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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Oh dear. Poor Eru.
  2. even though Exile gave bao the order? I don't remember the exact words but during one of the convo's that you have with Bao he say's "And you looked at me like somone with that fearful look in your eyes as you told me to activate the mass shadow generator."
  3. Well I can't find any post op's for Halo or Halflife. Did find one for SS2... If anyone want's it pm me. Nobody remebers bungies old stuff :"( Myth "Casualties" Dwarf:oops
  4. All we need was Baley and we would have had a complete set of Spammdom. Could we get back to half life before we do the same to this thread? PLEASSE? I could find a Post mortem of Halflife, HL2, and, Halo... Don't worry I won't be an idiot and post them here taking up more room on the servers than most old games...
  5. It's a proven fact that Americans speak the worst english. I've been yelled at by meta more than once. The style really didn't do anything for me. I'd just use my ShoChi form.
  6. Just the fact that happened so fast was incredible. Sry bout the length of my last post. I suppose I could have just handed out the acct name and pass...
  7. I liked some of the Atton times darkside actions. Where you gained influence with him for slaughtering innocents? I liked the fact where he didn't just say "Dear GOD what's wrong with you people?" The easiest way to do what your suggesting ender would be record a dialogue for each level of darkness/lightness. Like with the crystal that brightens or opaques with your alignment the convo's would do the same. It'd take a lot more time but you cuold have the story remain close to the same and if your are a minimalist you could have two major retellings of critical lines and only on the influence lines do they have the above system.
  8. your Post mortem curtosy of Gamasutra.com Edit: I decided to be nice and just give you my login. Acct name Calaxprimal@yahoo.com Password:380cefcd http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20001206/spector_01.htm It's a left over from college.
  9. Except the games have another Informal game rating "not to be sold in stores" like Postal 2, and the uncensored version of Leisure suit larry.
  10. there are differences between SS2 and Deus. SS2 seems to be more detail oriented than Deus with guns breaking down and buying things with hard to obtain nanites (at least until you get the psi powah). Dues's skill system was larger than SS2's. It's arugable that Deus's biomod system was equal to the Psi stuff and the stat changing. but I doubt it. I never really understood the reasons for having stats in a FPS game. Imagine some of the equipment "Plus 7 to strength".
  11. I can't seem to find a pc version at gamestop.com but Gamespot.com tells me that #'s 1, 2, and 3 are "currently Unavailable" ie it's out of production. But they still sell 3 for Xbox... The reason I thought this was a XBOX only game was simply because the only times i've seen publisized reviews of it were for the xbox
  12. How do you measure a jedi's power? is it will? Angryness? Happy fluffy dolls he keeps in his room?
  13. and yet it's so true Marka
  14. Da Story sounds a litttle bit contrived. "
  15. But the Mandalorians of the time weren't a race. they were people following the example set by the true Mandalorians who, forty years before Kotor, tried to carve out their own empire and ended up working for Ulic Qel-Droma and fighting in the Sith war. The Mandalorians were for the most part stranded on Duxn at the end of the Sith War, thus if the Kotor Mandalorian wars began at Duxn it wouldn't be the Mandalorians who started the war it'd have to be the republic and the Mandalorians would retaliate using capured ships and leftover weapons from the Sith war.
  16. But according to the EU he survived and ended up in with his gun put to Solo's chest and Solo pressing an Plasma cannon against fetts chest. I don't know what happened from there.
  17. This is a tad off topic but: do they make Elder Scroll games for the PC? or rather are the games ported to pc and could I get some? I've never really played a morrowind game but it sounds like the type that I'd enjoy. Only problem is I have never been a poster boy for patience
  18. he's still got standup
  19. He couldn't use the lightside because of a sith Poison, he couldn't use the darkside because of Nomi. At least that's what I got. Nomi may have cut him off completly but the poison thing is still there.
  20. I just hope that people don't wander around going "Grahh I'm evil I look horrible but i will still yell at you for doing somthing bad!" Also I hope we don't have another Goto character. He was utterly useless.
  21. Ulic. The dude who's a jedi without the force.
  22. Book? theres a book now?
  23. The game is your the biggest bully in school but this is your last school you can go to. You've been kicked way too much. Basically your teachers will have you do "chores" for them so you can get good grades. You give swirly's and wet willies to the geeks and absolutly demolish people in dodge ball. For the full preview, Game Informer from last month should you have.
  24. I'm going to be fairly stereotypical and say Monty python because I don't know any other comedy from brittania.
  25. I just like the fact that dave is actually a gamer (he's played WOW a lot on his "retreat" and he's played GTA)
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