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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I honestly kinda liked AC1. It is boring and repetitive but it did have a charm to it. Uncharted is basically Indiana Jones having a kid with Lara Croft. I didn't finish the first one but the second one was alright (although I did find it a bit... stale). AC2 is crazy. Varied missions and much larger territories to explore. Does have the fundamental flaw that everyone knows exactly who the assassin is because he shouts it out in the very beginning (which has always bugged me) but still. Brotherhood further refined the combat but is ultimately just (as Yahtzee said) DLC that got stretched out and then wrangled to be turned into a full game. It depends on what you like but most people (for the ps3) would point you at the games you've mentioned plus Ratchet and Clank Resistance series Killzone Infamous and... tenuously Metal Gear Solid 4 (But only if you have basically gone around and picked up the plot from the previous games). Note, I'm just doing the exclusives here.
  2. Got REAAAALLLLY frustrated with one of the guys I played l4d with (a friend) because he just didn't seem to be playing... On the first time he's off around three corners by himself as survivor, then when we get infected he spends half the time basically just spectating in spawn mode, then hiding, then strolling off to re-enter spawn mode. He was above me on damage but if he'd been trying ANYTHING he'd have been able to take out the enemy team THREE BLOODY TIMES! GRRRRRR
  3. they're usually the most into L4D2
  4. This reminds me... for our random games of L4D2 that I usually drag Der kicking and screaming into I should start checking the group list more...
  5. Technically [soDOFF] http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SODOFF
  6. Vegas 2 is. If you're solo you and your team are Bishop, while the co-op partner is Knight.
  7. ?
  8. He did hit one thing on the head tho. Western RPG's are way to focused on open world to have a good constant narrative line. Fallout three basically falls apart for me at Boomtown because you're flying all over doing quests, same with the Elder Scrolls series.
  9. From the sound of it it's got no electronics or weapons systems put in it. Just the hull and engines sort of.
  10. So... Basically an Odachi or Bastard Sword? Or a Zanbato if you're really going for everything.
  11. Played some Dawn of War Retribution. Was a mite bit frustrated because (at least as IG) in the campaign rather than have squads that you're permanently assigned and then upgrade, you get a quad of heroes and then you have to build all your units. Of course, this may be IG only given that that's sort of how they work in fluff, but meh.
  12. Ceaser has nothing on Gaius Marius!
  13. http://kotaku.com/#!5769835/german-pol...n-the-reichstag Germany rocks!
  14. RA3 was good to see The top of Mount rushmore pop open for a laser cannon and other shenanigans. In terms of pure gameplay it was hardly fantastic.
  15. Ed Norton was Jerusalem. The dude with the mask and the leporasy.
  16. This looks... AWESOME!
  17. Officially changed my major. THink I actually impressed the new advisor with the fact that I asked if there was ANY of the professors who had a focus in Asian studies because based on their book wall (our teachers/students have written...) they were mostly either depression era america, or dark ages europe. Turns out there is (YAY!)
  18. but swedes don't have the super awesome dance time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjczJNefsME
  19. Partly Gorgon. The ritual suicide for honor came into effect AFTER the Tokugawa were installed and all the samurai had no real job but to sit around and carry swords. It became heavily ritualized because there was nothing else to do. When the Samurai actually were WARRIORS rather than glorified magistrates with swords, they were more pragmatic about their lives and situations.
  20. I donno kafty. Not many Vikings would yank out their own eye so as to prevent weakness. Although Xiahou Dun did it better (he yanked it out and ate the sucker in the middle of a fight after being shot by an arrow IN SAID EYE) but he's a chinese guy from years before. Nor would they write an entire book on history, tactics and philosophy after beating another guy to death with a boat paddle. My name is Tadakatsu Honda, and I approve this message HONK HONK(I to am Tadakatsu Honda!)
  21. Actually the ritual suicide came much later for simply losing.
  22. Ghassan Massoud (if you're wondering he's playing Saladin from Ripley's Kingdom of Heaven for that shot, he's got some of the best moments of the movie along side Ed Norton). Feel Ed Norton should be put in here.
  23. I'm gonna be honest, I find it a little odd that they had the SHIMAZU betray you rather than the Kobyakawa in the historical scenario. The Kobayakawa are historically the traitors, having only made their final allegiance to the Tokugawa after Iyeasu had a unit of muskets fire on his position. >.> <.< For those who don't know the Battle of Sekigahara was basically the deciding point of the future shogunate. The two sides clashing were those who supported the Toyotomi's (Hideyoshi was the first man in the era to unite ALL of Japan under his banner, then launched a few unsuccesful attacks on Korea before dying and having everything splinter), and the "upstarts" under Iyeasu Tokugawa. Mitsunari Ishida led the Toyotomi Loyalists and had possibly one of the most bad ass generals under his command (Yukimura/Nobushige Sanada). After Sekigahara Tokugawa basically mopped up the last of the Toyotomi and set up the 200 year long reign of the Tokugawa Shogunate that put Japan into a technological and sociological stasis that took Oliver Hazard-Perry opening their port with cannon to break them out of (and trigger a fairly bloody rebellion).
  24. They're actually special ammunition fired OUT of rockets that kung-fu opponents to death before pulling out their own duel wielding rocket lesbians.
  25. I played the demo's historical battle, it's pretty close to a no win scenario. Doesn't give you much tactical flexibility. Kind of annoying overall. But the new ranged combat etc is much better and the fights are FARRR bigger (upwards of 5k... admittedly I've been playing a LOT of rome). Looks fantastic but then what doesn't these days.
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