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Everything posted by Calax

  1. So... I'm at the tail end of infamous 2 and have an interesting choice. Not necessairly a good one, but an interesting one.
  2. No cover system = fail Just because you don't know how to get behind objects doesn't mean there is no cover. Cover old school! PS: Max Payne still rocks. It's not just the bullet time, it's not just the shooting...it's the story and the dialogue that made the game what it is. And the baby levels.
  3. Started playing Infamous2. Pretty good overall if it wasn't for ONE thing. I can't get over the fact that Coles face seems incredibly... square, and flat. compare Top being the "new" face and the bottom being the old one. It just... bugs me. It might have worked if they'd kept the facial hair. That said, the story seems to be a bit... slow to get going. They get you out of liberty city pretty quick, but beyond that it's still in the tutorial style levels and I'm over an hour in.
  4. That's actually part of the reason I ended up moving from morning shifts to the nights. In the mornings there's ALL women who are in the store, minus one latino guy. Of course, women always seem to have the same mood at all time... even if they aren't all pissed off, if one's sad, they're all sad.
  5. Sorry if my post wasn't original enough for you, Calax. I guess I'll try harder next time. That being said, I loved the movie. It has it's flaws, sure. I'd like it if they continued on with this series and forgot the previous x-men titles. Just as long as there's no wolverine. I hate that guy. That said, I think they should have made the events of first class ultimately work out over a pair or trio of movies (pair would be best). With the first one showing how everyone becomes friends and how they came together to beat the evil guy, the second one being about how they fall apart in the face of growing anti-mutant sentiment and such.
  6. That's due to their past. Part of it was that, I think another part of it was that he wanted to prove that
  7. Victors write the history books.
  8. I believe this is being talked about wrt Social Security. There are currently two tiers of retirement: 1) Retire at age 65. This nets you a certain amount. 2) Retire at age 67. This nets you a higher amount than retiring at age 65. I think Ive heard/read somewhere that they are now talking about backing the reitrement age to 72. True, but this is not just about what age people are wiling to work until. Jobs have to be found for them. Perhaps more importantly, the jobs those people are occupying before they retire are jobs 'needed' for other people. This is what I meant about a ballooning population. You've got pressure from young jobless at the other end of the system. God, this is depressing. Indeed, the chief immediate benefit of Social Security when it was passed in the '30s was to allow a lot of older, less productive workers to retire, opening up jobs for younger, healthier, and generally more productive workers. America's productivity-per-worker jumped up. As to Wals' other post, there is a #5 on the list: Accept a lower standard-of-living across the board. This is something that Americans might have to get used to. The post-WW2 boom in the U.S. was an amazing thing. With every other industrialized nation on the planet bombed to ****, America had competitive advantage out the wazoo. It was considered relatively unremarkable for a man to earn enough in 35ish years in the workplace to pay for his own education and support a non-working spouse, raise children, and pay for both him and his spouse to have a long retirement. But that comparative advantage simply couldn't last. Partly because the rest of the world wasn't going to stay blowed-up forever, and partly because American institutions and policies got complacent. Really, no president since Eisenhower has made maximizing American competitive advantages much of a policy priority. (As an aside, women entering the workforce in large numbers beginning in the '70s were a big help in delaying this decline.) And there have been both accidential and malicious fundamental mis-allocations of societal resources that will have to be painfully corrected at some point-- primarily the portion of national resources being invested in relatively-low-return enterprises like the financial sector, the healthcare sector, and defense/security. Getting into a position to re-build American competitive advantages is probably going to mean that a lot of people are going to have to accept being generally worse off than their parents' generation was. It's kinda funny that right now we're sort of seeing the same thing (Many jobs held by soon-to-be retireees)
  9. What's going to be interesting is when, in another generation, the baby boomers all are retired/gone, and I mean "not putting strain on the system" gone. I think that we're going to see a significant cultural shift at that point in relation to how jobs work.
  10. Heh, you guessed it. AngryJoe is horrible. I find him tolerable... OUT of the context of a review. And he doesn't hate it for the same reason. He hates this one for clunky controls, the very minimalistic tutorial, the over-abundance of large combats (when the system isn't designed for group fights), and the overly complex inventory and menu systems. The other one he hated for the fact it was (as mentioned above) effectively an MMO that required you to research things to get their skulls (counter-intuitively). He didn't so much as mind that you had a complex control scheme but the fact that in order to finish the first act you had to wade through numerous quests of "Kill X for Object Y" was what really made him drop it before it entered Vizima (and I'm sorry, but Vizima was where the game got interesting, act 1 was just crap)
  11. Well. Sluggo, you could always do the "girl next door" thing and say "as long as my face is covered" assuming that you don't have identifying marks on your body.
  12. Catfight? Threesome, I would say. I think that'd only work with Samara and Liara.
  13. Honestly... the big thing for the game is that they're hyping it as "You're running from sf to NY!" and yet you watch the vids and most of the streets are fairly empty.
  14. Apparently the NFS guys basically said that you won't have control when you're out of the the car it's really just a quick time event for the entire thing instead of sort of the free roaming.
  15. 4 would be worth it I think MW2? Nope, it's ballz
  16. lol, on the stream Reggie is talking to Geoff, and he's pressing about "launch titles" and Reggie refuses to talk about it. And seems to refuse to want to talk tech about it.
  17. Boy, Reggie is very.... tight about anything that wasn't in the conference.
  18. Finally it looks proper gen. Also Ninja Gaiden 3 was in there. I think nintendo may have sold me on their console.
  19. Well, it can't leave wifi range of your box But jesus, Darksiders 2, Arkham City, Tekken, and Assassins Creed all for the new system. looks like it has the hardware finally.
  20. interesting that they haven't shown the system itself, just the tablet. Makes me think that this isn't so much "new system" as "Extra perephrial".
  21. I sense a really high price for this item. Purk, it's "We put a DS into a home console! GO US!"
  22. WiiU? wtf?
  23. And the only game that looked mildly interesting out of that was Snake Eater, and that thing is HOW OLD?
  24. "Incorporates quite a tail" and instantly it's the racoon tail flight form from in Super Mario Three. And god it better not Are you kidding me with Augmented Reality Card battles as part of the game?
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