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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Calax


    The way I was hearing it sounded more like execution style headshots that left neat little bullet wounds from a slight distance, rather than "Whups my hand slipped and blew your cheek apart... sorry dude"
  2. Calax


    A lot of guessing and assuming there, champ. How many times have you been involved in life-or-death CQC scenarios? Got any commando training techniques you'd like to share with us, that you are basing your assumptions on? And, by the way, point blank isn't execution style... it's exactly the distance at which an attacker with blunt weapons or knifes would be shot at. Do you have anything to say that somehow a person in the middle of a jostling shifting mob can maintain a steady enough aim to hit somebody in the head?
  3. I do admit, if I was putting something under a UV light, it'd be hard not to doodle on them in stuff that ONLY fluoresces under a UV
  4. Calax


    Generally when somebody is coming at you with a club, you don't exactly have time to line up for a head shot. Particularly in a melee like that shown on the video where, you know, people are jostling for better positioning to fight, and probably would knock your arm in the wrong direction. Also, why is it some mass media conspiracy to discredit Israel? Why didn't you bring up said conspiracy when they actually were kinda supporting Israel? Like when Fox News Glenn Beck (no I don't like bringing him into every conversation, but he's just the easiest target) tells us that he video of the Israeli commandos roping in obviously shows that Israel was justified in their use of force (and that you won't see said video on any other channel, dispite it being shown on every major network in the previous 48 hours).
  5. You know, he may not be jaundiced... just a throw back to this guy:
  6. got yelled at by a parent because I basically blew his kid off because the kid interrupted me with another customer literally it was: *talking to other customer* Kid: DO YOU HAVE KING KONG FOR GAMECUBE Me: I don't think so Kid: OK *he wanders off and I go back to the other customer. 10 minutes later dad walks up* Dad: We found king kong, I thought you said you didn't have it. Me: No, I said I think Dad: Well you shouldn't blow off kids Me: I was with another customer at that point. Him: Well you shouldn't blow off kids, they're *mumbles* I shrug as he leaves. I could have handled it better but still basically telling a customer service guy "Pay attention to my kid because he's a kid!" and seemingly ignore the fact that I was with another customer (who was actually younger than his brat) just rankles.
  7. Ye olde staple wow, TF2 and I've started getting into "The Last Stand" mode on Dawn of War 2
  8. http://kotaku.com/5560810/george-w-bush-wa...for-mass-murder and if you don't wanna go to the link Yeah, that's gonna be interesting and probably will do a bit of killing for the audience in terms of future (because it automatically dates the piece).
  9. Is it wrong that I think Itagaki is not worth paying attention to?
  10. I personally wouldn't ever see a circumsision be done on any of my progeny but Grats hurlie, like Krook said, he's probably overall ok, but the docs just are way over the top in terms of safety.
  11. Wasn't that one preciptated by a MASSIVE volcano that blocked enough sunlight that there literally was 0 sunlight for an entire year?
  12. Best guess (IMO) is that they wrote the game thinking of her as being about 16. Then they remembered that Germany (and possibly some other markets) likes to censor games to prevent the player from murdering children. So, rather than alter the gameplay or story, simply made the age on her dossier more ambiguous, implying that she could be old enough to get shot in the head without corrupting the minds of the German public. On-topic: nobody. The history of in-game sex scenes is sufficiently cringe-inducing that I avoid them wherever I can. awww, but you missed getting half raped by SIE!
  13. watch my link above ;P
  14. Calax


    Um, call me anal for getting bogged down in details, but didn't Israel thrash the Arab world last time this happened? I don't know if they'd have the same support they did back then.
  15. *actually starts to dig* wow... amazon has the international version... both parts For those who don't know, Red cliffs is a wuxia movie about the battle of Chi Bi in the year 208 ad in china. Directed by John Woo, the sucker runs a total of 4 hours and 40 minutes (split in half)
  16. *grumbles* I've been trying to find a movie but can't find any outlet near me that has it... Red Cliffs, directed by John Woo I'm looking specifically for the asian release... Anyone know where i could find a version?
  17. This. I do think they needed to cut down the movie overall a bit. It felt like it dragged in the middle becuase they started just doing random stuff.
  18. *pops in* It's one of the previews offered in the new GameInformer btw. They're trying for every level to be able to be resolved 4 ways, gunnin, stealth, talkin, and tech.
  19. Actually he's just saying what's obviously true based on the citizens actions and investigations that have shown that due to americas arrival in Iraqi recruitment skyrocketed for anti-american groups.
  20. And to a degree you can... on inactive glaciers you can yank out a core sample and be able to figure the Co2 levels in the past and approximate temperature based on it's composition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaENQj77iPA
  21. Infamous 2 is now the cover for Game informer in July. New location (based off new orleans) and a revamped Cole. Cole because in the first one he was kind of... unplesant even if you were a good guy. They've simplified his overall look, and given him hair. They've added weapons (like being able to pick up a wrench and electrify it when you swat stuff), and it certainly looks more visually diverse than Empire City.
  22. Yet Iraq still wants us gone. Funny how that works. This, also Iraqi citizens view themselves as defending their own interests against us, so I take it you're a-ok with them blowing us Citizens up then.
  23. But he said killing was ok in self defense, Iraq was hardly self defense given that they couldn't even touch us, and weren't close to those WMD's that they kept telling us were gonna jump out of the closet.
  24. If you save him you avoid the final final boss fight in Moscow.
  25. Nope. Basically who you're working with is determined at the embassy when you choose either SIE or Alby as your handler. And kaftan, it's implied that the handler gets snagged early in the attack.
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