Azarkon, I make a definite distinction between right wing politics, and people who teach their kids that Adolph HItler lives in their heart. Incidentally I read that and thought "Aaaw... isn't that cute... HEY! Waitaminute!"
GD I think you're being disingenuous about the militias. While they often talk about gun control, my experience with militia members seemed to indicate they were worried about the Federal government because of things like foreigners and homosexuals. There was also the fascist emphasis on masculinity for its own sake, and the drinking of lager .
Laozi you make an interesting point about collective action. I'm not going to argue we should go about lynching anybody under any circumstances, but there's a definite tendency to look the other way. I used to live in a fairly well to do area and noticed some kids arsing about with harassing asian stores and nearly walked into a fat kid making a Nazi salute at some black people. I was torn between an instant desire to punch him, and a realisation that he was a total fool and in some ways didn't deserve to get punched (he was also a kid, obviously).
Anyway, as well as wanting to be better educated in general it did occur to me that it may be only a matter of time before we see a resurgence in violence from this quarter. Perceived successes of Al Qaeda have made other extremist groups more violent, for example 'animal rights' people.