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Everything posted by Calax

  1. The irony of the whole 'french can't fight" thing is that they have a better track record than most at winning wars.
  2. Did you get it when you reserved? I payed mine of a while back and was under the impression that it ships with the game. im under the same impression as well.. preordered a few weeks back.. got nothing from gamestop.. I actually called the store I preordered from. Anyone who preordered will receive the card at pickup, as long as supplies last. Yep, that's how most of this stuff works. Sometimes the publisher will put the card in the first printing of the game, but more often than not it's just a stack of the things that are sent out, and there often is WAYYY more than enough to cover preorders.
  3. People Know myth if they were around when it came out. it was fantastic in that it had persistent units, no method of construction, and took physics (kinda) into account in a strategy game. Dwarves throwing up hill=much bad and a calm guy going "Casualties" like he was saying "The sky is blue".
  4. No no no... the guy you're looking for is Brown from the UK. Who just completely destroyed his career in one fell swoop.
  5. Nah, all of this started because IW wanted to work on a new IP and not on MW2. I get the feeling that Bungie will bend over more. Funny thing is that IW guys left the MoH group for the exact same reason.
  6. I'm currently at ep 9 NOOO KENSHIN!
  7. Yeah that would shoot his credibility right in the foot wouldn't it. Personally, I would have more respect for such an individual. Becoming an Eagle scout is a HUGE achievement and should be looked upon with pride, not derision. Come on Gfted. I know you ahve actual experience. But can you honestly see a bunch of squaddies treating a bloke who got promoted for boyscout membership with anything other than uproarious derision? I mean, possibly if we were living in some sci fi utopia. But we're at war! Anyway, it's probably off topic. In a similar appeal to common sense, I don't see the problem with the Boy Scouts. They're hardly the KKK. I don't agree with their rather silly anti-homosexual stance, since what they really object to is paedophiles, and that's illegal anyway. But they keep kids out of trouble. It's a valuable, if naff service. Well it's not just gay members, I personally have issue with the fact that they're HEAVILY religious, and they won't accept members (technically) that are atheistic or from atheist parents. And while they might not get money directly from the government, they do get indirect support in that they're so "venerable" an institution (nightshades example)
  8. Taken from the article you says didn't say that, try again. This was mentioned in two places in the article, in different contexts. and yet, that was the first one. Even if it's mentioned twice, it still invalidates your point that he called them facist not because of that. No, sentencing someone for life of hard labor is not working someone to death, that refers to overworking someone so much they drop dead. Well, other than being unconstitutional (see cruel and unusual punishment), The idea of a work camp like that puts in my head the idea that they don't necessairly get worked so hard until they fall over, but they aren't provided more than gruel and the most basic medical care while they do little more than breaking pavement in weather that I couldn't work in legally. Yes, because it's totally humane to force somebody into "Painful multi-decade banishment" for committing a crime, and leaving them there to be abused ( you don't think they'd be abused? look at the stanford prison experiment) for the rest of their lives. At least the current system acts like they're human, they may be "evil" humans but human nonetheless Why wouldn't they be abused in the current system? Do you have something against life sentences or hard labor? They do get abused in the current system, but the nature of a work camp lends it self MUCH better to the idea of abuse because of the fact that basically a person works at the mercy of their guards and is afforded very little. I mean in my ADMJ class we saw a video about prison system where a privately contracted prison literally forced their inmates to crawl along the floor like worms while the guards looked on, and hurled verbal abuse. A work camp provides much more opportunity for beating the hell out of somebody and blaming it on a "work accident".
  9. Yeah that would shoot his credibility right in the foot wouldn't it. Personally, I would have more respect for such an individual. Becoming an Eagle scout is a HUGE achievement and should be looked upon with pride, not derision. Admittedly I know next to nothing about the Scouts. But I have found out Calax was misinformed, earning Eagle Scout does not result in any form of military advancement. Nor should it. The military (at least the Marine Corps) is one of the last true meritocracies left in the US. Making rank is difficult to do in the Corps. E-4 in 3 years is common in the other services, in the Marines it is very rare and the ones who do tt earned it on their military merits, not a civillian youth group badge. Meh, with the little exposure I had in the Navy leads me to believe that you'd go from E1-E2. Of course getting that takes all of what, 0 days as long as you memorize things before you go (sailors creed, general orders of the sentry and rank list).
  10. http://kotaku.com/5527520/we-have-a-hostage-situation LOL!
  11. I never heard of that. Where did you get that one? The scouts actually, when I was in em. You're told by your leaders that you'll get higher pay, a military promotion and all sorts of other cute benefits if you reach eagle (which might just be propaganda for getting eagle, but *shrugs*) And dagon: Taken from the article you says didn't say that, try again. As to "working people to death", generally working somebody until they die (of whatever cause) is considered "Working somebody to death" no? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_0FJFgIqKM For evolution on the "factor". As to prison gulags, heres a bit of his reasoning Yes, because it's totally humane to force somebody into "Painful multi-decade banishment" for committing a crime, and leaving them there to be abused ( you don't think they'd be abused? look at the stanford prison experiment) for the rest of their lives. At least the current system acts like they're human, they may be "evil" humans but human nonetheless
  12. Not according to this:
  13. Well, when you think about it, there isn't much that westerns can latch on to in the wild west. The guns don't lend themselves very well to run and gun gameplay of FPS, and there isn't exactly an RTS. A lot of Western themes are bundled into various RPGs (i think the japanese LOVE our wild west), and there are a few games like Gun and RDR that are trying to grab it, but there aren't really any beyond those mentioned here that are designed to be IN the american west, rather than borrow the aesthetic. And Gun was good, just WAYYY to short.
  14. He called ACLU fascist in the context of them constantly going after the Boy Scouts. He doesn't advocate Soviet style Gulags but prison camps as an alternative to the death penalty, there's no quote of him in the Wiki article saying evolution is imaginary.I'm sorry, but why can't somebody go after the Scouts? They're a state funded organization that A) Doesn't allow gay members B) Will deny membership to the children of Atheists and C) Has support of god in their friggin pledge. If a similar organization popped up that wasn't these things it'd probably be unable to gain the support needed, even if it had the EXACT SAME ranking system and badges, for the benefits that a Scout receives (particularly an Eagle). And actually, Billy-o called the ACLU facist for suing LA about taking a christian cross out of their seal. But still, facism is usually the exact opposite of the ACLU's MO, as in NO free speech, and only one religion is allowed to be represented, and your civil liberties are stomped on. As to Gulags, HE USED THE EXACT WORD! Look for yourself! You mean other than the fact that he's openly supporting the teaching of intelligent design in schools as science (when there is nothing testable about a giant floating narcissist)? While ID and evolution aren't necessarily at odds, usually when somebody proposes ID they're trying to remove Evolution in favor of magical fairy dust. You have to read that in context, he's saying we should never again invade a Muslim country, and instead if attacked we should retaliate by bombing those who attacked us. He's not saying we should bomb all Muslims indiscriminately. Really? Can you demonstrate the context of where he said it? Because that quote makes it sound like rather than negotiate he's advocating sending in the bombers, even if it's over something that is incorrect. Add to that the fact that he thinks they're primative and prehistoric and it sounds more like YOU got the context wrong. And if you're going to try to debate, you should provide quotes backing up your views, instead of me trying to guess what you consider far right, especially as some statements are subject to interpretation. You also conveniently ignore statements like this from the Wiki article " O'Reilly generally leans to the right on most issues, most notably the Bush administration's War on Terror, but breaks from conservative and Republican Party orthodoxy on such issues as the global warming controversy, the death penalty, and civil unions for same sex couples." Edit: He also says things like that: "Liberal thought, however, can be a good thing. Progressive programs to help the poor, fight injustice and give working people a fair shake are all positive. But libertine actions damage a just society because actions have consequences. Kids who drink and take drugs are likely to hurt themselves and others. But obviously, the SPs do not make judgments like that."[16] Here's the thing tho, Being a tiny bit center in terms of 3 issues does not negate being so far right on others that you're being told to shut up by other members of the right wing. I mean this is the guy who openly lies about what he says to make himself look consistent (look at the "Obama will put you in jail if you can't get Health Insurance" thing over at media matters), and is unrepentant when something he says probably led to the death of a doctor. Also, on the whole "death penalty" thing, He doesn't support it in that you directly kill somebody, you just work them to death... you know, like the Nazi's did to the Jews in WWII when they weren't pulling out poison gas. And his progressive programs discussion is negated by the fact that any time anyone wants to put a program in place to help kids, he misconstrues things and throws up a double standard to make it look bad, even if he uses a similar language in his own book about drugs. Is that enough evidence of his lunacy or are you again, going to come back with little more than "Tl;dr, also get more evidence" again because you're a lazy arguer? And when pressed pull out a pair of quotes that mean little because they invalidate themselves on other points that he makes.
  15. Well, in the video it's implied that him, and a few other commentators on fox, are being told to shut up by the conservative media groups because they're TO loud and To conservative (which is exactly what this thread is about). Well, if you just SKIM the wiki entry you find that he finds the ACLU to be FASCIST (when they're, you know, kinda, the antithesis of fascist?). He wants to put death row inmates in GULAGS, He thinks evolution is imaginary and that god is the one truth, he supports "enhanced interrogation techniques", like waterboarding... And here's what he thinks we should do in future actions in the middle east "We cannot intervene in the Muslim world ever again", he said. "What we can do is bomb the living daylights out of them (...) no more ground troops, no more hearts and minds, ain't going to work." Basically the guy is hard line right wing. I mean moderate right wing wouldn't support such fascist things like putting people in gulags, and generally can reconcile their belief system with science. You know dagon, if you're gonna try to do a debate, at least put effort into learning your opponents points if they post links. That wiki page only takes what, 10 minute to glean facts from?
  16. I'm looking foreward to Sengoku Basara Heroes for the PS3. I've always been a nerd for the hacky slashy games like dynasty warriors and also love the humorous backround to some of the Basara games. For example Masamune Date: Uses six swords and rides a horse with handlebars instead of reins, and his stirrups have exhaust pipes coming out of em. Yukimura Sanada: Extremely powerful fighter, but can sometimes be an idiot, to the point where his master (Shingen Takeda) yells "IDIOT!" and falcon punches him across the room. Also, he's my avatar. Iyeasu Tokugawa: In the anime he's a little kid who's main deterrant force is Takakatsu Honda... a giant cyborg of a warrior. God this is so over the top it's hilarious. The anime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT5BwzWzMTs Also there is lady No, who as one of her attacks YANKS A MINIGUN OUT OF HER SKIRTS!
  17. A lot of people felt like GTA4 was a let down because previous installments had had a much quirkier sense of humor about them, and quite a few more activities to them than what we find in 4. Partially the cuts were due to the new engine, but I don't understand why it's so bipolar in tone, one minute you've got brucie being the idiot that he is, the next niko's griping about how hard life is and how he's killed people, sold people etc.
  18. It's not but it is. The daily show is probably one of the best sources for discussions on bias reporting. Fox news is their favorite but they've gone after MSNBC, CNN and CNBC. also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O%27Reil...political_views that too
  19. *grumbles* I can't find the exact clips but it's actually from a Daily show segment where they discussed how fox news almost totally swapped sides on things after obama came into office. Like, for example, the afore mentioned patriotism and the presidency, and the more prominent "Protestors are loony... PROTEST OBAMA!" that had O'Reilly in such a fuss that he had jon stewart on his show to yell at him about it... then edited it out because O'Reilly basically got blown out of the water by Stewart. And of course Megyn Kelly's "Polls only matter if they support me" schtick (among other things she said that polls supporting obama meant nothing, but the polls saying that americans didn't want health care were ironclad).
  20. And conservative stations get rock and roll, while liberal get jazz. I said far right, not right wing. There's a difference. I can name three off the top of my head, O'Rielly, Beck, and Hannity. All three are so far right that it's silly. That's a matter of perspective, I don't consider O'Reilly or Hannity far right, although Hannity is to the right of O'Reilly. Really? You don't consider Bill "Liberals are idiots no matter what they do" O'Rielly to be far right? What world do you live in? The guy is so far to the right that he can't even see moderate and flips on issues so fast when it's a different party saying things that it makes your head spin. Wasn't he the one who said you're unpatriotic if you don't cooperate with el presidente? And just look at him now, claiming to be the king patriot for FIGHTING the president.
  21. http://kotaku.com/5526164/activision-ceo-g...signs-from-post
  22. Fair and Balanced
  23. Ever thought that perhaps they do exactly know who they have to ask for their money? That's why they filled the 2nd lawsuit against ACTI My point was that in West and Zamps complaint they're asking for money that INCLUDES their employees bonuses in the lawsuit.
  24. And conservative stations get rock and roll, while liberal get jazz. I said far right, not right wing. There's a difference. I can name three off the top of my head, O'Rielly, Beck, and Hannity. All three are so far right that it's silly.
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