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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Well, looks like we have a date for WoW's massive expansion, December 7th. The patch that starts changing things (the mechanics at least) should hit the US next week and EU the week after. At least according to what has been datamined by MMOchampion.com. Should be interesting
  2. I have just spent half a day filling in the many holes in my Calc knowledge on the first two chapters... well, most of them, still got a pile of them to fill in. Related rates is killing me and I need to go over two more sections in the third chapter.
  3. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie...ject-Ten-Dollar Gotta say, I <3 Extra Credits
  4. It's almost like you're not even trying to make sense. The only time I've seen anyone else mention a drone strike aclu think is O'Reilly.
  5. She wasn't at the beaches, she was dropped in behind the lines to basically wreak havoc with her team (which included a guy who could talk to the dead, a guy who could control bees... and spit them out of his mouth as bullets, a guy with a jetpack and an ancient guy who literally would sleep as much as he could to preserve his life as long as he could). They don't exactly go into it as the game takes place like 20-30 years after the events. Honestly, the overall stories and basic premises behind the mgs series seem like a good idea. A world that is becoming more and more attached to nanomachines/technology to the point where they ultimately control everything. And there's a global conspiracy that's basically the illuminati, and a conspiracy to counter the conspiracy. The problem is the presentation and dialogue (Metal gear!? METAL GEAR!? METAL GEAR! LIKE DUDE, METAL GEAR!) is just so... out there that it's hard to take seriously. Also the idea that a bullet from a 9mm makarov can be used in a revolver seems a bit... wrong.
  6. She's "The" commando in the games history. She created Close Quarters Combat, basically created all the special forces techniques, and was a soldier her entire life.
  7. no, the c-section was made with a bayonet in Normandy during WW2. Nearly killed her and the baby.
  8. This is why I'm having trouble with your posts. He didn't murder the kid. He didn't even rough him up. He used words and a pair of handcuffs. It crossed a line, but we are disagreeing with how far over that line he went. I say it deserves a reprimand, you seem to disagree with that vehemently. We can't fire people every time they mess up or lose their cool. If he has no history of abuse on his record, then I just don't see how he deserves to have his career taken away over this. Words are powerful things that can get you in SERIOUS trouble. Particularly if they are threats, like the ones made in the video. If he had done this as a parent, instead of as a cop who happens to be a parent of one of the involved, it wouldn't be an issue. But because he chose to be a cop in the whole thing makes his lack of restraint that much worse. Hell, this is EXACTLY the reason that the police and other law enforcement agencies do their best to keep those who have a personal involvement out of stuff in an official capacity. Let me put this in a bit of perspective, he made a threat to basically turn this kids life into a living hell... I made a significantly milder threat (Told another student he was on "the list" at school to back him off) and nearly got suspended for 3 weeks and got a fist in my jaw for it. And I nearly went to jail because my bipolar had me going nuts and I wrote something everyone knew (How to get the highest body count on a school shooting) on a suicidal note... because it was a "terrorist threat". If they go that trippy about what I did, they should be coming down MUCH harder on this guy then "you loose a pay grade and are working graveyard crack addict shifts."
  9. I played that game so much it was ridiculous. A guilty pleasure I had for a few months. Deadpools intro was PRICELESS!
  10. No, seriously, I'm confused too : is that guy supposed to not have breasts ? Because he really looks like he has them! Thats a woman... namely "The Boss" from Metal Gear Solid 3 And the scar on her chest is from a battlefield c-section.
  11. I have, and like you say, he could have handled it better... but then murderers could have handled their problems better too, rather than stabbing people. I can understand what he was thinking, but he showed a significant lack of restraint. And the reason that the consideration of being one of the possible motorists under his control is this, we're asking him to step down or otherwise be removed by the department from his duties. This significant lack of restraint and blatant abuse of power on the cops part would reflect badly on the department as a whole, and inject doubt into anyone who he pulled over if they really did anything wrong or he just thought they were doing something he thought was immoral. Edit: Obviously this is aimed at Hurlie.
  12. I believe in myself.
  13. I used to substitute teach, sometimes for a week or two at a time. It is a world of difference compared to teaching for an entire school year. Parenting is not a week long gig. Calax, your last few posts have basically been you lecturing me on how to be a parent. What gives? Because you're only considering things from a very very specific perspective. You are placing yourself in the position of the cop in this situation and seem to have this idea that everything that is said by a parent to any kid will be followed through as if it was an order. Try stepping back a bit and looking it at A) from the kids views B) from the parents of the boy's view and C) as somebody who might be pulled over by this guy. I'm pretty damn sure 99% of the parents in the world wouldn't be ok with the parent of their sons girlfriend coming over, handcuffing him, then lecturing him about being sex, and threatening him pretty seriously with significant legal problems if the kid so much as looks at the daughter in the wrong way. Yes, I can understand wanting to protect your kid, but being so overly protective as to basically scare off any potential friend that your kid might have is a no-no. And honestly, probably like 1/10th of the posts you looked at were about actual parenting, they're mostly pertaining to the fact that this guy let his being a parent override everything else and thus might have committed felonies.
  14. I had an annoying time with this where a Barbarian trireme was sitting off my coast, about every other turn it'd move in and deny me half the tiles, then move away, finally the city managed to get enough production to produce a trireme of my own to hit back. I was spending most of my money on units on the other end of my empire to hold off an attack by three computers because a teammate of mine decided to attack the solitary comp on his island (I held them off fairly easily with just the city and a bowman).
  15. Are you really comparing baby sitting to parenting? Depends on the length of the babysitting... I mean you're basically parenting if you babysit kids while their parents spend a week on vacation.
  16. For the origin of the universe, I figure its one big ol' cycle. Universe expands to a point, then contracts down into a single point that becomes the big bang. No real beginning, no real end, except in the eyes of the mayflies.
  17. Now, see, here's the silly thing you're going to have to deal with when you get home. Just telling your kid to NOT do something prooobably isn't gonna stop them that much in a situation like this. Unless it is the most sheltered kid in the world. Also, stop projecting onto us what you think we're saying. Nobody has said that "this was just some lovestruck naive boy", but rather that overall his history is irrelevant, and people at that age generally know, but don't care, that they probably won't be making a life with the person they're coupling with. Telling the kid "don't have sex with my daughter" was like telling a wall "don't act as a windbreak". In this case, dear old daddy reacted as if he was dealing with a 18 year old boy, when his daughter was 12. NOT a pair of consenting people who were within a year of one another. He obviously doesn't want to let his daughter grow up and thinks that because he's a cop, he has the authority to move heaven and earth to prevent her from doing stuff he doesn't like (be it by unethical means or just by browbeating the poor girl).
  18. Uh, dagon, Pakistan has this little thing called a nuke that makes it a VERY serious interest to India, and thus India will react if they believe that Pakistan is getting to pugnacious, or there is a real threat of Pakistans nuclear arsenal falling into other peoples hands. Hell America would react if the latter happened. Hint: Generally when your neighbor has something that can blow up everything you own, you tend to react to what they're doing, even if they're in a cardboard TV box compared to your Palace.
  19. Hurlshot, you've said twice now that the kid had a record for assault but in the article I remember no mention of this. In the video he mentions taking the kid into custody on an assault, but nothing else along those lines. I don't understand why you keep insisting that "he's human, he's allowed to make mistakes" as if that's some sort of excuse to lighten his punishment. Shall we run down a list of crimes he possibly comitted? Trespassing Impersonating an officer of the law Abuse Unlawful detention and in the realm of police regs he Got involved in a personal situation as if he were on the job Misuse of government property Ethics violations. Now then, assuming any of the first four get carried, there is no way he should be allowed to stay on the force. None what so ever. The other three are mainly up to the department but with the amount of flack they appear to be getting over this I'd guess that they would probably toss him for damaging the image of the organization, and failing to uphold himself as an officer. We are not asking him to divorce his emotions from his job in general, however we are asking him to keep private things private, and not use his power as a cop to threaten the well being of a member of society simply because the kid was doing something the officer didn't like but is fairly normal for that age group anymore. And it was fairly obvious he would, if he thought the kid was still being an uppity git after this had gone through and the kid not filed charges, use his powers as a cop to make the kids life a living hell of going in and out of court because this officer would hit the kid with every technicality and charge he could. That is the most frightening part, the fact that this father, by virtue of simply being a cop, would be able to put somebody in jail ultimately for sleeping with his daughter. Not because the kid broke the law, but because the kid was sleeping with his daughter. Before you say "but the kid had broken the law and should be tossed in jail!" think about this. Had the two young lovers not been directly related to him when he caught them, he probably would have simply pulled them apart, dropped them at their parents houses after a tiny lecture, and told the parents and thought nothing more. No threats of arrest or harassment, no scare tactics, nothing else.
  20. The more cities you build, your policy necessity for culture jumps by a percentage (I think 25% extra per city you construct)
  21. http://kotaku.com/5650500/i-am-guybrush-th...jedi-apprentice
  22. It is, but it's wayyyy shorter and far more linear. I've been on a streak of Napoleon Total War. Managed to beat up a french army as the english (during the coalition campaign) that was twice my size due to canister shot.
  23. Morality is a code of ethics. It's just that ethics are usually more hard bound and relate to things that might or might not be morally good or evil in the standard shape of things. That said, Religion teaches you the same stuff you learn from anywhere else, it just also has a subtext of bringing you into a grouping that people find desireable.
  24. Except that in order to file the criminal complaint the kid would have gone through his parents (who in the initial article you linked had been stated to be "outraged" and were as surprised and scared of the cop as their son). Also they were the ones to shoot the video, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be allowing their 15 year old kid to completely screw up his life by committing perjury. I don't understand how you can't ask for this irresponsible, emotional cop who appears to lack self restraint and good judgement when under stress to stand down or to have him fired. After all, if he does this to his own family, what the heck is he going to do when he encounters a similar situation during the course of his job? Fake arrest a random kid he doesn't even know and give him "the speech"? Just arrest the minor and charge him as a sex offender and make him have to jump through stupid amounts of hoops to even try to live a normal life?
  25. Ok, there are five parts of this, and the gameshow is taking a historical battle and fighting it out using the Rome:Total War Engine. The players get DESTROYED (It's a MAGIC HILL!)
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