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Everything posted by Calax

  1. That's actually a woman from WW2. She had the most kills of any sniper in Stalingrad. I'm pretty sure Vasili Zaitsev had most kills in Stalingrad. At least, according to the movie. The woman in the pic is Lyudmila Pavlichenko, she was never in Stalingrad. You're right. I do think that Lyudmila is considered the more successful as she got the more kills (308 to Zietsevs 242).
  2. That's actually a woman from WW2. She had the most kills of any sniper in Stalingrad. As to the competition BS, I don't think anything will top three SEALs head shotting three Pirates off Somolia from 700 yds away on the seas during the whole hostage situation last year.
  3. So... uhh... what exactly where they doing in that video you posted that wasn't done by SAS, US Spec Ops, or heck, even SWAT?
  5. Metro 2033 returns in 2012
  6. except to the foot.
  7. Not really brilliant, it's just ripping off EA Sports.
  8. All of this would have been more effective if, instead of having the entire thing split up for almost the entirety of the chapter, they had found a way to have the two sides actually harassing each other. Do you hear talk of doom and gloom? Yes, but you never actually feel that sense because YOU control the ticking clock. There is some discussion of how the mist will continue to grow, but you never see that in action so it doesn't feel a tangible threat. It doesn't help that they give you numbers for their troops, but you see a fraction of a fraction of that number in the entire fight
  9. She got half de-infested at the end of SCII's terran campaign. She still retained a few zerg traits (specifically her hair is all snaky), but for the most part reverted to her human self. Best guesses has the entire plot of the next game being focused on her re-taking control of the swarm.
  10. Spelled my name wrong. That said, the fighting at the start of Chapter two didn't feel epic, because the "hundreds of soldiers" would disintegrate as you got near them, and you had super special aura going that took care of most of your enemies (I was Saskias side). As to the Engine issue, there are ways around that. NWN2 had creative use of the background and mechanics to make the massive battle at your keep seem larger. Siege towers would roll up and spawn as many units as possible, and once they were dead, the next troop would roll up. Meanwhile in the background you can see what appears to be a roiling mass of creatures coming towards you. In Witcher 2 you get two ladders that are glued to the wall, that every so often will have units climb up to join the fray. This is my point, it would have required a bit of re-working of the map and the visuals, but you could have EASILY made the fight seem much larger in scale. Also, as I mentioned before, the whole "Battlefield is cursed and lost" gimmick felt... heavy handed as a way for the chapter to be drawn out.
  11. Gah, I'm not asking for everything to be over the top uber-violence to save the world from the evil darkness of deathy doom. If you'll look at my posts rather than JUST ONE SENTENCE I'm stating that there are certain points in the game that SHOULD BE EPIC but are NOT. I am perfectly fine with the back ally fight club and subdued tone. But a SIEGE is not "10 guys sit on a wall and knock another 10 guys off for three minutes". Thus the key word in the sentence that everyone is fixated on is not "Epic" but "Bit"
  12. They also had at least one playable mission that they gave out screenshots to (it's over on Kotaku).
  13. Why does everyone assume I want Lord of the Rings level of Epic?
  14. The entire thing is under played. And a regicide, while not requiring, generally is attached to "Epic". Add in the Social upheaval taking place under Saskia, and the fact that Geralt ends up being a part of politics there, and you almost have to make the story bigger than it's current feel. That's sort of Geralts character, He doesn't want to be in these situations where he effectively makes kings and seduces queens, and destroys kingdoms, but he gets dragged into it kicking and screaming anyway. As it is right now, the creation of a new kingdom and social order, feels like it's basically Seven Samurai. A small town getting a tiny group of competent people to guard it from a band of bandits. They say "Oh we gots us thousands of men" on each side, but you never see more than 100. I was on the rebels side and for all their talk of "We have Knights, Dwarves, Elves, shotguns, pesants!" and so on, you only saw a tiny crew of dwarves holding off a tiny crew of knights. Neverwinter Nights 2 felt more epic than this in it's siege battle, and it's engine couldn't well handle that many units on screen at once. Like I said, if they'd opened up the battlefield in between and had roaming bands of both armies skirmishing etc, it probably would have felt MUCH more like it was an actual conflict, rather than a bandit raid.
  15. Not every story needs to be epic true. But when you open with the slaying of a king, and then move on to an open rebellion and social upheaval, That requires EPIC.
  16. I'm quite surprised that there hasn't been more of a push to get a FPS with a subscription model. There was that game Planetside back in the day, but the shooter market has skyrocketed since then, and I think blending Call of Duty with an MMO is a pretty decent recipe for success. I'm guessing it's just a matter of implementation, so this is probably a little testing the waters before a full blown MMO shooter. It's gonna have to be handled very carefully with the franchise. Particularly with the 360 and it's necessary XBL accounts.
  17. The game needed to feel a bit more epic. No offense but it felt like I was in a few brush wars rather than some massive epic empire spanning tale. Part of it was probably because of the fact there's only the three acts/locations, but I think the other part is that due to how they portrayed the various conflicts within, it felt confined. You had Floatsom and the half mile around it, you had the two camps in the rebel encounter, and the final location. The second act is probably the biggest offender because of the fact that, basically, you're stuck with your one side of the conflict until the very end due to macguffin spell of death. If they'd kept that area open and had you running around between the camps and having to deal with skirmishers (sort of like the Scoiatel vs random mobs in Floatsom) then it probably would have felt more epic. Or if the Army battles actually showed armies clashing rather than 12 guys getting killed in various ways.
  18. IIRC with most of your disciple, once you have them in your party and locked in, they'll happily run along with your being a darksider, and you'll gain influence with them for doing darkside as long as you basically give them the "It was necessary" line.
  19. The US could probably go more towards nuclear power and get a LOT less waste if they changed a rule that allowed them to reuse fuel (right now you use it once and it's kicked aside). I'm guessing the Germans aren't about to drop their Nuclear program. Not only does it put them in a... tenuous position politically, but it also limits their ability to create/maintain their weapons.
  20. >.> If they were to take this, and mix it with with some Bioware stuff, it'd explode from awesome.
  21. Exactly. The event notice is in such a place that it's washed out entirely by the backround. I don't mind the QTE's IN AND OF THEMSELVES, but when they're put in so badly it's just... urgh.
  22. I'll be honest here, I'm starting to hate the "Do this!" QTE's (even the easy ones which amount to just "Hit the button!" because in a few of them you aren't given much prompting, and in the one i'm currently in I couldn't even see the thing until AFTER I'd been gutted.
  23. I beat the boss. But it took me two or three tries and got really frustrated with the "different body" parts because while I took like squat for damage, it just took forever because i kept getting staggered.
  24. Use your manliness and take one of those self shots you always seen in facebook.
  25. I just finished the second boss fight (in the battle flashback) and I wouldn't have minded the segment to much... if it wasn't for the fact that the boss fight was right after that segment and there was no save point... so you have to keep redoing the segmant with just a sword.
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