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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Did a math test, felt pretty good about it. And now I get to work... on my birthday... god friggin dang it.
  2. When you reach 80 it's actually pretty easy to earn money. I earned about a grand in the week after I completely drained my bank simply by only doing my daily random dungeon (earns you like 20 gold and 2 badges). Also it should be pointed out that your leveling is going to slow WAYYY down when you hit 60 because (among other thigns) blizz has gone through a few times and dropped the total amount of XP required for the 1-60 game by a third, and hasn't really touched the burning crusade stuff. Although it is easier in BC because you don't run from continent to continent 8 times for three quests. BTW what class did you roll up? Warrior. Putting all my talents into Fury... Its making soloing a lot easier. You don't want to put ALL your talents into one tree. In general there are a lot of talents that are fairly useless http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...23756&sid=1 ^is an endgame fury guide. Try to follow it but make sure as soon as you can you get Titans Grip. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-talents...ara&group=2 ^my warriors fury spec. I think I have a point in the wrong spot but I'm not sure. That said, not all the talents I have would be very good for leveling because they're designed to maximize damage output, while some of the others are designed to keep you going. Warriors are ROUGH to level as they don't have any internal healing ability, but once you get titans grip things get MUCH easier. Also, I r clensing the galaxy of tyrnaids on orks on Dawn of War 2. Not as good as the first. Unless I'm horribly wrong, as someone who has only the vanilla WoW, the only way to get Titans Grip at lvl 60 is to invest all talents into Fury? (all 50 talent points cos TG is the last one) The plan was to do this until I get BC, which is when I will delete all the talents and rearrange them? True, but until that point one thing you may want to do is go with an arms spec (gives you more damage at this point I think) until you're in outland.
  3. When you reach 80 it's actually pretty easy to earn money. I earned about a grand in the week after I completely drained my bank simply by only doing my daily random dungeon (earns you like 20 gold and 2 badges). Also it should be pointed out that your leveling is going to slow WAYYY down when you hit 60 because (among other thigns) blizz has gone through a few times and dropped the total amount of XP required for the 1-60 game by a third, and hasn't really touched the burning crusade stuff. Although it is easier in BC because you don't run from continent to continent 8 times for three quests. BTW what class did you roll up? Warrior. Putting all my talents into Fury... Its making soloing a lot easier. You don't want to put ALL your talents into one tree. In general there are a lot of talents that are fairly useless http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...23756&sid=1 ^is an endgame fury guide. Try to follow it but make sure as soon as you can you get Titans Grip. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-talents...ara&group=2 ^my warriors fury spec. I think I have a point in the wrong spot but I'm not sure. That said, not all the talents I have would be very good for leveling because they're designed to maximize damage output, while some of the others are designed to keep you going. Warriors are ROUGH to level as they don't have any internal healing ability, but once you get titans grip things get MUCH easier. Also, I r clensing the galaxy of tyrnaids on orks on Dawn of War 2. Not as good as the first.
  4. When you reach 80 it's actually pretty easy to earn money. I earned about a grand in the week after I completely drained my bank simply by only doing my daily random dungeon (earns you like 20 gold and 2 badges). Also it should be pointed out that your leveling is going to slow WAYYY down when you hit 60 because (among other thigns) blizz has gone through a few times and dropped the total amount of XP required for the 1-60 game by a third, and hasn't really touched the burning crusade stuff. Although it is easier in BC because you don't run from continent to continent 8 times for three quests. BTW what class did you roll up?
  5. I don't know about Awakenings but I'm having more pure fun with WoW then I ever had with DA. Insofar as they can be compared (in say, combat, level design, balance, progression), sadly, WoW is a far superior product. There are more on the fly tactical considerations when going solo in WoW than with an entire party in DA. And party based combat in WoW is really party based, unlike DA where everyone is a meat shield for the spellcasters. I'm continually surprised at how good this game is, even with Blizzards high standards. Area design in particular is simply ingenious, both visually and in terms of functionality (at least when you have a mount). Then again, since its my first MMO, the novelty might be clouding my judgment. Well, if you picked up Wrath you could try out some of the lower level raids (assuming you got the gear for the elitist berks to actually let you in). You think 5 mans are tactical... wait for 10/25 man raids where boss fights can take up to about 10 minutes of battering (Arthas has something along the lines of 117 million hp I think).
  6. they actually put a tie in to those campaigns in game where you could go to a particular npc and talk to him and get five mohawk grenades... I had at least one raid where the entire team was mohawked.
  7. well that's easy "Please, don't be THIS entusiastic and burn out your toys girls" That said, I gots me into Iowa state, so I get out of my little slice of hell within a few months... same day I learned this I got my tax refund check!
  8. And the PS3 beat the tar out of the 360 for the month of march in terms of game sales.
  9. No thank you, MMO's really aren't my thing. You better watch out, soon your nice signature might change to a colorful banner that states that you are level 60 snotgoblin, the archbugger of Azeroth. Come ooooon, yeah they suck - but with a nice crowd (yeah, I count as a crowd) it can be a lot of fun. Plus, its cheap now - 15 euros for retail + a month of game time. If you want to be really cheap, like me, you should get a trial first and level the char to lvl 20, to save yourself paying time:lol: To be fair, that's the base game. Once you hit sixty you gotta buy Burning Crusade for another 15 to get to 70, then drop another amount for Wrath of the Lich King to get to 80 and access those zones. Heck it might even be worth starting with BC given the Dranei and Blood Elf starting zones are friggin awesome (and give really nice items when you reach the end of em).
  10. YEEHA! I got accepted to Iowa state AND my tax refund check came TODAY!
  11. They may have represented during contract negotiations but they aren't legally the same identity. THAT is a key point, you can't have money that goes to your mother because you were the one who talked to the bank for it. Again, the stealing was something I said, nothing that acti mentioned (jesus, if you're gonna pound me for lumping you in, at least get try not to do the same). But they may have the ability to with hold if they manage to prove that west and zamp took to much from previous bonus pools for themselves (which is their argument). Ted Turner may have been in charge of Turner Broadcasting and getting money for their success, but once he was bought out of his own empire, he didn't get nearly as big a part of the pie (as he was just a stock holder) and then he wouldn't get a cut of the profits from actions taken while he was there. It's really that simple. Just because you run something doesn't make its success your success. Saying that West and Zamp are owed a % of the profits when the legal entity that made the game was Infinity Ward is ludicrous.
  12. So you're basically just making stuff up as you go? Greeeeat. In these kinds of arguments, the truth can generally be found somewhere between the two extremes claimed by the parties - so it's unlikely that either party is positing the absolute truth, and even unlikelier if something like you proposed had been taking place, it wouldn't have been mentioned by Acti's reputedly highly aggressive and efficient legal team. I'm not necessarily making stuff up, well, in a way I am, as is everyone in this thread, because we know about next to nothing concerning what's actually going on. I wasn't proposing this as gods truth or anything, just said it might be possible. I would be exceptionally surprised that, if Activision actually cared about the omission of the logo, that they couldn't have had it added. Sure Infinity Ward didn't add it and that makes them ****, but I'd still blame primarily Activision for its omission. True, they probably could have had it added, and it probably wouldn't have been an issue except that very quickly after the games release west and zamp started disappearing from the work place to go visit another, competing company, and then the publisher hears rumors about what the guys have been saying... Hell, I doubt that the Publishers would have noticed unless things went down hill. Mildly related note, anyone remember why IW bolted from 2015 after MoH:AA?
  13. Okay, I got my full version. Btw my trial character is lvl 20 I'll upgrade that account cos I'm really attached to the char so far. What I don't understand is the server name you gave me, its not on any of my lists? Is it a US server, cos the only ones I can access are EU servers? @Deathdealer: I know. I'm too but the fact of the matter is that there is nothing else to play You could always join us? Come on, the more the merrier... Yeah, that's a American CST server... person you might want to Chat with is Kittou, i know he's one a server in the EU. Speaking of which, in a first for me, we downed Sartharion with all three drakes up and I won the Reigns of the Blake Drake. WooHoo. Grats. Those things are hard to get, well, not the sarth kill (anymore) but he reigns. My shaman (my last alt in rotation... figures) got the proto drake from skadi in UP
  14. West and Zamps suit is primarily over their termination. When the suit first came out everyone immediately attacked acti and said that Acti OBVIOUSLY was in the wrong, because they were the ones who were such draconian enforcers. ow it's been proven that Acti had a VERY good reason for booting West and Zamp and immediately that's been forgotten in favor of arguing that being payed for not doing your job is what's supposed to happen. I'd hardly say embarrassed given you're the one who seems unable to spell, and I pointed out that Acti is with holding money because they feel that the overly large bonuses that West and zamp took for COD1-4 etc more than made up for what is currently owed. West and Zamp have asked for 36 million bucks in their complaint saying that it's for their entire team. That number is already out the window as Activision has stated that they were going to pay out bonuses to the members of the team that stayed with IW at least until all this is over with (which you seem to conveniently forget). Also you seem to be unable to distinguish between company, and personnel. A company that owns rights to a product, gets a cut of the products sales. Neither west nor Zamp (to my knoweldge) have rights to CoD or MW in general other than the "work on" possibility of their MoU as both rights are held by either IW or Acti. West and Zamp DO NOT represent IW at all and thus would have no ability to stick their hands in the cash register of IW for the constant influx of sales dollars you seem to be thinking are appearing. Hint, next time you post while frustrated, try using a word processor with spell check, it tends to work better.
  15. Simple, they're no longer the entity of "Infinity Ward" and thus not entitled to a cut of the overall profits after they were canned. I don't see a copyright or contract anywhere stating that they, as people, received monetary compensation for every unit sold. INFINITY WARD might, but that's the companies coffers, not the individual.
  16. And fire them they did, which lead to your initial outrage (as well as everyone elses). Heck even if Acti owes west and zamp money, it's nowhere near the amount that they claim they're owed (as they say in their complaint that the amount owed is for the AND THEIR ENTIRE TEAM) as Acti has stated that they'd pay the bonuses to those that stayed, at the very least. Acti is counter suing because A) West and Zamp supposedly (and confirmed in some cases) engaged in activities specifically designed to discredit or damage their employer B) West and Zamp have taken huge bonus checks in the past that Acti feels has made up for what is owed to them C) they're blocking any further progress on a possible MW3 (Which is Copyright activision methinks). B we can't really comment on as we don't know exact amounts, nor do we know how much their contracts said they'd get from previous games.
  17. But they could say that you didn't do your job and with hold payment.
  18. Well, Acti is withholding money because IW didn't do the job they were supposed to, or at least up to spec (seriously, it's not Acti's fault that their logo wasn't in the game, they didn't actually code the bloody thing). And that wasn't the only reason I cited for why I'm taking acti's side. I'm taking it because West and Zamp need to be taken down a notch, and the whole Logo thing just proves it. They think they're so awesome that they can throw together a game with scotch tape, while ignoring direct orders from superiors, and get a 36 million dollar bonus from it. THAT is why they don't deserve the money, they ignored their bosses about what they should and shouldn't do with the game, in violation of contract, and then expect the contract to be honored.
  19. For the first bit of our post, I'm pointing to hell kitty's post. As for the stealing money, that was all me. Acti said that they were taking titanic amounts of the bonus money doled out (something like 33% of that handed out for the entire franchise) and that was it. I was the one who proposed that they might have been siphoning off bonus money then blaming it on the publishers simply to make their employees angry. But seriously, I think that these guys could fart out CODMW3 where you play a puppy being mercilessly murdered by Captain Price and say they fulfilled their contract, and you'd still be behind em because they're going up against the big bad corporation.
  20. Well, bonding. The kitten as it stays around a person probably grows a bond that can get pretty strong if extended periods are maintained. I my cats who are pushing 8 right now both have decided we're all part of the big family, and our girl cat brings in mice and birds and voles so that we can learn to hunt.
  21. Also, addendum to my previous, when you make an account and start paying for it then your trial character stays. It's REALLY easy to make a lvl 1 and get it to 20 or so in WoW.
  22. I find it hard to believe that the publisher has to by themselves, go in and add their logo to any game that they release, particularly since they're releasing so many games on so many platforms they'd probably do more damage than good doing that. Acti specifically stated in their complaint that IW was asked on the nose to put it in to be in compliance with standard procedure, and IW decided not to do it just out of spite (or so it seems)
  23. The anime To Aru Majutsu. College in this town is learning how to use a superpower as standard curriculum, and the main characters super power IS... bad luck/negation, His super power literally is that he touches something and any form of magic, highly advanced science, whatever just looses it's power, also it affects him in that any possible good luck he might have put on him is negated itself.
  24. Do you see the activision logo appearing any time other than as text for the copyright stuff? eh? EH!?
  25. How can "not putting ACT logo in the game" not be proven? you boot the friggin thing up and it doesn't show an activision logo screen, it's that simple. I know it blows your mind that it's that simple but COME ON!
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