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Everything posted by Calax

  1. YES. Just think. I could be a governor general, hammering around Venice Beach on a steam driven mechanical ostrich, powdered wig askew, and clutching a bikini babe. ladies and gents: Wals
  2. Just trying to be one of the crowd.
  3. That is ridiculous. No, that is reasonable. What they were doing should not have been offensive to any reasonable person. Thus, the fault lies with the people who are offended by it. Whether or not they were intentionally trying to bait unreasonable people is irrelevant in that regard - what they were doing may have been irresponsible and detestable, but it was not worthy of punishment. At a certain point people need to learn that some people are jerks. Being a jerk is not a crime. Attacking someone for being a jerk is. Actually, in any school the provoker and the provoked would both technically be suspended. I mean hell, in my school I nearly strangled somebody because they were calling me an idiot (well, them and their six friends) for pulling down a politically charged poster. I told them several time to back off until finally I just snapped. Got popped in the face for my troubles but the guy who socked me got suspended, and the provokers got detention. Admittedly I was a bit of an exception given that I'd spent half a day in county mental health that year, but even in the law there is a defense for provocation. And intent does matter, otherwise we wouldn't have different degrees of murder down to manslaughter. We'd just have murder. Also what you're claiming is contrary to everything I've ever seen in government and business. Or is it just the fault of the Offended when the situation deals with something "patriotic" rather than, say, A womans breasts or Dr. Manhattans Cheney? It's much easier to kick out five students for trying to be offensive, then suspend 60 for fighting them. When the only response they are inciting is an unreasonable one, they should not be punished. Being offended by an American flag in an American school is unreasonable. And so is using a flag for purposes of inciting violence.
  4. FYI, cranial capacity is generally used as a metric for establishing that a species is gaining in intelligence.
  5. That is ridiculous. No, that is reasonable. What they were doing should not have been offensive to any reasonable person. Thus, the fault lies with the people who are offended by it. Whether or not they were intentionally trying to bait unreasonable people is irrelevant in that regard - what they were doing may have been irresponsible and detestable, but it was not worthy of punishment. At a certain point people need to learn that some people are jerks. Being a jerk is not a crime. Attacking someone for being a jerk is. Actually, in any school the provoker and the provoked would both technically be suspended. I mean hell, in my school I nearly strangled somebody because they were calling me an idiot (well, them and their six friends) for pulling down a politically charged poster. I told them several time to back off until finally I just snapped. Got popped in the face for my troubles but the guy who socked me got suspended, and the provokers got detention. Admittedly I was a bit of an exception given that I'd spent half a day in county mental health that year, but even in the law there is a defense for provocation. And intent does matter, otherwise we wouldn't have different degrees of murder down to manslaughter. We'd just have murder. Also what you're claiming is contrary to everything I've ever seen in government and business. Or is it just the fault of the Offended when the situation deals with something "patriotic" rather than, say, A womans breasts or Dr. Manhattans Cheney? It's much easier to kick out five students for trying to be offensive, then suspend 60 for fighting them.
  6. Question: If they had let the kids keep the shirts on and then watched as the 5 got thrashed several times, wouldn't half of you be calling for the administrations blood because they didn't take action? Also I thought we'd established on this board that the school is not governed by the laws and the students aren't free to act as they wish within the law, they still have to follow school rules and the school must act to prevent a potentially violent situation from appearing. The perception was that the 5 were putting on their american flag tee shirts as a provocation, and the administration stepped in to prevent the appearance of the five with black eyes, broken noses, and torn shirts or whatever. Is it overly PC? Probably, but still they had to do something before people started flinging punches at each other.
  7. That's a blatantly hyperbolic misrepresentation of what happened in the school in the original news story. Seriously, this isn't about flags. It's about some idiot kids who decided to piss other people off, and got told not to. Yes, piss off other people by carrying their own flag on their own soil. Just like Mexicans are constantly pissing me off by carrying their own flags in their own country. You just don't get it, do you? do rednecks with the confed flag piss you off too?
  8. Has been blurred for a while. They're not sure if Homo Erectus was all one species or if they were like 4 species because the morphology of their skeletons are so different between the african groups and the asians. (Sorry, I'm finishing my Anthro 300 this month).
  9. Not only not flying it, but not letting anyone else carry it either. That is the issue. If both flags were there there would be no issue. If you are on a coutry's soil, you have to respect that country's flag. You don't put up your own flag on foreign soil without also putting up their flag, that's simply respect. This is much worse though, these are American citizens offended by the American flag on American soil in an American public school paid for by American taxpayers. You get the point? So, all those people who say "The south shall rise again" and wear the stars and bars shouldn't celebrate their heritage either, and should just shut up and stand there... And I think they were more offended by the intent behind the flag waving "patriotism" of the other students than the actual flags themselves.
  10. They spent millions of dollars to tell me what I already know in my heart. I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH AFRICA Actually from an anthropological standpoint, this is important because technically it means that Neanderthals were part of our ancestery, which they didn't think had happened before.
  11. What a load. Would this happen if students wore shirts with the American flag on St. Patrick's Day? I don't think so. Because the irish have better things to fight about... *rimshot* ... Sorry.
  12. Probably more of a counterpoint to the Fourth of July. I suppose in theory the reasoning behind it is that white americans would celebrate the 4th and talk down to the minorities. So different minorities started to make their own holidays with cinco de mayo etc starting to be celebrated. IIRC Cinco De Mayo is celebrating the ability of the Mexican Army beating the bejesus out of a spanish invasion fleet. Honestly this whole situation sounds almost like a group of kids at a catholic school decided to walk in wearing the star of david and talking in yiddish.
  13. Is it odd that when I first saw this I thought "Jade Empire Sawer" for some reason?
  14. http://kotaku.com/5532425/this-is-segas-drm-solution Relevant data above. But it sounds like a fairly lax drm overall. Maybe Sega is trying to be a counterpoint to Ubisoft, but either way it's nice that you don't HAVE to have a 'net connection for a singleplayer offline game.
  15. They announced FEAR3. A completely co-op shooter from a different group than did the first two. It looks interesting but I'm not sure if they're trying to grab the moon and just setting themselves up to fail.
  16. They are american, but butting into somebody else s cultural heritage and effectively saying "I'm more american than you!" with a teeshirt and paraphinalia on a day when the other students are celebrating their cultural heritage (rather than just using it as an excuse to go out and get loaded on vaguely mexican sounding alcohol) is a slap in the face. Like if somebody showed up a Bar/bat mitzpha (I butchered that) wearing a burka.
  17. Huh, how odd. I wonder if its the same way in the US if you fail out of boot camp. I distictly remember taking the oath prior to being shipped out to boot camp, it was one of the proudest moments of my life to that point, but I dont think they have an official de-oathing if you fail. Speaking as one who was drummed out during boot, basically they just kinda drag you to the transportation div and tell you "Ok, this is how you're going home, sign here for your bus ticket and here for your removal from service, thanks" and then they throw you back in to your compartment to stew with the other 100+ gents who are waiting for their trip home. They don't let you get out of utilities until AFTER you're on a bus from boot to home, and yes, it's a bus. (3 bloody days on greyhound is WAY to long) I caught up on TV watching... Got surprised (as did Jon Stewart) when I heard about the car bomb thing that happened over the weekend, and then heard McCain say "don't mirandize him!" and (of all people) Beck say "Mirandize him, he's still a US citizen" Dispite being yelled at by other commentators on Fox News Sunday (I think).
  18. The joys of the industry, at times. Pays to wait for prices to go down, I guess. This is why I'm waiting for God of War and Splinter Cell.
  19. Might be KH 3... I remember something about that being referenced recently.
  20. A DM who allows reloads = a bad DM. Not sure if he means reloads or if he means random chance.... Chance can be quite fun in PnP, but horrible in something computerized (see: Spearman beats tank)
  21. Grommies point is valid. No matter the speech it's still free, otherwise those on the other side of the aisle wouldn't be able to do things like protest at abortion clinics (because, that leads to stuff blowing up) or protesting gay marriage (because of gay bashing) etc etc.
  22. I'm under the effects of magic (see my sig) what can I say? Part of me is wondering if it's gonna be a bit of a night mare trying to deal with 3 separate gauges (HP, Dehydration and Rads) at the same time to keep yourself alive and capable.
  23. don't put words in my mouth, partner. the meme obviously started because enough people got the very simple idea that a spork is a compromise of a spoon and a fork (i.e. FPS + RPG = compromise/spork). remember, calax, you're the one who kept digging through my posts like a treasure hunter looking for something to argue about. not me. and you did this after i admitted that i wasn't really bothered by the subject at hand after it was explained. as for your persistent question, you got it 3-4 pages ago in one of my first posts. remember, not liking/not satisfied with an answer is not synonymous with a poster not having given one. now, i have a final exam to take for the next 2 hours. color me done with this red shield conversation. Except that memes don't work when they're not in the culture that created them. To quote you "the spork meme from the bethesda boards" THIS is not the bethesda boards, get that through your head. If you want to talk about something, don't use something that people might not have an understanding of. You think a spork is a simple combination, while in my head a spork is something that tried to combine two objects, and utterly failed at it's sole task. I wasn't "around" for the creation of this meme on ANOTHER BOARD from 2 years ago. As to your change of heart, I said in my post that I had NO CLUE what your feelings were because you left so much ambiguity in your previous posts (to me) that you could have had a change of heart and thought that the red shield was fried chicken, and you brought up the fact that you liked the fallout 1&2 text boxes because they felt different, and you'd mentioned that the red shield felt like it was holding your hand to much, which begot my question of "Why does a red shield seem more like hand holding than text that tells you what's going on?" Add to that your childish antics of converting somebody entirely into a single noise that sounds like it was made by gutting a moose, and you have a reason for my anger/fixation.
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