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Everything posted by Calax

  1. that game will be SCARY lookin on your beasty.
  2. Usually I stop playing a game once I hit a hump point where you MUST be four times more powerful than the last fight you had to beat the boss... FFVII I haven't beaten but got to SAFER Xenosagas, usually got pretty dam close and quit in boredom. Wish I could say LOTR: The Third Age probably a half a dozen others that I forget.
  3. Yes, there are mechanisms that have been put in place since Rousseau wrote in 1762. That's the main defence of a bicameral parliament. That's why the smallest states (population-wise) get equal say in the Upper House, as it is a place of validation, rather than creation of legislation. Calax, what you are basically complaining about is a disconnect with society ("I don't even want to be American"). As I said, there are (at least) two ways you can approach this: re-engage with society, or run away. Have you tried getting together with some of your neighbours? There's no need to be so distressed; look at Kurt Cobain, he wasn't born of privilege, yet he was able to influence a significant percentage of the population. The "Moral Majority" was nowhere near a majority; it was just a motivated group of people. Y'know, "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step", so just try to find some friends together. Creating a little community, even if it's "guys who wear black make-up", it's a start. Soon you'll be able to find other people who think that the government needs some assistance in policy ... Kinda hard to make people join you when A) you have no talant other than being a sociopath with add and B) on a scale of one to ten (one being Most liberal 10 being most consevative) you rate a one and everyone within five miles is a 10.
  4. Fantasy like god of war and Conan I would LOVE more of, Fantasy like Tolkien (yay!@ we're all going to save the world and have NO sex drive!) I'll play but the setting isn't anything special. ... Do we classify FF as Fantasy Steampunk or Cyberpunk? or just not classify it because it defies classification?
  5. because with electoral college only certain states get attention paid to them and in those states the wannabe leader will usually try to work the unions and church groups to drum up more support rather than work on the general public. Also meta. HOW THE HECK DOES ELECTORAL COLLEGE CHANGE THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!? Other than giving the less popular candidate the office every so often.
  6. Did you scream "In the NAME of RIGHTEOUSNESS I SMITE THEE!" while you turned zombies to mush
  7. Except that the Tyrrany of the Majority arguement is only viable if the Legislative branch were dead. Given the House and the Senate exsist and the other skillion checks and balances we implemented to keep everyone in check there is no way for a president to get into office and promptly reinstate slavery. Electoral college just gives the fringe groups more power because they become a deciding factor rather than a marginal movement because of their zaniness. Thus your average american is eiter ignored or lumped into a group that he has a tenuous attachment to at best.
  8. I have no clue what Slug just said. But I'm guessing we wouldn't know about the guy until he's in his twenties or if we did he'd be brought up to be a "good citizen" For more on this topic please read Supreme Power from the MAX imprint.
  9. Makes no difference. The government REPRESENTS THE WILL OF THE SOCIETY. If the government decides that it needs all citizens to to bear arms for the collective good of the society, then any person(s) who renege against the state are illegals. To quote Jean-Jacques Rousseau, I'll need to define his terms: Now, what are citizens' responsibilities to this body politic (he terms the sovereign): So the state would not survive long unless it is built on robust and equal membership of all members to form a common agreement. What is this common agreement? Well, Rousseau illustrated how people might live together, under the only equitable basis, the social contract: The freedom he defines cleverly (see below), and further explains the difference: Now, any contract has an exit clause, and that has conditions: Basically, using the duty of soldiership as a political weapon is not appropriate (much less fit for purpose). If you don't like the government policy, make them change it through the political system. Otherwise you will just destroy the society. Well what I meant was that you seemed to have a fairly large beef with the fact that he joined VOLUNTAIRLY then decided that the war was illegal and refused. Now if you were to draft an 18 year old into a war he REALLY didn't want to go into and then he said no... I think you'd be on the boy's side rather than the nations. I personally never EVER asked to be made a citizen of the US, nor am I a proud member. BUT I still need work, so what am i supposed to do? besides, you still didn't answer my question about how the tyrrany of the majority affects the presidential election process.
  10. I think half life falls under "more questions than answers" portion of that catagory.
  11. so... what would you think if he were a conscript Meta?
  12. It seems this is also a condition of developers trying to balance gameplay issues associated with non-linearity. NWN did spawns so it could create encounters more appropriate to your level. In fact, I think they are even called "Encounters" in the Toolset. well... wouldn't this lead to cases like (infamously) FF8 where the enemies leveled with you (so you could hit lvl 99 pretty easily at the start of the game)
  13. Since when is Tyrrany of the Majority a factor in determining who's president? Last I heard the majority had little or no power over said person until next election year so he can do what he wills within the confines of the law.
  14. Currently Playing: Samurai Warriors 2 WoW Lego Star Wars 2 Mechwarrior 4
  15. Ya know.. I think it'd be interesting if a game started you out strong. But most of your quests required brain power rather than brawn. I can understand his thing about FFXII. It's a LONG game that requires a heck of a lot of work. But it's also more complex than most religions. One of the biggest things that bothers me in RPGs in general, is that when you fight a party member... they are incredibly good. but when they decide to hop into your party, the "forget" everything they knew and can hardly take a hit.
  16. For want of a nail a shoe was lost For want of a shoe the horse was lost For want of a horse the Knight was lost For want of a Knight the battle was lost For want of a battle the kingdom was lost And so it is that a kingdom fell all for want of a nail. Seems both appropriate and horribly out of place at the same time here.
  17. sounds right. The apperntice will be a character similar to Kyle Katarn in that he's got a personality and such. No name yet but the groupies at lucasarts are trying. the jedi battles will be pretty dang cool.
  18. actually the apprentice is a secret from everyone. So he runs around and kills jedi but everyone thinks HE'S a jedi. Hence he gets in fights with stormies.
  19. I love that video.
  20. well where I'm living has had maybe half of the rain it's supposed to... been friggin cold for most of the winter but it's starting to warm back up to the 60's.
  21. Vaders apprentice... your job initially is to run around killing escapee's of the Jedi Purge. Shaak Ti is on your hit list. They also are trying to attach real physics and object properties to the game making it so you can literrally take a stormie and toss him into a wooden wall and see the wall break realistically.
  22. first ones was less graphic. But I liked knocking over the vase better than the statue of ?
  23. Capn "million times more powerful with Soretsu!" OPG
  24. You play the apprentice of Lord Vader during the years between ROTS and ANH. From what I can tell in the gamespy article, you start out doing jedi hunts and ultimatly your entire goal is to murder the emperor for your master. Wii isn't ruled out but they doubt it will be red steel with lightsabers.
  25. BTW Sand is one of Hades many alts.
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