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Everything posted by Calax

  1. nah, we're headed back in to 10's tonight, 25 is REALLY rough for the second boss (simply because the adds get so much more strength). And my horde guild cleared two nights ago. That said, my DK is ungodly on the dps meters (doing about 6.7k damage per second for the entirety of ToC25... Number 1 on the meters). It actually scared me a bit. Of course it was even worse on the first day when the shadow portion of scourge strike could crit individually for upwards of 10k (plus a 4-6k physical)
  2. They really need to get WoWspeak to English on Google translate ASAP he's enjoying the new content patch for wow which included 3 new dungeons and the final raid which will put an end cap to the Lich King storyline. In the raid there are currently four bosses released with 12 more to be unlocked, he's gotten 3 of the four dead on the 10 man version of the raid.
  3. I'm OK with the bailout, I'm not OK with political corruption. So far we haven't found a solution to it though. And wow, you don't want to go through what the Soviets went through with the collapse. You white bread Western ninnies would never be able to handle it. Nor would you I'm guessing.
  4. Rosj has the right idea, the game's basics were very well done, but when they started building on that it just started to fall apart. Also I'm willing to bet LA has learned from the paddling session that they got from critics and have changed how it works.
  5. For any game in particular? I've got my eye on Heavy Rain, but would need a PS3 to play that. I just want to play the sweet exclusives it has like MGS4, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, and Uncharted 2 Was it the regular PS3 or the new slim model that I'm planning on getting? I haven't had a problem with mine and it was used
  6. So Stockholm is mostly single family houses? Not the impression I got from Project Gotham Racing 2. Seriously, man. Let's take San Diego as comparison as Calax did (even though his numbers are a bit strange)... This is central San Diego. This is central Stockholm. Now, which one looks to be more densely populated? The one where people live in apartment blocks from the 19th century or the one where people live in skyscrapers? You tell me. the numbers are pulled from wiki, I wasn't gonna look very hard for numbers to show such an obvious fallacy.
  7. A bit of something given your partisanship and the fact that you seem to take that which you see in a game as truthiness. Stockholm has a population density of 1 person per 22.2 km2 as of 1996 NYC NYC has a population density of 26,402.9 per mile squared Stockholm has about 1.2 million people about the same as San Diego Diego has a pop density of 3,771.9 per Mile (or 1,456.4/km2) Stockholm is NOT "compact"
  8. Now who's racist? Could be cultural, not necessarily racial or ethnic. Except that for the most part when sombody says scandavian they come up with a particular brand of white (meaning white, blond, athletic...) thus racial. WTF? Stockholm is anything but compact. You could wonder if the person in question has even been there himself. Stockholm is very thinly spread out with almost no tall buildings, especially central Stockholm. This has been the central issue for local politics for decades, it's strange to see someone claim the opposite. Although it is true that Sweden is, compared to the US, a more urban country the cities in question does not have very large population per unit of area. So Stockholm is mostly single family houses? Not the impression I got from Project Gotham Racing 2. this statement is just a point of how idiotic you can sometimes be. You're using PGR2 to give you cultural impressions of a society. Particularly a racing game where the speeds are such that you barely can see the buildings as they whiz by. And before you say something like this please look at the link that was posted in the previous post about THE THING YOU JUST SAID IS INCORRECT!
  9. They do to a degree, but they won't totally handicap themselves by NOT having tech (they're allowed to use phones and electricity as necessity requires). And with everything going online now they probably need to have some sort of 'net connection to prevent having to go into town and wait in lines (and probably be made fun of by idiot middle schoolers).
  10. The third one has an EPIC fight (at least the first time you do it) where you're fleeing the Lich king with either Jaina or Sylvanas... there is nothing like the fear of watching a giant guy in armor coming at you periodically stopping to summon an army of undead minions!
  11. *sigh* Ok captain partisan. obviously you have no idea of rationality.
  12. They might not necessairly need the russian signature for the extension of the treaty, you're projecting really hard to find ways to hate.
  13. who's projecting so hard they can display power point? He may have sent a delegation but it's not like he has power over what other countries are doing. That article simply states that in accordance with the Kyoto treaty, Russia (who's carbon emissions plummeted after the fall of communism) has a whole pack of carbon credits. How our CURRENT president has ANYTHING to do with the signing of the treaty, Russias reduction in carbon emissions, or how the other countries handle these facts, is something you're going to need to explain to me.
  14. ... where is obama mentioned in that article ANYWHERE!?
  15. ... that is all.
  16. Learned your lesson hopefully. You gotta keep your head down son, otherwise you get nailed by the hammer of society. Not to mention the entire thing was relatively trivial and the outcome predictable. I know. Still, people gotta stand up for what they think was right or the status quo will never change. I understand your concerns here, but you might want to also look at it from the point of the view of the dean and the teacher. Did you expect him to just fire her because of a couple student complaints? She has probably worked hard and put in a lot of years to get into a college level position. It would be pretty messed up if she just lost it all because you didn't like her teaching style. This is one class for you, it will be forgotten by next semester, but this one class is her entire career. I understand what you're saying, but you seem to be forgetting that this is a COMMUNITY college, not a full 4 year institution. And while her career is based off of a degree in what she's teaching, she's teaching an intro class as (effectively) "Social problems lite". The core of her field of study is a set of three sociological theories (fundamentalist, conflict, and social interaction) but she's doing such a terrible job as a teacher because of her focus on the inequality garbage that every student I've talked to about our final paper has said "I'm gonna have to go to wikipedia to figure out what the theories are". I'm sorry, but if you can't get THE BASIS FOR THE ENTIRE SUBJECT across to the students because you are so preoccupied with a particular agenda, you shouldn't be teaching period. It's like a preacher who's so focused on defending people from Satan he forgets to tell his congregation exactly who god is and what god does. Leaving the congregation saying in response to "Go with God!" "Who the hell is god and what does he have to do with Satan?" Or taking a philosophy course that ignores Plato in favor of discussing the fact that there is a god and it's christian and the teacher explains why all the other religions are wrong and their adherents are going to burn in hell for their audacity.
  17. Maybe it's the way myself and others constantly attack him which makes him harsh and defensive? I'm probably one of the least harsh people on this forum, for instance I never insult people first unlike the unprovoked insult you just quoted. I do defend myself when attacked, which is constant, so it's no wonder if I look defensive. As far as smug, talk about pot calling the kettle black. Honestly, from everything I've seen the reason that people like to pick on you is because some of the stuff that you say is so idiotic that it makes people spit stuff all over their screens. And you are smug and egotistical, Look at how you responded to her the first time "I'm richer than you!" when you have no clue about the other persons circumstances. You don't know the state of Lare's finances nor mine. All you get about peoples lives on here is a tiny snapshot taken through a window of the interwebs. Hardly enough to make calls like "I'm richer" or "I'm so awesome you'd be blown away" or "I have the bigger Cheney!"
  18. Actually, the video does show refutation of the links you posted. Including exactly what they were discussion, why they were discussing it, and what it meant. Hell on at least one point (where one of the doctors actually said "I don't think this is true") it was PUBLICIZED IN THE GUYS OWN ARTICLES HE'S WRITTEN!
  19. Actually I did see a hands on, on Xplay of all things. Looks pretty good, but the marines look like they're going to be hamstrung because you're not supposed to wander around alone in the single player game
  20. Learned your lesson hopefully. You gotta keep your head down son, otherwise you get nailed by the hammer of society. Not to mention the entire thing was relatively trivial and the outcome predictable. I know. Still, people gotta stand up for what they think was right or the status quo will never change.
  21. Take a peek
  22. Saw my dean today about my teacher... Effectively got told "she's still teaching sociology so nothings gonna happen"
  23. Woke up this morning to my dad saying "HEY! HEY! HEY! Look out your window!" and did what he said... to find it had snowed last night... It's only ever snowed like this ONCE before in 16 years of livin here... *jaw drops*
  24. Actually, Kotaku made a point about it recently saying that the system was put in place back in the days when games were by almost anyones standards, childrens playthings, and thus no ratings were created for anything over the age of 15 required. The government as a whole isn't against games of any kind (well except for Mr Aktkinson), it's just that the ratings system hasn't caught up with the media as a whole.
  25. Just wanted to point out, it's not banned, just can't be rated because the highest rating is for those 15 and under. They don't have a rating that matches the M.
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