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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Typo. Message reads "Will have live piranhas NAILED to them"
  2. For Gods sake (no pun intended) Sand, Bush only vetoed FEDERAL FUNDING of stem cell research. And he was correct to do so, albeit not for the reasons he actually did it. I never read a phrase in the Constitution anywhere that stated is was Uncle Sam's job to promote, fund, aid, or hinder scientific research of any kind. Stem Cell research still goes on through private funding. Mostly paid for by the "big evil pharmaceutical" companies. This argument would be valid if uniformly applied to all research. I may be wrong but doesn't Sam finance lots of things? It's what makes all power gravitate towards Washington. On the same point, but back on topic, I consider stem cell research priority 1 in the world right now, because I have two close people to me who may die without it. However, that does not mean opposing it is automatically bad. Democracy means representing the willl of the voters, and the voters said to Bush "We want you to be a right wing narrow moralist." I'm sick of hearing people who didn't vote (not necessarily you, Sando) bitching about the situation they're now in.
  3. A surprisingly interesting post. Lessons, possibly, are: 1. Your strategic authority (the big boss) was too much out of touch with his operational leaders (you). 2. Your operational plans and the knowledge contained in them are being ignored. 3. Your tactical assets are indisciplined and lacking in the gumption caused by good motivation. Without wanting to be harsh you have a part responsibility for all the above. But as forum member and friend, commiserations. It sucks to be you. Your boss is ultimately responsible. Kick him in the nuts.
  4. News? This has been common knowledge for at least a year. The 'news' is that the technique is spreading to Afghanistan.
  5. The one glaring flaw in this is that Cartoon Network studios is american. I know we all like to look at modern cartoons and decry "that's not how they drew them when I was a kid" and conclude it must be Japanese! But alas... alas... A fair and wise point. My theory does not, however, preclude American designers raised under the malign influence of anime.
  6. Steady on there, fellah. We don't mean to seem unfriendly. But we've had a passel full of rogues, bots, and spam merchants come through here, and if you kick off by sounding like one then you're apt to get a roasting. Just ride it out and keep on in.
  7. To be fair though, Meta. We've been at war with France ever since.
  8. I think I'm seeinng a pattern emerging here concerning anime and this new series.Clearly when the designers made their pitch to a focus group of fans the fans just broke down and wept. And if I've learned one thing from Somethingawful it is that Japanese anime creators believe that crying is a sign of great enthusiasm, nay arousal. Obviously this lead them to believe that the fans loved the new show.
  9. You already mentioned Chaos Gate. I love that game.
  10. I think it's a great idea, speaking as a fading codger myself. And it would put an interesting new factor into gaming your characters. The things you do when young wouldn't be the things you do when old. In fact, nuts to it, why not get to raise kids? Tale I seee this as something that runs in parallel to the normal classing system. Basically towards middle age your physical stats begin to diminish. Then supposing you make it into seriously advanced years then your mental faculties become restricted. Of course it would never sell, because it doesn't mean bigger explosions.
  11. Firstly Goering was as mad as gingerbread pantaloons. Secondly, he's talking rubbish, albeit very commonly espoused rubbish. This is for the simple reason that there can be very good reasons to go to war if you believe that your opponent is going to do so in the future and now is an opportunity to hit them while it's still easy. The alternative position, of peace at any price inevitably will result in your only fighting opponents when they believe they are good and ready. The result of such wars can only be expecetd to be disastrous for the defender. At best they will be extremely costly, at worst you will lose them. Losing wars sucks a lot worse than winning them. Back on topic, Bush has certainly been cementing the power of the executive. But he was doing it on environmental controls before 9/11. It is the sad nature of the US constitution to be oppositional, and to thus encourage people to grab for power rather than share it. This is exacerbated by the failures of the two main branches. The executive is seen as partisan, short-termist and megalomaniacal (which it is), and congress is seen as parochial and oblivious to the outside world (which it is).
  12. Coffee with horlicks in it. It's not nearly so bad as it should be.
  13. If I understand logical positivism, I'm with Xard.
  14. Gentlemen, less spam in future or action will be taken. And by action I mean live piranhas will be mailed to you.
  15. Is just part of the ongoing Ahmedinejad theme of keeping the moderates in check.
  16. I believe this would make a better, or at least more coherent, policy for the UN security council to follow.
  17. I've met psychotherapists who could win a Nobel prize in Snake Oil and Copper Cancer Therapy. They're either too stand offish ("What do YOU think? No, no, I'm just asking how YOU feel"), or they're too involved ("I think you should kill your parents, because that's what I did"). Psychology is IMO a damn fine discipline, if the correct lessons are learned regarding scientific enquyiry and clinical practice. The question of pay is as usul utterly dependent on what PROCEDURAL skills you learn. What things you learn that other people can't do. Hence if you learn how to do stats and set up a valid null hypothesis then you'll rarely be short of a job. If all you learn is that babies are weird then you'll have a harder time.
  18. You da man.
  19. I have volunteered.
  20. Then I'll have crushed walnut everywhere.
  21. Very good. I don't suppose deposing an executive board need be so very different to deposing a coorrupt banana republic government. How many mercs do you think we'll need? Note to self: This time be sure to mine and monowire the airvents.
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