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Everything posted by Calax

  1. It actually looks pretty damn awesome
  2. New Kirby Now with yarn!
  3. Sounds Deus Ex level ambitious.
  4. I like that you see the ink from mikey running.
  6. Wait, they put Daniel Craig into a Pierce Brosnan Bond movie?
  7. GOLDEN EYE 64 returns! (the bond one)
  8. Golden Sun, Dark Dawn... looks like it might be fun if I had a DS
  9. And now, mario party with your Mii... aka WiiParty (why don't they get the Venga boys song?) And Just Dance 2... aka DDR for your hands and Lite
  10. LOL! Potshots at the media!
  11. I like the whip Also, Mario sports? Just a generic sports title
  12. Well, they did just blame it on people using wireless and giving him interference
  13. were you expecting a lack of waggle with NINTENDO!? Apparently it's "Skyward Sword" as the name.
  14. They certainly have a sense of humor, and the controls look pretty cool! Admittedly it looks like they need to iron out some bugs with link and he looks stupid with that sword sticking straight out like that all the time.
  15. OF COURSE it's zelda
  16. GT is so much bigger and higher quality than 1up
  17. I'm guessing the EM schock might get as powerful as Jupiters EM field, which is REALLY nasty and will burn out almost ALL sat's that aren't hardened specifically for it. We learned that the hard way.
  18. REVIVAL! Shogun screens from E3! http://kotaku.com/5563777/shogun-2-total-wars-e3-screenshots the unit portraits done in the japanese style from ye olden days looks awesome!
  19. Today is Nintendo at 9am Sony at noon and Kinect (didn't they already basically do that?) at 4
  20. considering earth rotates, no.
  21. Well, supposedly this is a much larger flare than the 11 year one. I'll know more as it approaches (as I'll actually be taking classes in it) but I'm guessing that not only will this be fairly large, but we might see some data damage as the storm is MAGNETIC in part.
  22. I'm surprised they didn't do that with the dancing white guy from microsofts.
  23. I think Dagon is believing that Nasa is just full of garbage. I'd be interesting if this did happen as you'd probably see the world population dip significantly because things wouldn't be very organized for a bit (I doubt it'd turn into widespread orgy of destruction). Also depending on how things go, we might have a case where global travel was stopped for quite a bit as they figured out how to get planes working again. Well, at least quick global travel. Doubt it'd be long enough for genetic variation between populations to actually crop up.
  24. Eh, microsoft didn't announce much that would catch the attention of hard core. They decided to try for Wii's usual crew in the casual market.
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