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Everything posted by Calax

  1. It's impressive when somebody expects memes to be transmitted across time and space to suit ones particular tastes. Particularly if their only response to a question is "QUIT *random noise*!" Anyway, I'm interested in the game. Trying to slap myself to actually work on my GoTY version of three. And honestly think the red shield is a good idea. The only other thing would be to somehow show the bullet richochet or whatever, but I think that might be either to subtle or technically difficult.
  2. A) i've revised nothing. only attempted to explain it for the hard of hearing reading. B) what part of "drop it" don't you get? here's another way i can phrase it to you: "i'm neither interested enough in this topic nor in explaining anything to you beyond what i already have, now shoo." C) alsoplustoo: you obviously missed the "spork" meme of Beth-boards circa '07 which is what i was referring to. i couldn't care less how much success you've had with either use of the aforementioned metaphoric vehicle. You appear to assume that somebody obviously knows of something that's in a tiny pigeon hole of the interwebz, and think less of them because they don't know that you're trying to use a meme that only exists in said tiny corner of the interwebz. Kinda funny you say "I'm not interested" but only respond to my solitary comment, rather than say something about the game and then address me.. You know, demonstrating that you're actually not interested, rather than saying "I'm not interested, but if I WAS... (insert 6 lines of crying and whining and demeaning mentionings)". And you did revise things. You specifically said "I didn't like the red sheild, it was explained and I was ok with it" then "I thought something else, but it was explained and changed my mind". The second one felt like you were saying that the red shield was to "hand holdy" for you and you might have changed your mind to something else, but I'm not sure what you changed your mind to, or if that's even what you said because of the way you framed your previous statements. Rule one of discussion: Don't assume that somebody knows a meme from another board. That's like me telling you "Oh, 6-ft tall invisible rabbit says..." And expecting you to know who that is.
  3. http://kotaku.com/5530090/this-could-be-th...lm-ever-created HOLY CRAP A STREET FIGHTER GAME THAT MIGHT BE DONE CORRECTLY!
  4. then you're missing a very simple metaphor. a spork is a compromise of a spoon and a fork. it is great at neither job but ok at both. as to the rest of your bawwwing post, you obviously don't get it, so just drop it. what the **** does it matter to you what i'd prefer? A) I have yet to meet a spork that does ANYTHING remotely close to stabbation very well. (you know, what a fork is supposed to do?) B)It's not a matter of preference per se, I'm just wondering why you think having less information = more handholding. Of course you've said "I've revised my opinion" So many times in three posts that it's really unclear WHAT you think at this point so I'd suggest you either clear it all up exactly what you mean, and then promptly shut up because you assume that anything that contradicts you is "Bawwwwwing" when you're the one who seems to be doing the most moaning about various mechanics around these parts in the little of this thread I have read.
  5. If so, excuse me while I go get my heart broken so I can become a supervillian.
  6. Imagine the pain of the japanese who had to follow it one episode a week. It's like a perfect torture device carefully disguised as a TV show. Brilliant. Supposedly if you went back and watch the japanese stuff raw, half the episodes of them just standing and glaring were filler for the american versions because they cut so much. That said, I supposed somebody should bring up the "Views of the world" bit from "America: The book" where Japan is allll hello kitty.
  7. When "gaming" became mainstream so "true gamers" had to differentiate themselves from those who just gamed on their off time I guess.
  8. oh, i know. like i said...my "before" and "after" impression of the red shield changed after Sawyer's explanation. it was a good explanation, and i love damage threshold (not to mention actually bringing back real Fallout rpg mechanics) but still...i dunno. the text box was like the dungeon master telling you what happened after you did something. the red shield is saying "hint: try something else!" i know it's a fine line, and it's more of an aesthetic and it's probably much more difficult to make an FPS feel like an RPG...but meh. this is what happens when you combine a spoon with a fork. you get a goddamn spork. Generally when one mentions "Spork" one means that It tries to be both things but is ok at what it's daddy did (the spoon) but is bloody terrible at mommy's job. Thus it sounds like you're trying to say that the "real" mechanic of outright telling you something, rather than putting a small graphical icon, was the better way to go. I'm actually surprised as the red icon is probably more immersive for gameplay than, say, a giant text box saying You fired hand cannon! You Hit! You did 0 Damage! (1035 deflected) appearing sticking out of your wrist like a speech bubble... or... something. The red icon gives a simple visual cue for the player to look at to notice that his weapon isn't working due to the threshold. And it also removes some pixel measuring because you are unsure if he's actually taking damage, but only one point, or just shrugging it off, particularly on bosses with TITANIC life pools that you have to chew through. I mean, it's sounding kinda like you expect something either borderlands esque (where the numbers pop out the targets head) or NWN ish (where you have a scrolling amount of text that tells you exactly how much damage you did with what and where). ... You know part of me thinks you'd like something that does stuff akin to this simply to have a DM tell you your overall performance in a part of the game. If you're wondering, THAT is all the combat data that a computer records in ONE solitary fight with ONE mob during a 25 man raid. It records every swing, every outcome (none of the technical rolls) how much damage each one did, and what it in turn had your character do. It's VERY heavy in the meta-game of things on WoW, but still... having a simple red icon beats the bloody hell out of having to sift through something like that.
  9. Thing is that you said that the text boxes were better (as well as different aesthetic) because they didn't hand hold as much, my question is how is having MORE information less handholding?
  10. you misunderstanding the words which create meaning in my posts ≠ dishonesty/fibbing. read my post again. and as much as i'd like to personally suggest you mimic the act which the character in your avatar is about to take part in...i'll explain instead: * before i knew exactly what the "red shield" was all about it sounded like consolized hand-holding. * Josh explained exactly what the "red shield" was all about. * something still seemed a bit aesthetically cheap about it to me, but it didn't bother me as much...now that it had been explained in detail. * i defended the use of the text-box in FO1/2 as appearing to me to be not hand-holding, but representative of a different sort of aesthetic. * i then went on to lament and agree that this was probably about the best compromise we could get, albeit compromises are a dirty bastard inherently. If I may ask, how is a red series of pixels MORE hand holding than letter that spell out "You hit for 0!(XX damage resisted)"? I admit to minimal knowledge of the previous fallout games, but generally a simple graphical bit of info tends to give MUCH less explicit info about things. You could get it because of Calibur of your weapon, the type of weapon, type of damage done, or any number of other things, none of which would be told to you directly by the red box, while if you did that in F1&2 you'd be explained about how much resistance there was no? So you'd know if you just switched to incendiary ammunition you'd do more, but if you just went up a caliber you'd get slightly more but not much or something?
  11. A fairly good explanation of why Labour isn't going to go over very well http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/...0-michael-caine Also, a discussion British social class!
  12. I don't think this'll be a bad thing given that their previous outing (heavenly sword) Was actually an ok game, and in the same genre at least.
  13. I know user. But that picture is basically everything that people laughed about at the series... standing there yelling and waiting for the planet to explode before doing anything.
  14. I don't think Mek Tek was expecting QUITE the response they got. Probably because they didn't expect Kotaku to run the story >.> I borke down and picked up record of Aragast war. I'm pleasently surprised, dispite all of the attempts to obfusicate the product (with things like a half naked woman body pillow cover, and a mouse pad with a wrist rest made out of an anime womans breasts...) it's actually REALLY interesting. The gameplay style is final fantasy tactics with a good evil gauge for your conversation mechanics and a "relationship with possible mothers to second generation" meter during discussions (basically it shows the face of your prospective wives, and you're able to see their superficially simple feelings towards you ranging from "Hate" to "Love"). The entire premise is that you save a little elf from being murdered in cold blood, at the cost of your own life, but rather than die you're offered to basically sell your soul to be the vessel for a higher power... but not just YOUR soul, the souls/futures of all your offspring too. You obviously take it and set off. The woman who gave you the offer designates possible partners for you to wed, and you'll have a kid, who's stats are based upon dear old dads and the selected mother. (I've only gotten about an hour in ok?) The combat system is surprisingly deep in that you can set up synergy's between different characters by putting them in certain positions. If you set it up right and you have a VERY high agi character, you can basically always get first strike on your opponent as you move your characters and then if you're linked you can attack with all your characters at the same time (moving them in position to attack) rather than have to go in order based on your agility statistic. You can also pull of combos by linking different abilities together. You get a set amount of AP at the start of a round, each square you move takes up one ap, and abilities cost a specific amount. If you link certain abilities together you get different effects (the only one I've found boots a guy into the air, leaps up, and makes him explode flinging him to the ground)... It's gonna get to complicated to explain, I'm just gonna say that the marketing crew did it a dis-service selling it as basically softcore hentai. There is that element (all the characters wear fairly skimpy outfits...) but the game is REALLY deep in terms of combat. Not sure if it's to the point of army management that FFT showed us wayyy back when, but it's close from what I've seen.
  15. Note: Your commercial city should be (assuming you have it) your religious holy city. That city will earn gold based on how far your religion has spread as the underlings donate to the church. Spread religion far and wide and earn buckets of money from that single city.
  16. Meanwhile on Planet Namek
  17. Actually, my high school was Block schedule. But you only had 6 periods total, three per day except mondays. Each course went on for about 2 hrs, and the teachers didn't know what the heck they could do on mondays because they didn't have enough time. And Dog, the thing is in order to get INTO parris you have to meet a BMI requirement (I believe, It's based off height, weight and a few proportions)
  18. So why not pick up the regular edition? why not just pick up the "suggestive" edition? You're a grown man, you are allowed to see these things now Partially it's trying to justify the price tag (60 bucks)
  19. During the recruitment process that I went through, literally if you said ANYTHING about almost any medical condition they'd outright dq you. Mild ADD? Gone, Broken bone three years ago? Gone, Tattoo they don't like? Gone... Sometimes I think they're just a TINY bit too stringent.
  20. So why not pick up the regular edition? Because that's actually an online only thing and I'm not hooked into Live. The box is... REALLY suggestive http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDet...roduct_id=76979 On the side there's a woman... eating (not the best word) some sausage, one that's kinda messy with ice cream... It's... interesting (we aren't allowed to have it on the walls it's to suggestive)
  21. *sigh* Game looks phenominal (particularly with the overhauls being done with things like weapon modification etc) but one of my bosses just won't let up that as soon as he can he's gonna put a grenade in my pants... several times...
  22. *sigh* I'm debating picking up Record of Araghast War... The "Really Naughty Edition" which has a mousepad, a body pillow (I think), the game, and a few other odds and ends. Thing is that it's packaged more like softcore hentai games than anything else... the mousepad has one of those wrist rests... but the pad has a womans face on it and the rest is actually the location of her breasts. ... The devs really decided "WTF, sex sells right? Why not go for it?" Also Playing Warriors Orochi 2 on my 360. Koei didn't do a very good job with this, the engine just isn't designed to handle the number of units they put on screen like the one in DW6. Seriously, i have to run sideways towards some enemy packs just so it doesn't move at a snails pace around the place.
  23. I listen to Fergie talk about it and say "I'm pleased to say that we're offering the assault weapons pack including..." Every day at work.
  24. Just wanted to say that in Basara, Capcom made another Dan Hibiki. Sengoku Basara uses the EXACT source material as the Samurai Warriors games from Koei. Samurai Warriors added in it's second iteration Kanetsugu Naoe (in history he was a retainer to Kenshin Uesugi), he's a fairly standard character (for Koei anyway, they've got two other characters in their various games that are almost the exact same) that is based around Justice, Honor, and Love/Friendship. In Sengoku Basara He's a joke character, played VERY effeminate and his appearance in the anime is him yelling his name and charging Tadakatsu Honda only to get hit so hard he turns into team rocket.
  25. I'd guess that pop gun is designed primairly to fend off fighting vehicles, possibly tanks. The interesting thing about the french surrender in WWII was that the Nazi's had the EXACT rail car in the EXACT spot that the Germans were forced to surrender in at the end of WWI.
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