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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I'm guessing that there's gonna be a lot of players departing after the 30 days... but will come back and try it after a lot of the kinks worked out. Right now major issues are: Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors having animation issues and are just flat out insanely difficult to play Terrible customer support (particularly wait times) An animation bug or four "Unbalanced" I do see, however, the issue of longevity for the game. With the cutscene heavy style and story based gameplay, you can't easily and quickly power a new character up to the max. Seeing the same story four times does get REALLY old REALLY fast, and the fact that the stories are built such that you HAVE to do the planets in a particular order (and all the starting planets are the same) means that you're seeing the same six cutscenes every time you level up a new character. This is particularly bad on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas.
  2. I think a guy on the colbert report had said that if you were to parody/lip synch to a song on youtube, you could get your ass dragged into court, while a lot of people are talking like it's the end of the 'net, I don't think it'd be entirely the end... Although seeing GOOGLE protesting (not shutting down because that'd kill the entire internet themselves) probably is going to make a big impact.
  3. Did I just hear a cartoonish "SPRONG!" in the backround there bucko? The idea of removing all gender is just ridiculous. On the base biological level, men and women operate and thing different things. Women are hunting for a man who can provide for them and their offspring during the necessary parts of their lives, while the men are just siring up an entire civilization as fast as they can.
  4. When I watched the show, his personal editorials for that and the series were actually the most honest part of that network I'd seen.
  5. Well, Here's another reason why Guardians and Warriors SUCK to level up at the moment. Apparently if you are in a fight and your character dodges/parries an attack... it interrupts your own attack so you have to reque your ability. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread....3944&page=5
  6. THQ's BIGGEST stuff has been Saints Row for money. But having that solitary bet of guaranteed income compared to the piles of drivel that they release or bet badly on is probably putting a dent in their bottom line. Look at their STEAM catalogue. It's Saints Row, Relic (Warhammer/Company of Heroes) and a few of the niche war-sim games. Metro and Homefront are there, sure, but Metro was never expected to be big, and Homefront was a rather dedicated failure. All in all, they develop either schlock (been digging through their various online databases... a LOT of movie tie ins), or rather niche games. The broadest appeal game has to be Saint's Row, and that's so over the top that you might no be able to get a parent to buy it in favor of GTA IV. I can see them having to restructure, and maybe being bought out... but I'm not sure.
  7. The issue THQ has is that their past few iterations of some of their better franchises have SUCKED. Red Faction Armageddon for example failed, as did homefront (rather spectacularly)
  8. Well, blizzard admitted that they stripped a bit out of the game (units wise and such) to cater to the competative market.
  9. neelix!
  10. Didn't do Boarding party... but pulled off Taral V where i was sent by Jedi Master Whinnie the Pooh to retrieve a specialized computer that could calculate a way for me to get into the Maelstrom Prison. It's actually DAMN hard all things considered.
  11. I do think that there's way to many jedi at higher levels...Almost everyone you see is a Jedi.
  12. And then I drove around in a car with a tiger as my passenger
  13. So, I just got the flashpoint quests for Taral V and then Maelstrom...
  14. I prefer them of the force monkies
  15. There's also the guy who talks ENTIRELY in auto-tune. Leaping out of a plane, floating down, jumping back through the plane (going through the front windshield then out the back again), diving to catch a girl, and landing... And a few Indiana Jones references about a giant metal ball that is just rolling down the streets and the cops can't figure out how to make it stop.
  16. sfdebris.com go have fun in his Voyager reviews section.
  17. Saints Row The Third... I just performed a breakout at an S&M club where the guy i needed to break out was turned into a "ponyboy" and harnessed to a cart... and we had a slow speed chase with him running, me in the back seat shooting at two other carts. Then I beat somebody to death with a giant sex toy........ This is a very strange game.
  18. I'd guess that's actually down at the Davis Monthan AFB where they have the Air Force Boneyard. Either way they keep migs on hand to play aggressor squadrons.
  19. Are you by any chance a Husky? or a cubscout?
  20. I think to a degree, they might make it so that the mods will also change the color of the armor, in the same way lightsaber crystals change the color of the blade. I finally managed to get my Knight back... it took me re-doing two questlines to pull it off however
  21. I think it's a new flashpoint and a new operation with some extra quests on Illium.
  22. NEW CONTENT ON THE 17th! That is all.
  23. One of the biggest issues is that they don't really accept the fact that this is the grimdark reality. In Warhammer, humans are just a resource for the empire, but in every book humanity and it's life isn't treated as such. Add to that the fact that the lead character are always the noble ones... it just gets nausiating. Probably the two best authors are Dan Abnett (Gaunts Ghosts) and Ghram McNiel. OH! And Sandy Mitchell, who's main character is trying so hard not to be in the spotlight he ends up as one of the biggest heroes in the galaxy.
  24. Probably because they didn't want to kill their voice actors by having them record a new line for EVERY SINGLE PIECE of dialogue.
  25. And my "main" guardian still can't friggin progress because the GM's looked at my ticket, forwarded it as a bug, and ignored it. The Least they could have done is give me the quest complete >.< (for the record, this character has been stuck at having a pair of class quests in her log that won't allow the other to complete for about four days now) And apparently Customer Service for Bioware sucks all around with EVERYONE getting form letters in return, or not even getting a response.
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