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Everything posted by Calax

  1. CoD2 was the worst I've found for regenning health, came back way to fast to the point where I got hit by two tanks and about 50 million billion bullets in the final 10 minutes of a level and came out perfectly fine.
  2. I donno about that... I think that Paris Hilton or Kanye are the most attention wanting.
  3. Probably a stunt for another season of "the apprentice"
  4. For that one they have a point... it's just that devs have taken it to far. They should have left it near the halo "your bubbles refill but you gotta kit to regain more bubbles" system rather than all the way.
  5. The dancing gremlin...
  6. I think part of that Kafty is that most villians have a GALLERY rather than one single "above them all" opponent. Of course 90% of the time the villians that enter that gallery start out pretty awesome and get moved into stereotype territory pretty fast (Bane, for example). That said, I'm not sure why this guy is so friggin low http://uk.comics.ign.com/top-100-villains/68.html I mean COME ON! Although he's not so much a villian as an anti-hero.
  7. I believe he's back alive but depowered, of course I don't know if this is true.
  8. I must break you....down to your base elements. Wonder if his name is attached to any papers in Academia
  9. I think that's mainly because his appearances since then have basically been him getting his ass handed to him by anyone with a smile. As to Magneto, The guy gets it because he's one of the most... ambiguous characters. At one point in the 80's he ended up as the leader of the X-Men (Just before the Rise of Apokolypse) while Prof X was getting his mojo on with the queen of avian aliens. During the 90's he was moved back to the villian column when he learned that Moira Taggert had actually manipulated his DNA to make him "Nice" (or something similar). Personally I prefer Darkseid as a villain... well him or Thanos (how can you say no to a nihilist who kills half the universe with a snap of his fingers?)
  10. Watched the Expendables. Then did some research about Dolph Lundgren... and he's got a friggin Masters in Chemical Enginnering. That.... kinda sent me trippy.
  11. Calax


    Paying particular attention to the second and third paragraphs. As to your quote and followings, the founders were coming out of a war where they thought they were under the thumb of the british king without any form of recourse. And to say that they were fighting facism before it was even defined is pathetic with that given the quote is so nebulously stated they're referring to both tyranny and Facism and any other form of government that didn't have a representation of the people (Soviet Communism can fit here too). And so you know what you're talking about beyond what is commonly stated and cliched
  12. Calax


    James Madison He just destroys all utopias right there. Isn't Facism another word for the evolved word Tyranny? (I say evolved because it meant something VERY different back in Roman times). Unless of course, you think that the US was founded pre-dark ages...
  13. I'm still waiting to see about the War in Octarius between the Ork Empire there and a Tyranid Hive Swarm.
  14. You haven't really studied the speeches of Mr. Ahmadinejad, have you? That's Iran, not Lebanon.
  15. Calax


    If we stick to the current formula for GTA... you steal buggies, not by force, but by dueling insults like from monkey island. Instead of selling illegal drugs, you sell cell phones, instead of the mafia, it's the quakers. ...
  16. For the record, I know that Lebanon and Israel are disliking one another like crazy, it's just that I doubt they'd even think about going on the offense against Israel without a more industrialized and powerful country firing the first shot, simply because the Israeli government has been propped up constantly by the western powers. Question, Assuming that Egypts government does topple, what do we think the military would end up doing? Assuming the civilian government goes into chaos, one would think that the Military might intervene and set up elections, or set themselves up as the new leaders (doubtful given how much cross training there's been with the US military over the past 3 decades). Also, would the entire region start looking at Egypt like some assume they're staring at Iraq now that the US is pulling out (Chariman of the Joint Chiefs says we're gonna be fully out of Iraq by the end of this year and Afganistan by probably 2014) as a place to have proxies duke it out?
  17. Skipped through GTA IV (Revenge ending) and the Lost and Damned. Then got a bug to play Total War again... last time this happened I quit playing rome only because the game crashed any time I got into a fight. I tried some Napoleon but honestly, the guns and gun combat feels more boring than melee combat. Ended up picking up Mid2 on steam with Kingdoms for 10 bucks (I own it at home... *sigh*)
  18. Who says they dream of fighting Israel right now?
  19. The campaign AI can be downright BRUTAL and the game doesn't always tell you exactly how you're supposed to do things (I haven't figured out how to recruit units so I'm back up to full strenght rather than running around with units of 2 Tourney Knights), and the Tactical fights... well... lets just say Archers will own anything in spitting distance as long as they aren't thrown into melee (I've literally had an entire army melt before three units of archers). If you gave this to the guys who do Total War and said "keep the spirit of the game, change the mechanics a bit" you'd probably end up with a PHENOMINAL game.
  20. He doesn't just act "concerned". That sort of language and tone is usually found by those who are trying to fire up a population to take *cough* drastic *cough* measures against those the person/people in question. Particularly given his implication that they'll be smuggled into Israel to be used in terror attacks. Also, He's concerned that a tiny country nearby is purchasing weapons systems, this happens all the time why should Lebanon be singled out? Why doesn't he flip out when Israel purchases weapons systems from anyone? It's for the same reasons as Lebanon. Anyway, how many people think that Egypt's population is going to oust the president before his "term" is up? Particularly given him sending his police force as "pro-Mubarak protesters".
  21. Well, they live in Placerville, Shingle Springs, Cameron Park, and Rescue, all of which get snow every so often
  22. Calax


    You go Amish and (assuming you get in) you'll have a mate pretty quick given their current genetic issues (basically they've got such a small population in certain contained areas that they're running into accidental inbreedings).
  23. http://www.gloria-center.org/blog/2010/12/...i-tank-missiles (OMG ARMZ SALEZ GOING TO TERRORISTS AUTOMATICALLY!) This entire article. His only leg is that Lebanon is purchasing anti-tank missiles and attack helicopters, something any state does, from france, and instantly makes the leap to "OMG the weapons are going to be moved into Palestine to support terrorists there" without any proof of this, and even kills his own argument noting that the missiles are french made, and the helicopters would be shut down faster than a nudist dance orgy on mormon church grounds.
  24. DC:O was... ok. Not great but not a heaping pile of smelly stuff. I played the beta a bit and in general the biggest issue was the control scheme for PC and targeting system (often I'd find myself shooting something a block away when somebody was slapping my face). Also I couldn't help but feel that any way I made my character it wouldn't be heroish because of how they set up the powers. You've got a primary power set (brawling, pistol, AR, swords etc) and a secondary (fire, ice, magic and poison I think). Thing is, you can't play Batman because of the secondary, and you can't play Superman for the same reasons. The entire point of the game is to play a super hero, but you can't help but feel thrown because one minute you're slinging a bow, the next you're making your body vent fire...
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