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Everything posted by Calax

  1. That actually sounds kinda like it'd work socially, Although with the way comics are/were, I feel like X-men should almost be in their own universe given how big their crew are becoming.
  2. Blast from the PAST! (don't watch the whole thing).
  3. Would this be the same crew that was partially responsible for MOO3 or the ones who were brakes on those creative choices in prior titles?
  4. Maybe now we can get a non-screwed up romance in an Obsidian game! :D I kid I kid, I do hope he succeeds in his future endeavors.
  5. I realize we've gone over this before, but that was years ago and I just wanted to bring it up again for discussion, should we/could we get our WOT posts counted in the little post counter under our profile?
  6. I forget the specifics, but he got de-aged by an alien(?) and then Moira and Professor X tried to raise him "right" which failed. This was all in the 70's.
  7. It's definitely part of it. Did anyone else notice that most indie devs against belong to a certain clique? Part of me thinks that the outrage is an extension of the idea that Indie's should get something akin to a "free pass" critically because they're just starting in the industry and are where most of the innovation happens. You shouldn't be able to refund for a bad indie game because that developer still needs to eat! (etc etc)
  8. So.. would the various articles about games refunds hurting Indie devs being full of **** be part of this situation or are we just focusing on the sexism thing?
  9. You realize the amount of **** he'd get from the international and domestic communities for attempting to extend the SOFA right? That that'd ultimately damage the US's image within the international stage, and undercut Obama's ability to do anything given he's got such a hostile congress. I don't remember the Iraqi government asking for a renegotiation about the US military sticking around, so it'd look like Obama was just standing there demanding to allow troops to stay in the country (like we do with EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY we've ever occupied) indefinitely. And the Surveillance thing is just you trying to shift the blame in no uncertain terms. I don't know how much control Obama/Bush has/had over the NSA but most of the power the NSA had in that sector came from the Patriot act which was rushed into law in 2001, and constantly extended because "protection!". You can't blame somebody for a program they didn't start, and he probably had better things to do than deal with that relatively minor PR nightmare to-be before it blew up. Hell, I'd compare what you just did to Fox News trying to declare that Obama's economic policies didn't prevent a 2nd great depression.
  10. But are you really sure? I'm sure there's a lot of people who disagree with Graham, but I think most of those who do vote Democratic anyway. Maybe you're right though. But I still think his opinions are perfect for winning the nomination - if John McCain could win the nomination in 2008, Graham can win it now. By the time he has won the nomination, he will tone down this aspect of his policies and just pray he can just sail into office as a "compassionate conservative". VP would be Carly Fiorina, probably. Why did John Bolton step down after announcing his interest in a candidacy? Maybe he is eyeing a post in the cabinet of some other candidate. The thing is though, When McCain ran there wasn't a question of opening up a new warfront RIGHT where we left our old front. Obama honored the treaty that Bush made to pull forces by 2015(?) and right now the hawks in congress, led by Graham, are calling for us to send those people who we JUST got back from Iraq, back to Iraq is going to make people a touch angry. From what I've seen, his entire speech thus far has just been "hey, let's go fight somebody so we don't appear weak!" As to Obama, I think a lot of his internal policies go over well internationally. The initial concept of Obama care is something most Europeans I know can't fathom as not being the norm (not the strange Frankenstein pig we got). His pulling back/out of Iraq, and general "let's not send soldiers all over" is seen as a good thing, although his drone program isn't well liked. Also the fact that under his administration gay marriage and service in the military is a thing that can happen. I'm sure if the Patriot Act dies this week (or whenever) it'll be seen as a gain by the Democratic party, while the republican candidates will get flack domestically and internationally for allowing the NSA to spy on it's own people without warrants.
  11. The thing about Graham is that the minute he wins the primary, the Republican party has lost it's general election. He's known for being pro "murder the crap out of everyone who disagrees" and the nation in general isn't exactly ready to support his ideal of "Team America! World Police". Rubio could work because of his appeal to minorities but at the same time, if he wants to appeal to the genera population he has to cut back on a few of his harsher policies about the US financial situation.
  12. So I'm wondering if I made the right decision with this Hertz job. On one hand it's decent pay (about 11 an hour plus 1k in commissions per month in theory) but it seems like the job runs through people like crazy. On top of that I had a second offer to do 11 at a dispatch position for a charter bus company, with that increasing to 12 if I got my CDL (Commercial drivers license for the uninformed). Problem was the dispatch job was part time at about 30 hours. I'm gonna stick with the Hertz job, because if nothing else it'll at least make my resume look better that I didn't get fired from my previous one, but I can only pray it's a decent 40 hour a week job instead of pushing for that extra day.
  13. Not if you go by the definition of racism as "prejudice plus power". Pretty sure thats the definition most people use. Only people who want to dismiss racism against white people make up the prejudice plus power definition. Now thats an interesting perspective.." white people can't be the victims of racism " Some of my fellow supporters of SJ have argued that point but I think its misplaced as it immediately annoys people who have been the victim of black racism But a better way of saying it is " white people aren't typically the victims of the institutionalized and historic racism that black people are sometimes subjected to " The question then becomes "Okay, Given the historical and social contexts of this issue, how long are we expected to give others a free pass to be racist against the white "majority" population?" That's always been my biggest problem, that whenever the idea of an african man being racist it's always rebutted with "Well yeah, but we had to deal with Slavery man!" which rings hollow given the person being racist probably wasn't even a glimmer in his dad's eye when the civil rights legislations passed. That said, on the subject of the Polygon article getting indignant about non-whites not being represented within the Witcher. I think a lot of people would be more willing to deal with it if it wasn't a presumably white author trying to force a change into an already established work just so he feels like he did his bit for the social justice fight. It's been declared that CDProjekt should make the change because they want to approach a wider audience. Except for the fact that I highly doubt that they would earn more customers if in the middle of killing a Nekker or Drowner, a black guy ran up declared "HELLO! I AM A BLACK DUDE IN SLAVIC EUROPE!" and ran away just for that token representation that's being requested.
  14. Thing about Sanders is that he's not fighting with anyone over political talking points. He doesn't need to separate himself from Clinton or deal with anyone on the right simply because the democratic field is so small and the Republicans are doing his job for him with Clinton. He's perfectly capable of just hanging out and telling his own narrative isntead of having to defend one line out of context from six years ago like his opponent.
  15. Ideally I'd do well enough that I could easily get into a management slot for the company.
  16. Hopefully you have frequent business. It's one of the airport desks, it's slower so it should give me a decent amount of training for if/when I move to a higher volume location.
  17. Got a job at Hertz car rentals as a counter agent.
  18. I'm betting it either comes later, or is the one that's bugged to heck with Roache.
  19. Yikes, the guy even talked about going on a school shooting spree. Having been an angry/semi-suicidal teenager who got threatened with being arrested for "Terrorist threats" I'm happy about the SCOTUS ruling.
  20. Should be noted that Paul managed to Kill the Patriot Act.
  21. Now there's a false equivalence if I ever saw one. IMO, it's not. Because much of the information she gives her viewers has the same veracity and truth behind it.
  22. On the militaries hand in entertainment: The DoD has a program where they'll help fund a movie (it's been movies mostly) but they get to do a bit of script doctoring to make the militaries portrayal within it be more beneficial for them. They only get the money if the DoD gets that script control over the portrayal of their soldiers and such. This actually caused them to be out of Avengers 2 and (I think) Winter Soldier because it makes the military look ineffective. Somebody mentioned that Man of Steel's portrayal of the Military was bad, but think about it. The Military men all follow orders no matter what and their concern is always to defend American soil, to the point that they heroically sacrifice themselves to save the day while Superman is busy punching other people. And in Xmen, consider, the military guys there may be drones, but they're always trying to do the right thing, even if they're following orders. It's like the CCA's content controls like this But can I ask those who are trying to say that Anita is making good points and should be taken seriously. What was your reaction to when Fox News declared that Mass Effect would have interactive sex acts and full frontal nudity?
  23. FIFA followup by John Oliver. Apparently includes a cat who has it's own penthouse in Trump Tower.
  24. What, is that like a New Year's Resolution? Nope, just me being unable to find another one since I got fired. I'm at the point where I have to either get something NOW or figure out how the hell to move back home with my parents to find something in California.
  25. Personally the reason I hate Anita and her ilk is because the media is pushing their agenda as "the only proper agenda". And if one business jackass at EA or Acti or Ubi decides to take what the GameJurnoPro's folks say and force their studios to slightly conform, we done got problems bro.
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