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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Actually, gentelmen, I'm going to go out on a limb here and argue that there should be limits to what can be shown, particularly in a game. Games teach attitudes and skills. This is a fact exploited by games like America's Army, and DIVE. So danger 1 is that you may be training people at a very low level to be accepting of ultra-violence. I'm not saying it's teh same as going shopping in downtown London on a summer saturday, but it's an effect. The second danger is that violence, real violence, is bloody appalling. The closer we get to accurately representing it the closer the psychological impact becomes. Really I guess all I'm saying is that while Manhunt may not be the line in the sand, there has to be a line. My question is where should that line be?
  2. This can be proven using these long ticker tape records collected at moderator central.
  3. Don't get me wrong. I'm in favour of anything that allows me to pass out drunk on my couch without setting fire to my groin.
  4. Mustard gas was certainly found. Mustard gas is a WMD prohibited under the chemical weapons convention. There was a strong suggestion that nerve gas may also have been used during the halabja massacre, due to the condition of the bodies found without external lesions. Inteestingly the lack of lesions was used as 'proof' that the whole footage thing was a hoax as argued by the Iraqi government. But that has nothing to do with Scooter Libby.
  5. I guess I'd make a distinction between historical responsibilty and immediate responsibility. If I walk into a room doused in petrol, knowing it's doused in petrol and spark up a cigarette am I responsible for the fire or the guy who put the petrol everywhere?
  6. "you're so cool" - Hans Zimmer http://youtube.com/watch?v=6ab1l2TwFp8 It always make me feel shiny.
  7. Tyical EU measure then. Like their regulation that made car/pedestrian collisons less than a fraction of a percent safer, but boosted emissions by making the cars less fuel efficient.
  8. The Ravenite was where the apostles used to play cards. When they weren't shooting people.
  9. I thought it was decided at the Ravenite diner in Manhattan
  10. Fair point, Tale. That's why I considered the second poll question necessary. You know I subscribe to both views. Prohibition came first, but given prohibition immediate responsibility passes to the individual.
  11. http://uk.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughN...05?feedType=RSS I'm not a smoker, but wouldn't this just lead to smokers sucking up cigarettes faster?
  12. I don't see why it being a made up holiday is a problem. If I declared tomorrow Hawaii 5-0 day, and we all had to sleep with hot blonde women and drive fast cars, would you care?
  13. I am struggling to see how it is silly. I buy the drugs, the money goes upstream to an organisation that uses the money to create more rdrugs, but mroe importantly to grow in power and control over the producer country. Don't buy the drugs and they don't get the money. Or have I misssed something?
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/6272684.stm I wouldn't encourage anyone to admit to doing class A drugs on an internet forum. However, I would ask the members whether they feel using drugs such as cocaine and heroin make them complicit in the activities of the drugs barons and terrorist groups that grow them.
  15. "You bloody limeys! Can't you take anything seriously?" - Comment by LCT captain to my grandfather after being offered five pounds to take them back to barracks, Normandy landings.
  16. Holy Crab Nebula! I don't know that guy should be posing as an achorman. But I like his guts.
  17. Meddaforicly, ya putz. Foggedaboudit.
  18. I always write stuff in openoffice and convert to PDF now. Removes the potential for formatting weirdness.
  19. I am certainly of the opinion that a lot of disagreements come down to the premises on which a view is based, more than the internal logic. At least between smart people. I don't know if that's what you mean.
  20. Riding the dog.
  21. I remembered why I didn't like it when I was younger. The humans awere always these ineffectual creeps. We were totally reliant on the Autobots, and the autobots never took the trouble to help us defend ourselves. If you think about it I believe it was only going to be a matter of time before Optimus lost an election and the autobots just upped and left, arguing it was a human problem. We'd be pretty stuffed then!
  22. By God, you're right! An even more interesting notion. Although I'd have thought the more obvious shift is that in RPGs you get powers from being religious like shooting lightning from your fingers.
  23. Like Songkhran in Thailand, cunning shopkeepers have a way of making you believe bigger and louder is better. Anyway, on the subject of birthdays, if the Queen can have two I don't see why we should begrudge Jesus. An official one and one for just his friends and family. [thinks: Actually with God being such an authoritarian, and since Jesus lives at home, I bet the second party sucks.] WHICH REMINDS ME I think from now-on we should make Guy Fawkes night the night when young hip atheists have a gathering of friends. Now that friends are the new family this would be good. It would be like Christmas, with presents, food, and brandy. But with explosions.
  24. I should never have bought you that dachshund.
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