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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I wasn't born until he was out of the white house, but from what I gather, he was ahead of his time and underappreciated, and has one of the highest hidsight approval ratings in presidential history. I think part of the problem was that a LOT of his policies took a while to dial in. Meanwhile Reagan's campaign winning line was "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?" Which the Republicans/Romney tried to pull off on Obama to less success.
  2. Really depends on the local levels. Right-to-work states generally speaking have very weak unions (or none at all). Have you met the California Teacher's Union?
  3. That's to Bruce right? I'm not saying that she deserves anything, just that it's hard to get anywhere in politics if you're an "old hat" in the game.
  4. The odd thing about american politics, to me, is that we take everything so.... unrealistically. A man has cheated on his wife, however this cannot be dealt with in private, it has to be a public matter. Maybe Bill was allowed to sleep around? Who knows, we're not going to pry into their sex life enough that we can find these things out, but we sure as hell can enforce our personal values upon them as a basis to decide if they are good at governing a Nation or not. Everyone is human, everyone makes stupid mistakes, but we expect our politicians to not make them. You have to be a politically perfect paragon of your particular beliefs... or you'll be told that you can't make it in politics (without already being there). Anthony Weiner is a perfect example of this, he seemed good at his job, but it turned out that he wasn't exactly faithful and all of a sudden the entire nation declared him evil, even though we don't know his relationship with his wife (who stood by him and possibly pushed him into the NYC Mayoral Race the next election cycle)
  5. Somebody detects that his owner has icecream. I **** you not, he's climbing all over me because there is icecream on my desk. Also:
  6. Unless Bill is her VP and he plans on assassinating her on day 1 of being president, I don't think so. He may or may not be morally bankrupt, but at least he was a decent president. Her? I know she's morally bankrupt - why else would she stay married to that husband of hers that cheated on her in one of the biggest public marital scandals of all time without so much as batting an eye...if not for the lure of power later on - and while she has shown flashes of competence at one time or another, I'd rather take my chances with virtually anyone else. So, you'd consider Jackie Kennedy to be Morally Bankrupt?
  7. Don't you know? Gamers are dead as a culture!
  8. I think Clinton's problem boils down to "She's been in the limelight for 2 decades." Thus it's really easy for people to find different things to say she's terrible about. It doesn't help that she's been the target for the Republican machine since 2012.
  9. I may be selling Fords in the next week or two.
  10. Installing Wolfenstien Old Blood. A game that's 37 gigs, as an addon to the Nazi killing awesomeness. Also GTA five and remembering why I hate Trevor so much (the guy is so inconsistant)
  11. I'm surprised you have drills at schools for SWAT showing up armed to the teeth. The only drills we had at our school were the once a year fire drills, if the teachers remembered to do it. Welcome to the post-Columbine world. We practice Code Red drills, which involve barricading ourselves in our classroom. I believe most states do this now. When I was little in California... they were earthquake drills >.>
  12. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/may/04/chuck-norris-warns-government-conspiracy-take-over-texas?CMP=fb_us As much as you may enjoy him, Chuck Norris is insane.
  13. And I wish I had this on something other than My PS4.
  14. At least that guy is actually enforcing the twisted laws of the future. Punisher's entire point is that he ignores the law and kills people he knows done "Bad stuff" which is exactly what you don't want LAW ENFORCEMENT to idolize. But as I mentioned I doubt that is why they using that symbol, I really think its got to do with Chris Kyle I can completely understand your concern if they were using that symbol for other reasons apart from what I mentioned as the Punisher by nature isn't law abiding which would be problem for anyone who is in law enforcement Except that even then, that's no excuse. In the same way it was no excuse when the Scout-Sniper teams were using the lightning bolt SS logo on their flags. Just because somebody else is using it doesn't divorce it from the fact that it's basically a symbol for a guy who's the antethesis of the entire Justice system.
  15. http://qz.com/397499/h2-historys-abomination-of-a-spinoff-channel-will-be-replaced-by-vice/ History Channel is dropping it's H2 channel in favor of something else. Also learned from that, Discovery promised to knock off the psudeoscience and try to make the channel less about reality TV
  16. At least that guy is actually enforcing the twisted laws of the future. Punisher's entire point is that he ignores the law and kills people he knows done "Bad stuff" which is exactly what you don't want LAW ENFORCEMENT to idolize.
  17. Didn't see the film so couldn't get appalled. Sorry to break your mind.
  18. Just gonna say, I am appalled at something that's shown up because of this incident. Look closely at the shoulder patch of this Texas swat member. That's the ****ing Punisher symbol... on LAW ENFORCEMENT!
  19. Not what I've seen recently. Is that Rick Moranis? I don't think so, but it might be.
  20. Because it was so badly hyped and the reviewers didn't take it as the B-movie it was designed to be. The podcast with the Director is enlightening about how the movie got shot in the foot from the get go. Like a lot of the kills and various other things she shot in the movie are straight from the comic... but the reviewers didn't know it so they threw out the bad reviews for that sort of reason.
  21. Not movies I've seen, but I recently found a podcast from Paul Scheer called "how did this get made". Probably the best one's I've found from the cast are him and his friends picking apart Birdemic with Weird Al and Whitney Moore (Whitney being the lead girl in Birdemic). The other one is Punisher War Zone, with the Director of that flick and Patton Oswald. http://www.earwolf.com/show/how-did-this-get-made/
  22. But in the middle of it all there shines a true American hero who never falters from his ideals, so all of that is ok, because if the system does come crashing down he will be there to save us. As I said, most of marvels movies are like that and captain America even more so, because he is...well captain America. This is my, probably colored, opinion. I feel like it was sort of the Ideal vs the Reality of American politics and the American dream/sense of justice. El Capitan represents what we're taught in schools and how we should act towards one another, while Fury/Shield are how we ACTUALLY act in situations where we are threatened. The best example of this is when they unveil Project Insight and get into a discussion of what it actually means to be "protecting" people. You could probably also put it towards the Justice system too, where police want a system where they can just arrest people because "I know he did it! (or is going to do it!)" Instead of the idea that people are defended to the very end to ensure the guilty person isn't put in prison. Although the movie came out around the time of Edward Snowden and the NSA bruhaha, so it seemed more like a commentary on the NSA and it's internal spying programs etc. Thor Dark World is basically a reaction to how popular Loki was/is. It felt like they made up the movie around the idea of "People want to see Thor and Loki doing... something. The Villain doesn't matter!"
  23. Volo you know what always amuses me about this thread, the constant contradictions I see you guys making. In the beginning you at least use to try to defend it or explain it ...now its just blatant and seems to lack any compunction Two of my favorite ones are " We at GG are opposed to censorship and believe in free speech....but we want companies to pull advertising from the likes of Kotaku and Gamasutra in the hope these websites close down because we don't like what they say about GG" "We don't like generalizations about GG, generalizations are wrong. Yet all SJW are Nazis and because there was a bomb hoax at the GG conference this just confirms that anti-GG is like ISIS ( so now because of a bomb hoax the whole of anti-GG which consists of tens of thousands of people is like a brutal and outdated extremist group that chops off peoples heads and crucifies its opponents.....hyperbole anyone ? ) But you guys are very entertaining...so keep up the laughs Just gonna say to the first point, Technically, that's not censorship. Censorship is them asking for the government or somebody else coming in to shut them down for saying what they're saying. Pulling Ads is saying "Oh, you can say it, you just might not get money for saying it!" Sure you right about definition of what censorship means But free speech? These websites are openly opposed to GG and people on this thread want these websites to go out of business...how do you reconcile that when you say " I believe in free speech" ? So we only really believe in the principle of free speech when the free speech supports our views? Because they are still free to say what they want, they just have to accept the consequences of what they say if advertisers start pulling support.
  24. Volo you know what always amuses me about this thread, the constant contradictions I see you guys making. In the beginning you at least use to try to defend it or explain it ...now its just blatant and seems to lack any compunction Two of my favorite ones are " We at GG are opposed to censorship and believe in free speech....but we want companies to pull advertising from the likes of Kotaku and Gamasutra in the hope these websites close down because we don't like what they say about GG" "We don't like generalizations about GG, generalizations are wrong. Yet all SJW are Nazis and because there was a bomb hoax at the GG conference this just confirms that anti-GG is like ISIS ( so now because of a bomb hoax the whole of anti-GG which consists of tens of thousands of people is like a brutal and outdated extremist group that chops off peoples heads and crucifies its opponents.....hyperbole anyone ? ) But you guys are very entertaining...so keep up the laughs Just gonna say to the first point, Technically, that's not censorship. Censorship is them asking for the government or somebody else coming in to shut them down for saying what they're saying. Pulling Ads is saying "Oh, you can say it, you just might not get money for saying it!"
  25. http://kotaku.com/gamergate-meetup-evacuated-after-apparent-threat-1701761645 Relevant due to Kotaku, Bias, and GamersGate. Specifically the fact that according to them, GamersGate is FIRST about harassing feminists and also might be about ethics in journalism.
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