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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Ultimate Alliance tommarow Superman Retunrs Burning crusade Sam And Max God of War 2 FF12.
  2. Hmm. I wonder why there wouldn't be girls in an organization called the Boy Scouts, or on a Boys hockey team. What next, boys wanting to be Brownies? FFS. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually the main reason girls want to get into "boys" sports and particularly the boyscouts. is A) the extra competition. and B) (this mainly applies to the scouts) they have a much different focus. From what I've heard the girls scouts mainly deal with making you into a good housewife. Boyscouts is mainly about turning into a "mans man!" I mean girl scouts don't exactly have Backpacking, rife badge, Shotgunning, archery, and a few other badges. One interesting thing is looking through my old scout book the Scouts actually let you send a letter to a certain place and get a medal for being a member of a freaking church. would have been interesting to see the reaction.
  3. well the female teachers thing.... but just remember that currently pop culture consideres gays to be either A) a very feminine person who is like queer-eye on Crack. or B) a normal person who has pedophiliac tendancies on the side. Also people fear that which is different in terms of anything. Hence homophobia, Xenophobia, and the fact that in the grand scheme of things we as a race seem to be getting more conservative (in a wierd light but it's true! as cavemen we ran around in nothing, victorian age had nudes abound but also had immense amounts of consealment of flesh and corsets. Now we have concealment of flesh and no artistic nudes but with an entire subculture of raunchy/taboo/sex-for-money things on the web.)
  4. I'll probably be called a gay hater and yelled out of this forum for saying this, but I can't blame the Boy Scouts for dismissing (not technically firing, since they're volunteers) gay scoutmasters. If I was a parent, I would feel uncomfortable entrusting my son to an openly gay man who spends lots of time with young boys, and I know I'm not alone with that feeling of concern. They have that restriction for the same reason why there are similar restrictions on fathers of Girl Scouts; they're just looking out for the kids. And as for the religious aspect of the BSA, that really differs from troop to troop. Some really do take a strong anti-atheism stance (as Sand is trying to emphasize), but the majority seem to be apathetic toward it, as the two troops I was in did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> From what I can tell each troop has ALOT of leeway in what goes on in their own territory. At camparees (for those who don't know this is where all the "local" troops get together for a three day weekend and have competitions) you find that there are troops that take the military backround QUITE seriously. Literally... after the flag was put up and the Lord Scoutmaster (my own title) said at ease you'd see most troops fall apart but there was at least one that fell into the military at ease stance. You also find that the scoutmaster himself has alot of power in terms of what happens. My scout master was a fairly authoratative person who would generally try and force the entire troop down the "right path". He wasn't competetive about it but he almost forced me to try and get Eagle. He was also pretty lax about rules and patrols and such. But there is another local troop whos scoutmaster was a die hard lord and master who requiered that everything be done according to rules. It's also kind of interesting because in my general area (within say five miles) theres three fully populated troops that spun off of the die hards own troop. Anyway the die hard was also EXTREMLY competitive and literally was shaking his head in anger at the fact that my troop (one of the two spin offs) had one of our patrols win almost every single event in a camparee... twice in a row. (Mine got squat the first year except a special award for sinking an unsinkable raft because they gave us a time bonus for the more boys on the damn thing.) Anyway. I think that if a guy in san fransisco (gay capital, usa) was gay and a scoutmaster the majority would just ignore it and frown on getting rid of a good leader. (I can get into my problems with the scout leadership if you REALLY want me to... or the way it's designed anyway)
  5. yup... thats how it was for me, except it was the primary button that was screwy. I got a new one on payday.
  6. there are some extremly messed up badges... (motorboating, qualification one, get in the boat. Not kidding) and at least in my troop they almost FORCED you to push to reach different ranks. I didn't fit in well because I was never one for moving up in the ranks. I got to first class got 0 merit badges and was able to do whatever the heck I wanted (there is a merit badge requirement for the next ranks) I think we calculated that you could reach eagle scout by age 14 if you had no life other than scouting. btw doesn't this belong in WOT?
  7. That's just plain wrong. Think of the enemies! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and how fast they go splat between the sheer physical might plus the energy and magic?
  8. I don't quite know. I don't believe that the 360 version will be able to play with the regular version as there are certain characters that are only allowed on the Next Gen consoles. I do know my team is probably going to consist of Cap, Thor, Surfer and Warbird.
  9. Just going to say that my best friends are honest to god addicts... the boys have 4 sixties each and the dad's got 6ish and their mom who's a complete muggle when it comes to games has two.
  10. Kor... Ultimate alliance comes out in america on the 26th... it's got a beta rey bill skin for thor.
  11. whats odd is that Cryptic still harobored animosity towards Marvel because marvel sued cryptic (and their publisher NCsoft) over the fact that in the game you could make lookalikes of characters. The lawsuit caused everyone who had a passing resebelance or similar name to a character to get "genericed" where his name was changed to Generichero#. Now cryptic is doing the Marvel MMO... I hope they actually design somthing similar to an endgame this time.
  12. One thing about eight was that you could farm the first dungeon and reach max level because the bad guys ALWAYS scaled to your level.
  13. do they have the martian manhunter?
  14. World of Warcraft and Warhammer Dark Crusade..Somthing I've learned about DC THEY CAPPED THE MAX TIER UNITS AT INCREDIBLY LOW LEVELS! my poor guard have to rely on basic guardsmen to get the work done... Ah well, at least theres overwatch.
  15. Here comes the guard with a chainsaw wielding priest!
  16. anyone else notice that this was taking place at a CHURCH OF ENGLAND school?
  17. yup the sword thousand truths will be in the expansion I miss the WCII polymorph.
  18. not really...
  19. I'm on Azgalor (pvp) as alliance... and my server with horde that I never visit is Bronzebeard. The shaman/pally swap should put alot of whining out in the cold. (Paladins are overpowered said the shamans... and the paladins said the reverse.)
  20. Incorrect. Employers ALSO have the right to set dresscodes. Which both of these fall under. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Except dresscodes cannot violate the sensibilities of the employees or the customer. For example if an employer says Black Pants and a white shirt, employees can't wear black pants with a white shirt while the shirt is tied up so that their bare midriff and the top of their genitals show. visa versa a employer cannot be required to force employees to run around wearing "gimp" suits in a mcdonalds or target. Heck dress codes if you try are usually not even enforced unless your in a uniform setting where it's obvious whos not up to code. This is especially true of highschools. Another thing I don't get is that the teacher isn't allowed to ware her Burka(?) when a student would be.
  21. Sorry... my group was a year before Myspace... instead we had to deal with LiveJournal!
  22. Change the double-click sensitivity for the mouse in the Control Panel. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> grammar nazi
  23. I'm hard on buttons... so I've got one mouse thats burnt out with it's button stuck so its REALLY hard to press (like I have to push in just the right spot to get it to work) and now i've got one thats double clicking every time I click. I'm wondering if theres any way to easily fix the latter (as the former would require what seems to be heavy duty work). The latter only started doing this two days ago.
  24. i'm playing "how the heck do I fix my mouse" along with dark crusade. The mouse problem is annoying... when I hit the button once it seems to detect a double click. Only started two days ago.
  25. I watched him do it. Theres a hill behind the building that you get up on, climb onto an epic mount (really really fast) then he simply ran and jumped onto the roof. Problem is he was camping the main quest area for the twenties. And even if we tried to get him we couldn't because we didn't have the epic mount.
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