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Everything posted by Calax

  1. You live in the sunny PART of Cali... move to tahoe and you'll see.
  2. No, I just won't accept any views of somebody who is pointedly anti-islam. None of the people I mentioned are anti-Islam so far as I know. They're all anti fundamentalist islamists, with good reason. Of course to a leftist there's no distinction, so forget it. Except that everything I read out of the place you cited has been attacking Islam, and anything related to Islam. If they say that they're peaceful, he'll say they're hiding their agenda and are actually OMGZTERRORIST! http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2011/0...-process-policy http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/1...and-middle-east http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/1...dges-demonizing http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/1...here-isnt-peace http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/1...-against-israel http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/0...d-peace-process http://www.gloria-center.org/blog/2010/10/...-iran-apologist (Note the attack on the US Imam) http://www.gloria-center.org/blog/2010/12/...i-tank-missiles (OMG ARMZ SALEZ GOING TO TERRORISTS AUTOMATICALLY!) http://www.gloria-center.org/gloria/2010/1...bying-by-murder (Because somebody has some reading material around, they're automatically extreme... as are the people who disagree with the judgement) Of course, to a "rightist" there is no real distinction between your Average muslim and a radical Islam because the "radical" groups are always hidden and thus anything that might remotely be connected to them is proof!
  3. Where am I supposed to store a shovel in my itty bitty room?
  4. No, I just won't accept any views of somebody who is pointedly anti-islam.
  5. I wish we had gotten that much snow from this storm. Although the roads would probably be in even worse shape what with the city forgetting how to clear them. They're clearing out most of it, but they are leaving about an inch thick layer on the road that is just turning to solid ice. At least you oculd get out... I had a four foot drift behind my car and couldn't go out yesterday... donno if they plowed it today. I've only had that happen to me once and it wasn't so much behind the vehicle as it was on all sides of the vehicle. Having 4 foot retaining walls on both sides of your driveway is awesome for catching drifting snow. Couldn't even use the snowblower that time because I couldn't get it out of the garage. Well, for me it was becuase of the blizzard creating drifts behind every car downwind. In my lot every car on the south side of each row had a fairly hefty drift behind it.
  6. I'm gonna trust an observer from Georgetown University who's focus is Islamic studies over somebody who is so highly reactionary and conservative think tank. Being on the Report doesn't necessairly bring legitamacy, but it was where I saw the guy, and an easily available video source that anyone could watch.
  7. Milgrim is funny in a sad way with some of hte reactions.
  8. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2010/04/026000.php The thing that I'm trying to get at is it's a translation. Translations are tricky and can be manipulate based on what was said. Also, having read the guys previous links you've provided, I gotta say, he tends to be overly reactionary and often finds connections that aren't actually there. I am surprised that on the internet you posted a link to something you didn't check out. Also on the monday episode of Colbert, they had the director of multicultural studies from georgetown say the exact opposite of what GLORIA decided to say http://www.colbertnation.com/full-episodes...-dr--paul-offit (it's about mid episode). I mentioned it before but nobody seemed to have paid attention.
  9. In NY when I drove through it after the last major one around christmas (becuase they shut down the airports... driving from Iowa to NY sucks btw) they just plowed AROUND the cars that had gotten stuck wherever (including on the offramps)
  10. I wish we had gotten that much snow from this storm. Although the roads would probably be in even worse shape what with the city forgetting how to clear them. They're clearing out most of it, but they are leaving about an inch thick layer on the road that is just turning to solid ice. At least you oculd get out... I had a four foot drift behind my car and couldn't go out yesterday... donno if they plowed it today.
  11. Uh, his job is to give a skewed view of things... Taken from http://www.powerlineblog.com/ (first post actually has a copy paste from an Egyptian blogger who got taken down/arrested by the Egyptian government but was released).
  12. Wasn't that post to a conservative Israeli think tank who has a vested interest in Mubarak staying in power to prevent the POSSIBILITY of being attacked by them again?
  13. Basically. And having seen a video of it, it seems pretty mean spirited.
  14. http://kotaku.com/5750411/learning-how-to-...the-new-deus-ex A gameplay mention and the Jensen trailer.
  15. For me with DoW2 there was usually jsut one or two abilities that I'd ever use after a point (Cyrus with his "can use abilities and stay stealthed" perk and the demo packs/det charges was a major one) except on bosses where it was s different more focused set of abilities. The most annoying part tho was having to round out your abilities to deal with all the different sorts of enemies (well, really just vehicles and peoples, but having somebody be almost useless becuase they have vehicle only equipment kinda sucked.
  16. And yet the director of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies in Georgetown says "Support the 83 million egyptians rising up against Mubarak". As to the Brotherhood, if they were so "in step" with Al Queda then why did Ayman al-Zawahiri leave it and move to Al Queda? And they've been suppoting Al Baradi (I think that's the name) and wouldn't be able to go after Israel like some seem to think because of the same reason that Mubarak is now having to leave, 83 million egyptions who've all lost SOME family member in the various wars.
  17. Samer Sheheta gave a pretty good analysis of the situation on Cobert.
  18. That's that the story I posted was about, but I guess having a magic sci-fi city is more exciting than the actual facts... But... But... massive cities so built up that you can go for days in hallways and never see the sky are just so KEWL!
  19. That can't be real. If it is, Jon Stewart will CERTAINLY catch it. It's to stupid NOT to catch.
  20. Calax


    Except that humans being what they are, wouldn't be able to withstand the "equal" thing due to our greedy natures. And even then, By rights the human race is pretty overpopulated on the planet, who's to say that the "logical" thing to do wouldn't be to find a way to eliminate 30% of the population to more easily free up resources?
  21. Calax


    The only problem with this is that you'd need to temper science with ethics.
  22. http://kotaku.com/5747480/two-words-helpin...rnment/gallery/
  23. When I last played it the maps usually had like three spots for insertion and bosses and then the two industrial points. As to the plot thing, there's a point where it's kind of "gather X, do y, and find Z" and at that point you can end up finding a dozen or so random missions that keep spawning that you're not sure if they fulfill your objectives.
  24. It's a very specific style of game that's pretty fun over all, problem with the "vanilla" campaign is that at a certain point you can actually start getting into a cycle of repeatable missions because you don't realize mission X is what you need to progress the story. Also it can get a bit boring because there's like a total of four maps per world that you play again... and again... and again....
  25. http://kotaku.com/5746751/an-fps+style-amm...er-in-real-life That looks interesting.
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