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Everything posted by Calax

  1. www.machall.com www.threepanelsoul.com read all of machall first then go to three panel soul.
  2. meh I say just go back to the really old system that enoch mentioned. that way people wouldn't have to worry about drm software checking them out.
  3. you don't like deanna troi of TNG!?
  4. I cant say for sure, but it seems to be a combination of levels and story events. It works, thats the important thing. It's entirly based around what you do there are four or five major planets and a series of sidequests (usually under the UNC tag) after every planet everyone has something new to say, and after three UNC quests... otherwise they just ignore you. I thought that Kotor did a better job at pacing the characters than ME. In ME it felt like you would either have little or no development in the other characters for a long time then they'd all of a sudden start spitting out their life stories. or the other way around (depends on when you do the sidequests.) Sidequests btw are essentially running through the same four dungons after doing an offroad challange to figure out why this mining team or that recon squad or these creatures were where or missing or whatever. Honestly for ME2 I hope they have less planets but more to do on those planets.
  5. Good point. But he does make the notion that games usually have as good writing as the consumers who buy them, thus the stigma of being immature themselves. And AO is a very big "No-no" in games in the US, since it usually means, compared to movies, that it contains explicit sex or direct pornography. And since a nipple-slip in can be considered as "AO" in games, well go figure. And as Xard said, the biggest supermarket chains refuses to sell AO-games, leaving the market self-censored. actually god of war refutes your nipple slip comment there mesh
  6. why not have a phone that not only has an all in one functionality but also will turn into a car at a command? or be a ROBOT IN DISGUISE!
  7. Yarr!
  8. Mass effect... found that there was essentially a "New Game +" for careers... and am now running around with a level 52 commando on Novaria
  9. It's true though, the driving is horrendous in GTA IV. Nah I agree, the driving isn't bad, it's good. It's more of a frustration than a complaint from the people who don't like the driving I reckon. I can quite easily imagine someone doing a mission in GTA IV, screwing up their driving in it and going "Oh **** me the driving's ****in' ****!" rather than blaming themselves. the only time I ever got frustrated while driving was when you were kidnapping the girl.
  10. played and beat assasins creed again. This Time did EVERYTHING I possibly could at the first opportunity except the flags and templars. interesting thing I noticed on my second play through, Altiar is missing his ring finger on his left hand (so he can make a fist and allow his hidden blade through.) Also you can fight (counter anyway) with the hidden blade for some REALLY BRUTAL kills. (if you can time it well I oneshotted the final boss with that sucker.)
  11. well the new PoP will focus on one on one fights rather than a bunch of guys on the poor prince. also he'll be able to slide down any wall thanks to a gauntlet on his left arm. also, no weapon pickups like in WW and the two thrones.
  12. The new prince of Persia has peaked my interest. (the latest GI had some screenies and an article about it.) Prototype looks like one I'll wait for reviews on, Force unleashed and Red Alert 3
  13. Dum Dums will easily pop off a limb if they hit the limb.
  14. Beat gta IV and was thinking about running through Assassins creed again. Or doing a run through of Mass effect as a soldier with charm and intimidate skills and pistols.
  15. 2 things can sombody post a link to where they said they'd patch out the security. and Can sombody tell me if they are going to be patching the 360 version with an inventory sorter?
  16. Subs will also translate the russian/slavic spoken.
  17. Liberty City Minute achievement with 7 minutes to spare.
  18. they needed work on the three talk stations... the programming is ultimatly too short in my opinion. Sure it's funny the first time you hear it but when it repeats every 40 minutes you've got a problem given the amount of driving your doing.
  19. did bleach just randomly drop the whole hacendo mundo storyline in favor of another one for 169 or am I dreaming things?
  20. I ship out july 24. from what recruiters tell me subs are now volunteer only so NO chance of me going on one of those little sinkers.
  21. two things. One, I hope I don't get attached to a carrier. Two, getting in shape is a bugger all.
  22. Oh Jackie poo... why must thou hate this game so... NPR http://www.npr.org/blogs/talk/2008/05/gtaiv_on_botn.html Ok, so its Adam Sessler with Thompson calling in and crusading against the game then sidestepping the issue of has he played the game.
  23. Roman will send you to tw@ in a mission don't worry, then it'll start appearing on your map. Found a FANTASTIC achievement. Warm Coffee: get invited in to your girlfriends apartment (got this after dating michelle twice)
  24. we had battleships until 06... but they were ultimately missile platforms.
  25. that mantra is wierd given I'm in the nave rather than the army anyway by the end of the year I should be working on Fire control stuff for the navy (got into the "advanced electronics" program now called JOG)
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