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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Well they basically showed us the entire lineup with the intro doohicky. Kart Icarus Fox Luigis Mansion..
  2. "it's been tricked out like never before" I was half expecting to see them driving pimp cars with some sort of "bling" mechanic. Instead we get hang gliding, and sinking.
  3. We get "DO A BARREL ROLL!" in 3d now (at least they have a sense of humor about it. There's kid Icarus.
  4. Here's the new platform info.
  5. It's a press briefing. Also, "We have a Orchestra here today!" Gee... I hadn't guessed that!
  6. Why not just pop up with a list of "These Zelda Titles for these systems for this much at this time!"
  7. Boy, their work with the orchestra is really... light I more expected them to have more deep tones with their "get an item" and "quest win" An THERE it is.
  8. At least the Sony Brief had more than one series of games.
  9. And here goes the nintendo briefing. I'm gonna make a bet that they make some sort of promise of something that's supposed to be awesome and it falls flat on it's face (again).
  10. I normally don't mind it when devs take new directions, but I find this to be an insult. It is essentially a fantasy about Allied soldiers acting like the Nazis they were fighting. I think just about everyone kinda said this. Or said "they shouldn't have called it Brothers in Arms!"
  11. He said the same thing almost 8 years ago... http://www.mombu.com/politics/italy/t-non-...e--4831624.html Hell if I know anything about what that article says except the english bit.
  12. I think that's kinda been EVERYONE's reaction to the movie there Kor. It'd probably have been better if they'd cast January as somebody like Azazel who had no lines whatsoever... To give us Emma Frost I'd probably go for... I donno... uh Hair Dyed Megan Fox?
  13. Good, now forget everything you just saw because it never really comes up again.
  14. Jesus, this guy sounds like he just ran a marathon and looks like he needs to hit the mens room.
  15. Ooohh, Sly Cooper
  16. Well, Infamous 2 seems obviously to have a Good and Evil partner setup.
  17. Note entirely on rails it seems.
  18. I can't even see the game because it's focused on the player so much.
  19. Are they IN the city? They said that they were GOING to the city. Doesn't matter to me; just wondering why designers are obsessed with the area. Probably because it's one of the few american cities that is SO well known. A move bundle that might be worth it. That 3d display might actually cause adoption.
  20. Are they IN the city? They said that they were GOING to the city.
  21. That demo didn't really seem to interesting to me.... it was just to, lonely.
  22. The question is how fast will he freak out under fire . Also, Uncharted three... looks nice but so far like NOTHING has happened.
  23. At least he's not staring at the teleprompter like half the people in the Ubi conference. Also the Feds currently are holding one of the hackers (supposedly).
  24. Here we go.
  25. so, when did bioshock go into the sky and have crows with dripping blood beaks
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