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Everything posted by Calax

  1. My point was that the armies of nations tend to change only when either all the rest of society is already different (because the old "GET OFF MY LAWN!" generals have been forced out and replaced by somebody younger), or take a fast step to try to stay ahead of the curve to get recruitment numbers up. It's not so much that they care about any morals of any kind. They just care about being capable of fighting. If that means that they're somehow able to get a toad into combat as an effective by letting it mate with a caterpillar, they'd go for it.
  2. How about I don't, for her sake, poor lass. True, don't think she'd like to see your ugly mug.
  3. *hums to himself while glaring at steam for the Shogun 2 demo to download faster*
  4. Limped my way around campus to get my major switched.
  5. The army doesn't necessairly HAVE to follow the social values and customs of the nation it defends, it just usually does because it's made up of the members of that nation. If we had an all merc/PMC army then they probably wouldn't be close to our values structure simply because they aren't in it to defend their lands, they're in it for cash. However, the military is usually the first or last part of the society to change, simply because of the nature of how one joins and then proceeds into a position of power within it's structure. If there could be a popular demonstration and walk out by the new soldiers over these sorts of issues it'd probably be faster, but *shrugs*
  6. Director of photography, who apparently was a bit of an ass himself. They kissed and made up, Bale made a public apology and his career doesn't seem to be any worse for it. Wasn't that also partially triggered by the Photography guy having disrupted the set all to hell? <3 Although I think I mentioned him before.
  7. Yeah... it was my own fault, took a turn to fast becasue I was on a utility atv and the guy i was chasing was on a racer. It would have been a lot worse if I'd stuck to the atv because it probably would have landed on me and dragged me and it across the ground.
  8. ow ow ow ow... Hung out with friends and rode ATV's... aaaand crashed. I apparently flew about 15 feet overall (I didn't check) and am now trying to get my leg to work without pain, and my shoulder decides to anger me. I'm not dead or anything but my body isn't really liking me.
  9. Act of War was ok... it wasn't great but wasn't about to revamp the genre. And yes it did have live action cutscenes that were just as campy as those in Red Alert. Biggest thing about it was that the game tried to keep everything as relevant as it could with the infantry being able to slip into buildings and start sniping everything out of the world. But it also tried to keep things realistic so throwing basic infantry into a building was stupid...
  10. Like I said, I'd rock for a masters at the very least. And you guys are giving me basically the same advice my parents had about any upper level degree "The only people that do it/should do it are those with a tremendous passion and question to be answered."
  11. I admit Being a Doc would be kinda funny I R POWAH RANGER! DR. OLIVER GO! Ok, so I wouldn't be a paleontologist so I couldn't do that but
  12. Yes... and I had to replace his work with my dad a year later
  13. Eh, I'd probably push beyond a Batchelors degree simply because I enjoy the actual LEARNING of the stuff, which would net me a job probably as a teacher (which is sort of eh...) or as an academian at a university.
  14. I am debating changing my major away from Physics into history. Starting to feel like I picked my major for the wrong reasons (was mildly interested in stars and knew that Physics was better for me in terms of getting a job), while History is sort of a passion (I'd jump for military history... probably focus would be on Japan and/or Chinese conflicts).
  15. Apparently he showed up at the de-facto republican roast of Barak Obama and mentioned that "If [he] becomes president, America would be respected again" while being booed by the crowd. This was after he took a quick potshot at Ron Paul.
  16. I can understand being concerned, but launching into a lecture every time we talk (the same lecture that I've heard 18 times) is sorta kinda annoying. And yes, it's the SAME LECTURE EVERY SINGLE TIME, with the same five major points that he launches into never really paying attention to what I'm saying at all.
  17. Age of Empires 3 (apparently my last post went poof!)
  18. Got called by both my parents. One discussed my going home and was basically pretty aminable, then my dad called with "Haven't talked to you for a while! Everything ok?" I told him about my test and my job search and spent 8 minutes trying to stop him from giving advice and going off on a diatribe about how burdened he is about me not "Really hunting" for that job... Finally just asked "are you going to stop or am I going to have to hang up?" and he said "lets hang up, bye" and ended it. Kinda frustrating when about all I get from my dad is an opinion and advice based around something he barely understands.
  19. Rome:Total War. bloody HATE pontus and their massive phalanxes screened by cav (and elephants).
  20. PROBABLY Homeworld 3 or a new IP.
  21. Overall it's pretty good, it's just there are a few things with it that really niggle at my brain. Not something plow through in one sitting.
  22. This just in, Shogun2 demo available the 22nd.
  23. After that diatribe, gotta say I'm readign "Masters of Rome" again... still can be rough to read because there's no real sense of time (months can pass within the span of a page) and because things are so obviously bias in hindsight towards the Marius and Julius families.
  24. Didn't they make a point WHY there aren't that many women in the land of testosterone known as Gears?
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