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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Awww, this is going to be a single player experiance for me but I'm saddened by the lack of macro management RTS's
  2. isn't it usually Ctrl-1 is to group things into group 1?
  3. That too. For some reason I had forgotten that fact.
  4. *Get a good anti-virus and run every file through it after downloading. *Avoid .exe files if possible - these might make mods easier to install, but, then again, they might also install something in addition to the mod. *Use your brain. If a site looks sketchy, ditch the addon or mod and find another one. You don't have to use the client, usually you just download the .xml files (I think they're .xml) and place it in your interface/addons folder and run the game. Anything with an EXE is IMHO suspect.
  5. The addons generally don't have any way to install a worm or trojan onto your system as they are files that get read by the game to change your interface. However the Curse Client that they are pushing has a keylogger in it. I personally use Atlasloot (shows loot tables for EVERY boss and reputation, and tier sets, and crafted sets... well it shows everything of value) Xpearl unit frames, Omen Threat meter, and Questhelper. Quest helper takes up the most system memory but it stores the location of every quest item, and shows you where to go to complete the quests. Basically it shortens the amount of time you take questing by more than half.
  6. Recount is the one people love, well that and wowwebstats but the latter is more to break down what you do during a fight.
  7. Well, the newspapers are dying. At least the print versions are tho' online versions seem to be holding their own for now. CNN & MSNBC have a leftwing agenda that is easily picked up if watched long enough. At the other extreme is Fox News. I tend to be more center of the road. I'd rather listen to the BBC, Radio Australia, Radio Japan, etc as their reporting of US & international news seems to be less biased overall... Interesting factoid, CNN was probably the slowest to award states to either obama or mccain. Admittedly it was slower by only one or two states but still it was slower.
  8. I liked R6V2 to a degree. I didn't find it as the best shooter, and sometimes it could be annoying to be the only competent member of the team. It was ok, not great, not terrible. It did what it had set out to do which was deliver a somewhat realistic team based FPS. Probably the most fun I had with it was rappelling down a wall flipping over and blowing four guys heads off with my pistol. Could it have been better? Probably, some of the environments had so little cover to get around (Glares at the rock climbing room) that you'd have to spend a massive amount of ammo to make it safe. I don't think there was unlimited ammo. I think you were limited in the number of clips you could use (which was I believe 15 or so of the clips) but there was a resupply stop everywhere so you didn't really have to worry.
  9. The thing about tanks and fire is that if they are lit NO MATTER WHAT after 60 (I think thats on expert, it drops by 15 second intervals) it will fall over dead. so you light it and run like the dickens and it will die without a single bullet being fired. And for general killing of witches and Tanks probably the best weapon is the shot gun because it just UNLOADS damage on the target where as a sniper rifle seems to expend half it's killing power on the first 2 targets it hits so against a tank it does dramatically less damage than the other two weapons. But the Rifle is probably one of the best things to take down a horde coming at you through a hallway because one shot takes out upwards of four zombies.
  10. Usually when we play the tank will take down a player, then one of the best players health wise will run up and bash the tank which causes the tank to look at him and chase him, the other players unload into the tank. Or if you're good enough just light the tank on fire and as long as you survive the amount of time required the tank will automatically die.
  11. Hmm, true. History shows there's a bad track record there. Who would you suggest? Japan?
  12. Having read the comics about the Great Sith War, I know of nothing you just posted. Ulic after the war was unable to touch the force because if he tried lightside he'd end up hurting himself severly do to a sith potion, and he didn't want to use the dark side. He fled civilized space to a small ice world (might have been Rhen Var), where Nomi Sunriders daughter found him and had him train her to be a Jedi. Sylvar still hurting after the death of her mate, and blaming Ulic for that death, eventually found her way to the planet where she ended up not killing him. But the pilot who had transported both Ulic and Sylvar shot Ulic in the back and killed him. No force ghosts, no fake weapons. That's Ulics post Sith War tale.
  13. Will they crash? That seems pretty unlikely given the current dominance. They have been pretty effective at bringing in new and casual gamers, and I'm not just talking about WoW. Everquest was a fairly large sensation in its heyday and I remember being surprised at how many girls I knew who got hooked on it. These were girls who usually only had a passing interest in a game here and there, definitely not what would be considered hardcore, but the MMO was addicting. The last couple major MMO releases have sold phenomenally well in the first month, so a slowdown doesn't seem evident yet. Eventually every genre runs into bumps in the road and dry spells, but MMO's also have a lifespan that is unique to it's genre. People are still paying to play games that are 10 years old. WoW is 5 years old and still making a ton of money. The MMO genre is completely unique to the rest of gaming. I think the MMO market has hit a minor crash where it is right now, games that might be fantastic are getting passed over because people don't want to pay a second monthly fee. I think the last two MMO releases of consequence were Age of Conan and W:AR an from what I hear Age is already starting to die off, they've shut down half their servers in order to cut costs. W:AR sounds like it's going to fair better but the jury is ultimately still out on that. They are evolving but very slowly. There are niche games like EVE and COH that stray from the genre's usual ideas, but they also have alot in common with the "standard" MMO template. Real Genre pushers seem to have be squashed neath the mighty treads of WoW. Tabula Rasa sounded like it was totally different from WoW and the standard formula (with gun combat and monsters taking cities and what not) but it's since died, same with Hellgate. To a degree at least some of them are. WoW simply because it's so massive is a sort of social networking on a level that I've yet to see otherwise. Myspace and Facebook might be bigger than WoW but generally the entirety of the interaction on those sights is that the owner of that acct posts some pictures or thoughts and others respond. WoW by it's very nature makes you become friends with others and you have to rely upon them to get certain things done. I think WoW also forces those 12 year old "I'm da man!" kids, who do everything they can to grief others or show their superiority, to put a sock in it because their actions can actually have consequence, if they don't group well, or ninja loot usually word gets out about what they do and they have to start grouping with tools like themselves to get things done. The best part is that 90% of the tools that get themselves ostracized by the community, aren't very skilled at the game.
  14. Not entirely true. They've 11,5 million active subscibers, and they charge 12.99 each month. 12.99*11,5 = ~150 million each month. As for the servers. A half year ago Blizzard gave an interview and said all the support and servers etc. cost them about 200 million since 2004. So let's say 200 million in 4 years, that's 50 million a year, that's around 4,2 million a month. 150 - 4,2 and they still make 146 million profit per month. I mean, NOT FRIGGIN BAD! they also have to employ 3 design teams to keep up with wow, one to fix bugs, one to create new content for the current game, and one to make the next expansion.
  15. eh, I'd be a believer if this happened to me: meanwhile back in normal town So it's ok to bend the will of a country to fit your personal moral standard but it's not ok for said country to bend itself to another s moral standard because they are heathens? I'm also confused by your statement "so something the religion allows may be actually illegal which leads to potential prison time for doing something the law finds punishable". Now the way I've been taught is that generally you try to make everyone play nice in the sandbox by making rules that generally prevent things like theft and murder, other areas like, say polygamy are legislated because of intense pressure by the religious groups, Honestly? The only religious practice I can think of that'd get you tossed in jail includes either the death of another, or polygamy, and even then polygamy doesn't seem to be all that much enforced.
  16. went back to superdickery.com for the first time in about a year. For those who don't know its a series of comic covers and art sometimes taken out of context most of the time it's not, and it's all designed around "WTF were you thinking when you wrote these!" A few examples: Comic Reality-TV? ... WHO puts a bullseye on a Cop car? and finially Seriously? Also half the fun of the site is reading the captions he comes up with for the images.
  17. I donno, but it seems like every time an atheist does something that seems somewhat political media hounds do their best to pick up on it because they (and the majority of America) seem to think that atheism/agnostics are very small portions of the population. For example, A few years ago a man decided to try to sue to remove the words "In God we trust" from the money that we all use. Now IMHO the government oversteps its bounds in that they add that little line to absolutely everything that they do, heck even our justice system uses it, but from what I was led to believe in High School was that the government of the United States would not under any circumstances show preference to any particular religion. While this has been used for hilarity, I also think it has been largely ignored by our heads of state because America during it's formulative years was primarily Christian. Now this may seem to most people like a little thing but ask yourself, why would an A-religious state have God specifically mentioned in most of it's politics. I thought that the Bruhaha over "OMG Obama is going to swear in on a Koran(I know that's not the right spelling but whatever)!" was a little bit too much of religion entering the American political arena. I personally think that a church or religion should be concerned more with the spiritual health of it's flock and less with operations of government. I guess Religious groups just want it to be easy for them to get practitioners by making it so you go to church on sunday, and the rest of the year national law prevents you from sinning. I always thought part of being a good christian was that you were shown vice and/or sin and you were strong enough in will to turn away from it. With the way Churches are trying to influence our politics they would prefer that their flocks never be put to the test. I mean how can you gauge the spiritual health of your congregation without knowing that either did or didn't fight off the temptations put before them. IMHO Tend to your practitioners, leave the governing to the people.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Onee_Chanbara_(series) sweet zombie jesus on a pogo stick, they're bringing it to the states!
  19. I think that Valve is going to be adding more campaigns down the road and eventually open it up to fans to build their own levels.
  20. Basically the AI will keep itself accuracy wise in the range you stated, however they have Xray vision so they tend to put out alot more lead in places a normal player wouldn't even be able to see (on blood harvest I can't count the times where i've been zipping along and all of a sudden my 3 ai teammates turn 90 degrees and pump a full clip into a tree only to have a boomer or smoker kill noise when they turn back to follow me. Also they never put any shots into an ally. Edit: I being the WoW tankhead that I am, have been caught up in a thread about the "bar" for different tanking classes. Arguments about, but the general consensus is that Death Knights and Druid tanks will generally outperform warriors and paladins when you're dealing with a MASSIVE amount of damage in one blow, beyond that they seem to have some of the best mitigation mixed with ok dps for off tanking. The main arguement is between paladins and warriors, Warriors want a buff to make us actually the best at somthing, paladins say we're fine. Interesting stuff IMHO, it also gave me a direction to spec myself (my spec is mostly me saying "This might be good!")
  21. http://budlight.whipnet.com/ the singer in the backround is actually the guy who did Eye of the Tiger.
  22. I don't know, I think that the outrage that a group is advertising that there is no god when they are quite happy advertising for their own religion seems like they're holding themselves to a lower standard than the agnostics/atheists. The whole thing about Christmas is IMHO stupid, there is no war on christmas (like FoxNews is always trying to point out), just the fact that more people celebrate things around December than Christians. Also didn't the Catholic Church steal Jesus's birthday from a pagan god so that those pagans would worship him as their primary deity? And something that I want to ask Catholics, Why do you sprawl so much belief and worship on the feet of Jesus and Mary instead of on your God?
  23. I'm playing on PC so I don't get achievements. basically it's for jumping strait down onto a cop.
  24. I did like the "It'sa ME!" achievement
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