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Everything posted by Calax

  1. It'd probably only have you running around as an imperium base soldier in the beginning and you'd have to work up from there into the space marines. Commisars would be the NPC guards or somthing similar.
  2. Shaq must make an appearance using shaqfu.
  3. Longest marathon? after I quit school but did not have to pay rent, I played City of Heroes for almost a week strait.... it was the only thing I did other than Sleep for a few hours.
  4. I feel the urge to say that according to my local paper the clinton campaign is keeping an eye on Gore's weight to tell if he's going to run for office again.
  5. well for bad employees one of my coworkers just became a posterboy. McD's has a tendancy to put the same four people on drive through. When I needed a break from the window, the replacement tended to do nothing. in fact he did stupid stuff like lie down in the Dry storage, and slug the crap out of a box of fries breaking the box and one of the bags within. He got "suspended" for a week.
  6. Gundam Seed IIRC is just the producers saying "well lets see.... americans LOVED Gundam wing but didn't go ape over 0079. What if we took both of them and put them together and add a subplot about two enemies being the best of friends?" ie they took the teenage superheroes and supermechs from Wing and melded it onto the plot of 0079 then added CGI and sent it to production.
  7. Look, we don't know if he's having eco friendly parties every night or if he's just leaving the lights on. Given the fact he's been a VP and thus gets a permanent Secret Service detachment as well as he probably has a fairly large permanent staff to keep him from burning the place down probably increases the electric bill quite a bit. As would security precautions. like cameras and the security center. It'd be better if you compared his power usage to that of a small office building
  8. this threat??? anyway, the accusation of somthing you didn't do is enough to get you booted from a job. my former owner (of the mcd's franchise) fired some poor sod (who then became homeless) because the guy came out from the bathroom and got a pair of sweatpants stuck in the fly of his work pants. Customer said that he was masturbating and "exposing himself" to her. I NEARLY got fired because a joke I made came out the wrong way and the customer took it as a racist remark and DEMANDED my removal. Fortunatly I am one of the few people who actually WORK while at Mcd's so I was given leniancy and a very harsh write up.
  9. got it from Newsarama
  10. Theres a game called tears of joy?
  11. Calax


    Half way throuhg the first of the song of ice and fire books (i've read it once already) and giving thought to reading Black Company again.
  12. drzzt is the reason that all dark elves are the rare dark elves with violet eyes who rebel against their sisters and are able to cut a bloody swath through 10000 orks and have pet extraplanar panthers. Thus anyone with swords wants to be Drizzt, anyone with magic wants to be Raistalin.
  13. it's a bad day to be a rebel... also for kicks... the Next Generation Roxberry!
  14. One ofo the more intersting paradoxes of working for a massive company like mcdonalds that doesn't have too much in the way of selection is that you get one person saying yes you can get say, a milk with your #1. while you are forced to say you can't because that would drop the price of the meal below the advertised price. I think a major part of my frustration at mcdonalds is that if you take to long in drive through the bosses start to jump on you. Somtimes we have people who get up to the window where your only supposed to pick up your order, and promptly ask to get four more things. and I misstated earlier, I don't get upset about one person calling me a jackhole, it's the fact that he does it after having changed his order a dozen times and trying to get stuff he know is off limits. Add to that that taking an order in drive through is like pulling teeth somtimes... "What can I get for you?" "Ummmmm....... "..." "I'll have...... a number six" "..." "..." "do you want that grilled?" "No............. Crispy?" "ok.." "........" "and a drink for that meal?" "A diet coke" "anything else for you today?" "....." "........" "............" "Ok your total is $6.42 at the first window (saves the order so that he can start on the next one)" "Oh, I wanted a number 1 and a number 9 and a ranch salad." "(hangs head and curses)I'll change it at the First window" "but I want those things...." "FIRST WINDOW!"
  15. Welcome to customer service. You'll always get people trying to get stuff for free. gee thanks... I never knew that :rollseyes: he's just the tip of the iceberg. Seems like the next follow up question would be "Is there a particular game you are looking for?" followed perhaps by "What other games does your kid have?" If they are looking at you like you're supposed to pull the perfect game from your hat, then that means they're probably hoping you spend some time helping them some more. People often don't like asking for help directly. Well generally the question we ask if they just stare is "what system?' to which responces range from a proper system to "WHA!? what's a system" If the latter happens it's "Ps2, Xbox..." parent repsonds then we ask an age range and interest group and try to find somthing that most people like.
  16. BTW in our reserve systems at my gamestop we have a release date for this Also they are appearently releasing somthing called Half Life Black and another version called Orange that i've heard nothing about.
  17. note: I work McDonalds drive through four days of the week and usually have one or two days at gamestop. Recently at mcdonalds I had a guy start yelling because he INSISTED I'd shorted him ten dollers, so I check and find nothing, my manager counts out my drawer and finds nothing, he orders us to give him our store managers number so that he can get a look at the security video. Finially about 10 minutes later he says "I might have given him a ten instead of a twenty". Gamestop has it's own problems. Generally you get a parent hunting for somthing for their kid and when you ask if the need help the parent just says "I'm looking for a game for my kid"... and look at you like your supposed to pull the perfect game from your hat like that.
  18. I felt a massive urge to see what people think, given my line of work it seems like customer service isn't dead, but customer courtesy certainly is. And in a day all it takes is one customer to blame you (the employee who happens to be either taking the money or enforcing the rules) and your entire day is shot and you become a fairly defeated person who really could care less about your customer's feelings as long as he doesn't come after you with a weapon or get you written up.
  19. Heh, and what would I do AFTER I voted in every election. why do I see him voting then going home sitting in the easy chair and drowning his sorrows at the system?
  20. alanschu 1 calex 0 C'mon now, Darque - let's be fair! Calax's avatar wears his underwear on the outside instead of inside: alanschu 2 calax 0 But that's only because his role model is Superman! alanschu 2 calax 1 This avvy isn't superman... it's Captain Marvel better known as SHAZAM! Note the Underwear is not on the outside. Aaaaand ZING!
  21. Star Wars isn't attached to the fantasy Genre... if it was than you'd have to put everything thats got just a little bit of stuff that doesn't exsist into that catagory (Jak and Daxter, God of War, Ghost Recon, Company of Heroes, Warhammer 40k,Zone of the Enders) while the only ones who don't get jam packed into that catagory are Sports, and Ultra realistic games that come out once in a blue moon.
  22. exactly how is this on topic?
  23. Fantastic... But it's a microfest of an insane caliber. It's based around squads of guys and a triple resourse system (manpower, Munitions, and Fuel). It's got everything from smoke attacks and MG nests in buildings, to Blowing up bridges, minefields and directional damage (like rear attacks do more damage). Ultimatly its a game thats based less around numbers of people, and more about how you use them. A lot of people love it because it takes first person ragdoll physics and graphics and puts them in a strategy game. It can be funny with the ragdoll physics if you've got bighead mode on (they actually included a way to put in GIGANTIC heads in the game)
  24. .....IN BED! Always always ALWAYS add that to the end of your Fortune.
  25. You say that the people of Mississippi and Oklahoma and alaska wouldn't get their points of view represented because the candidates would rarely (if ever) enter the states. This kinda gets me because according to my local newspaper, California was reguarded by candidates primairly as wellspring of funding for their campaigns and would rarely have rallies or other events here because it wasn't that big of a deal (its primarys were at first way behind everyone else, then moved to the big 8 day, and finially are being shoved into Feb. of 08). Now the state has decided to make itself of consequence in the election by moving its Primary date up to Feb 23 (I think). How the most populous state in the union (and the fourth largest economy in the world) can be sidelined by a state that has a grand total of THREE electoral votes boggles my mind. and Meta, if the entire purpose of the presidential campaign is to put the person who the PEOPLE think should be in charge, in charge, why does tyrrany of the majority dictate that he shouldn't and the minority candidate recieve the presidency for collecting a total of 11 states (Texas (34 votes), Pennsylvania (21), Ohio (20), North Carolina (15), New York (31), New Jersey (15), Michigan (17), Illinois (21), Georgia (15), Florida (27) and California (55)) This would cause everyone in every single of the other states feeling like they were Ignored completly by the current president. BTW, your little quote on voter apathy is saying the American Governmental system has failed utterly and should be eliminated. Is that your stance?
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