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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Can anyone explain why periodically I buy copies of the Gaunt's Ghosts novels? I think it's a conspicasy too.
  2. Surely the point with the lasagna would be that his friends and enemies would get sick of Italian food, not him.
  3. I had a ZX 128k. I headbutted it to death in a fit of pique when it crashed during Operation Wolf. Who says games make you violent?
  4. Better than that. I actually did play with the dolls. My little sister came hoem one day to discover that the evil galactic Empire was conducting a police action in her doll's house. We didn't have many kids books in our house. I had to read history instead. Anyway, the point is that unlike mkreku we weren't able to afford vodka and machetes like normal people.
  5. I apologise, but much as I'd love to pitch in, I have a work crisis on, but I'm sure you'll manage...
  6. Like Kirottu I used to love finding a good stick. We didn't really have many toys. Imagination was the key. Although my best commercial toy had to be my Star Wars action figures. They were fantastic!
  7. Unlike my colonial colleague I understand that wining a game of cricket is not the same thing as being best at it. It's like being best at sitting by the fire. You don't get that way by having flashy uniforms and showing off. Of course, our national side are rubbish at that too. EDIT: Cricket was invented when a number of Englishmen were standing around in a field on a sunny day watching three of their friends chuck a ball around. Their wives turned up unexpectedly demanding they put up shelves. But a genius claimed their were ALL playing a game and couldn't leave. This had the added advantage of legitimising drinks afterwards.
  8. If I'm being modest I'd say a third arm, on my right side. It would just be awesome, particularly for emphatic body language. I could cross my arms and still gesticulate angrily!
  9. Sounds like the sanctioned psyker
  10. You're saying pimping is OK? I imagine a dragon would win the yearly contest hands down. What iwith the gemstone weskit.
  11. Yeah, I can't get Imperium Galactica 2 to work in XP. A good game, but sadly superceded.
  12. See, now I understand. Thanks. I was trying to push ahead with the guardsmen alone. And particularly against marines that doesn't work.
  13. Apart from anything else I always think it saves time for the designers.
  14. Good point. I think when one is more conversant with how animals die in their natural condition, the notion of civilised butchery becomes less distressing. I don't think I've ever met a single non-Indian vegetarian who lived in the country.
  15. Time you pimped out your bootay to buy a new one. Please note Obsidian does not officially endorse pimping of any kind.
  16. Essentially you're saying that if I break up with anyone I should woodchip them?
  17. Let's throw in a kidney, or an eye.
  18. Designing your own stuff rules.
  19. Thanks Mus. I understood none of that, but I feel much better.
  20. That was supposed to be my inexpertly made point. I think it's redundant to complain about religions when the problem is people. As the RSPCA said about the recent killing of a small girl by a pitbull "Blame the deed, not the breed."
  21. Turns out you are right. Wiki agrees with me about t being awesome. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_Commando Mainly because you can ride around in different robots, and their abilities affect your options.
  22. I remember one where you were a robot pilot. That was very very cool.
  23. I dunno. I'm thinking if we retreat we will only be signaling we're coming back later. I say we go into the toilets, and pull the toilets off the walls. On re-emerging we kick over all the lamps we can see, and in the smoke, flames, and pain we steal back a whole bunch of stuff. And kick the dealer in the nuts. Then when the nuts have flown everywhere people will slip on them, creating even more confusion.
  24. Drunk blatantly is an alignment. As illustrated.
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