for some people to go ballistic on Obsidian, well then how they are better than the people who started it?
  11. You know, when you complain about people outraged over nothing, being ridiculous yourself doesn't really help the argument.
  12. "Even though we did exactly what they wanted, we sure got them with that sick burn." I'm sure that "killallmen" person would think twice before ever demanding anything from Obsidian again.
  13. But the original was still removed. So who's really laughing? I would've preferred the original to stay as it was.
  14. Whether it is ****ty or not is a matter of opinion. Whatever your feelings might be toward it, it doesn't give you the right to demand it removed. And people are getting so butthurt because there's a group of people on the internet right now, which thinks that their feelings are a perfectly fine excuse to go and bully everyone to remove everything they don't agree with. Surely, you can see why not a lot of people appreciate this?
  15. Still, it is somewhat disappointing that Obsidian listned to some internet trolls who porbably not going to play PoE anyway, instead of people who actually care about them and their work. Even if it wasn't outright removed, it still kinda sucks in my opinion.
  16. Correct me if i'm wrong, but are you actually trying to defend #killallmen?
  17. It's funny how you keep saying that everyone in this thread is so bad, yet so far the most hateful person here is you...
  18. I have no problem with people expressing their opinions. And that's what people are mainly doing in this thread. Discussion is good. But people who started this thing aren't interested in a discussion. TB made a few completely reasobable and calm points and how they responded? #shuthe****upTotalBiscuit Now that's what i have a big issue with. Do you see the difference?
  19. So what you're saying is it's not censorship unless you actually manage to censor it? Intention doesn't count? What? "Obsidian deciding". Yeah, right. And a big mob shouting at them surely didn't influence their decision in any way.
  20. Anger is not about the joke, but about people who on one hand spread hashtags like "killallmen" and on another claim to have some high morale ground and organize mob squads to destroy everything they don't like and silence any opposition.
  21. It seems to me like you really want to be the victim here. And i can define censorship. When you don't want something to exist just because you disagree with it, this is censorship.
  22. A developer? I thought it were people with hashtags like "killallmen" who thought that the joke is literally Hitler.
  23. This is what Tolkien said about it. "I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author."
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