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Everything posted by Calax

  1. What if they're Russian, Chinese or North Korean, though? Their command of, and use of, english on their twitter says that at least one is almost certainly a native speaker.
  2. So that's Sony Epic WoW League of Legends Sega Bethesda/Brink cia.gov FBI (particularly agregious) Dispite saying in a previous tweet that "Dude! We totally aren't hactivists!" they now loudly proclaim "We totally are doing this to prove how unsecure things are" Also copycats have popped up.
  3. I don't think the misogyny is a bad thing per se, it's just you have to treat the subject matter with enough respect that people don't think you're just being a jackass. Personally if I were given the Duke Brand I'd probably have it so that the universe he lives in with all the misogyny and such would be almost VR for him, with the glasses he wears turning everything into a male idealist world. Hell you could probably make a pretty good game mechanic and story around just that fact, and have the entire game being him going from out and out 90's idiocy, to being more bad ass with a bit of the fact that he's unashamed to be a guy.
  4. Found out that Weird Al put out a new single/video Includes a singing porcupine.
  5. For the record, nobody has seen Beckett since his little dance with the devil in the psychic moonlight. One theory points to becket's little psychic battle at the end of Project Origin took all of 8 1/2 months which leads up to where Fear 3 picks up (there is actually a "Days:Minutes:Hours" clock in the final fight). Also, they've said the baby is the antichrist.
  6. Eh, maybe. I retain my optimism. To the bitter end, I admire your perseverance. Well they've got John Carpenter working on Cinematics, and Steve Niles doing the story, and the multiplayer modes look friggin sweet. There's ****ing Run! which we mentioned before, Contractions (which is basically the Nazi Zombies multiplayer mode from CoD but with decreased visibility with each round), Sole Survivor (where four live players are in the game with one as a spectre, the spectre takes control of things and tries to kill the players (things meaning other players too)), and Soul King, where everyone is a specter trying to get as many drops as they can by controlling mooks to kill other mooks. Besides, at least they're TRYING SOMETHING NEW in the genre (with Fettle's new role, and the specter role in multiplayer), rather than just releasing "We're gonna tinge Call of Duty with Horror and call it a day".
  7. I could see that being used in a Duke Nukem game. Eh, maybe. I retain my optimism.
  8. ask him to wiggle his rear on camera for you and then post the negative up here next to your lassie in your sig?
  9. Dug up my Final Fantasy 13 for a bit, not much. I can see myself digging into that again pretty quick. Also dug up some Post Mortems of the game and it's pretty funny to read as they basically read "What went wrong: We really didn't have a clue about what the completed project should be. All our teams worked on their own bits of the game without really talking to the other teams that much. What went right: When we were ordered to create a demo for the Advent Children DVD release, we actually found our clue!" That's right, up until near the very end FFXIII was basically each of the design teams going nuts without a unified idea. The leaders were working more on the basic engine that would be running all of the other projects that were built with the game (the "Fabula Nova Crystallis" project). This also meant that hey didn't know the system specs at the start of development.
  10. Chronicles was just short, and vapid.
  11. All i thought about when I saw that was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3iQAIMcWbk and TF2's heavy.
  12. The entire FEAR series tries to sell itself as a horror game, and the first one did pretty well with it, although "horror" and "action" Segments would swap with an audible "CHUNK" between themselves, the second one was just a pile of sorta jump scares that rarely worked.
  13. What comedian was it that said that former Heroin addicts should work at taking blood instead of those newbie nurses who go "Is this a vein?"
  14. Day1 also did Mech Assault. That said, I'm willing to take a chance on Fear3. It looks like they actually are trying to do the horror part (even got John Carpenter in on the mix) it's just the question of if they'll pull it off like the first game, or collapse under their own weight like the second.
  15. http://thecinemasnob.com/2011/06/17/midnig...ns.aspx#Comment Watch the penguins review. Most of it is actually a review of the only other couple in the theatre having sex behind the guys.
  16. The campaign of DOW2 got pretty close.
  17. Hey, man, we have souls. The title to them may or may not be clouded by remainder interests subject to contractual conditions subsequent, but nearly every lawyer I know still retains present possessory rights of enjoyment of that particular asset. Except divorce lawyers. Even you have to admit they deserve a beating. Anyone who takes such cruel delight in the ruin and suffering of their fellow human beings deserves bad things. Eh, I think the malice comes from the divorcee's not the lawyers.
  18. The three pages thing sounds REALLY GOOD on paper, but when you actually think about it it's kinda "Bwah?" And Bachman still scares me.
  19. Infamous 2 is better than the first. I don't know how the demo compares, but Cole actually sounds like he's a happier cookie. As I mentioned before, it does feel a little spread thin
  20. That's not atheism. your point? what calax posted wasn't christianity. but those two pictures are older than the internet. deal with it like i dealt with Calax's post. lol. this is a funny things thread not a religious debate, keep it that way, if you can't laugh at a ridiculous over simplification of your own belief system do not bring someone else's up in the first place There's gross oversimplification, and just flat out wrong. Stating that was atheism is like stating that my post about a Jewish zombie also encompass Jews and Muslims. And now, a kitteh in a hampster ball.
  21. If you look at the forbes article they continue past 10 12 Farmville 13 Runescape 14: Second Life 15: Club Penguin 16: Eve Online
  22. Lulzsec posted that they hit and hacked cia.gov
  23. O.o I don't think you can organize atheists like that.
  24. And WoW customer Service.
  25. It would also appear that Lulsec is doing phone denial of service attacks rather than internet.
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