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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Found it! http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?ac...ndpost&p=404770
  2. Found this I wrote a long while ago while looking for something else. "If you stick your own purely personal code of ethics buyt try to benefit the weak and helpless? My grandad mike was reknowned for the fact that whenever he saw a fight he would work out who was going to lose, and jump in on their side. Was he good, or just drunk? Family history indicates the latter. Should we have a new refinement? Drunk Good.? Hoboes might qualify as Drunk Neutral. Wifebeaters as drunk evil."
  3. No. You get mineral resources from asteroids, and also from capturing and scarpping enemy ships. In fact that's where most true HW players get theirs. There really isn't anything quite so much fun as seeing a battlecruiser get ambushed by the little devils.
  4. But Meta, that's what surprises me. I'd have figured they'd be in favour of the creative thing, rather than sounding like forty year old project managers from Surbiton. I'm not saying, incidentaly, that all games publishers should be expected to foster 'artistic' games. I just think that if we want them we have to support them, and to a certain extent barrack when potential is squandered.
  5. Can I have a Jerkin of Klein?
  6. I was thinking that. Then I had the notion I should have married both of them. Would have been immensely fun for all. They would have enjoyed each other's company if nothing else.
  7. I'll have you know Englishmen are always honourable, not only on simple occasions while we wait for a really good opportunity to knacker you.
  8. I meant option B. I keep my eyes peeled for errant bootlaces.
  9. I like strategic points as used in Panzer General. But when one is having build things all the bloody time it is annoying.
  10. I honestly can't believe that this group, as gamers, is arguing in favour of the 'games as cheeseburgers' mentality. Are we seriously saying that all we want nice glitzy potboilers that tell us nothing and amount to nothing more than an electronic MacSpamwich? I _know_ we enjoy novelty and bold things when they succeed, but if you think there's a sure-fire formula for making anything that is novel and bold then you're huffing modelling glue. There's a direct tension between governance and creativity in my experience. There is also a state of diminishing returns that affects excellence measured against time/effort. In my opinion, which has been unaffected by any of the arguments I've been catching up on, is that Troika were aiming for that 99% product. But producers/publishers were wanting their 80% product for 20% effort. Which might be excusable if Troika had not been perfectly clear what kind of outfit they were. Moreover in my opinion it is clear, given the half finished but high quality elements in the games they did produce that given more resources the results would have been classics. But no-one's still reading this thread, so I really only say this because it helps me clarify my philosophy.
  11. I am working through a backlog of games. But I'm going to buy DC as soon as necessary. BTW, my biggest problem with DoW is the difficulty of managing all the manufacturing while I'm fighting.
  12. A and C sound dangerous. the former sounds like my adventure will end by being inexpertly sawn in half. The latter sounds like I will get a hernia. It will have to be the former.
  13. Thanks, guys. now I'm thinking about all the girls that got away.
  14. Speaking mainly of my experience of Paris I must say I found the place more unfriendly than any other place in the world. It also smelled of wee. ^_^
  15. ... I see. To reiterate, my point is that you CAN and indeed HAVE TO take action against evil. If you think of evil as opening a tin of beans, how do you go about stopping it? EDIT: I think part of the problem is your notion that this is a light and dark thing. In fact good and evil are both kinds of light. The darkness is merely the absence of humanity/morality.
  16. He's only joking. I won the internet in October 1946.
  17. You may just have been encountering the natural differences in loquacity between the two cultures there, mate.
  18. Note to self: if I ever decide to commit suicide that would have to be the way to do it.
  19. I'm wondering how hard it will be to play x2 BTF as a space combat game once I get my armada built up.
  20. I've been trying to think how I'd arm the Niceness Squad. And the inevitable answer I keep arriving at is 'very heavily'.
  21. Almost everything I know about philosophers comes from the philosophers drinking song.
  22. Can we chill off the tone in here, please? Just a smidgen. I think there's merits to both sides. Colrom's neat definition imparts an important idea about posssessing easy responsibility for improving the world at large. However, I think that I'd have to agree with Meta by saying that if you think you can prevent evil by doing good, then you are just conkers. I've been in a lot of situations where people intended to do me (for example) physical harm. I can't prevent/cancel a good kicking by buying myself a smoothie! If someone has evil intent the only possible solution is tp put them in a state of system shock. Or, if you want to be all General Patton, get your punches in first. To put it another way, I don't believe you can be advocating essentially replacing the police with The Niceness Squad.
  23. Yeah. And if I was heavier and better at boxing I'd be a heavyweight boxer. I've been asleep most of today, recovering from revelry. But I intend to be celebrating this with due deference this evening. And Meta is right. Standard policy includes shutting threads that go way off base. This is about Saddam Hussein being punished.
  24. I think it needs gerbils driving it. They would look cute. Until they actually started moving. Then it would get frightening.
  25. (w00t) I forgot my all time favourite board quote. According to Onur the Courageous George bush (jnr) once said "Those who do not s*** our balls are teh ones who we shall slay" Which I thought was perhaps the finest piece of statesmanlike rhetoric ever conceived.
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