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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Thread pruned.
  2. Personally I prefer incompetent amateurs, when I'm the target.
  3. And serial killers get wedding proposals. Women are insane.
  4. I laughed so much when I read this I started coughing. I think in order to decide on terrorism your creative problem solving skills can be assumed to be pretty lousy, though.
  5. As Sando knows I have become more sentimental and sprirtual about Christmas over the years. For me its a damn good excuse to be nice to people without anyone thinking you're mental. I loathe and despise the commercialism.
  6. Hey! Is this any way to welcome a new member? I think it's an interesting observation. The concept of a universally accepted truth which turns out to be completely wrong is quite powerful. You may remember me mentioning the concept of a 'Tonypandy' where historical events are twisted by folklore until they are utterly different from the facts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonypandy_Riot
  7. Just not your views then?
  8. Back on topic, I don't see why aliens are so bad. You can make aliens have wildly different characteristics and equipment. Which makes the game space more interesting and challenging.
  9. But don't you think it's healthy for one's views to sometimes change?
  10. I was going to object, but it's a good point about needing to make 9/11 a normal day again. Otherwise the terrorists are only 364 days away from paralysing us entirely.
  11. Sand - always rushing around, stirring up apathy. I think it should be Obsidian. Because otherwise they'll stop feeding me bananas.
  12. It's rather like the Queen having the legal right to call out the Army and change governments. She isn't obliged to listen to parliament. But she doesn't do this because it undermines her legitimacy. This makes me particularly angry because we need strong effective leadership from the USA right now in the global context, and this was a small opportunity to prove Bush wasn't a crony feeding powder monkey*. To rise above critics. This 'proves' everyone's worst fears. * I tried to think of an insult that made sense but none of them were printable.
  13. I love the logic behind it. Apparently if you are killed in terrorist action you are either 1. A true believer, in which case you will be happy to die. 2. A non-believer in which case it doesn't matter what you think. Note that this argument is pleasingly circular. Might make for an interesting democratic system. "You can vote for someone other than the government, but if you do then you are clearly a traitor and shouldn't be allowed to vote."
  14. The style leap was cerainly impressive. However I do think it's a shame that given he was building EVERYTHING from scratch he still went with a box design. Thinking about making something that would look very unusual without requiring a lot of craftsmanship, would a totem pole effect work? All components linked to the outside of an aluminium cooling tower. The artistic effect deriving from the component placement?
  15. Eisenhorn, like the Gaunt's Ghosts series is fething excellent. I am Legend should be compulsory reading.
  16. I'm interested in how much people's discussion in WoT have changed their views on certain issues. That is, how frangible our opinions are. I can only think of two examples. 1. Religion - I've become far more tolerant of people who express faith, through arguing their corner against harsh critics. 2. Republicans - I've decided both US parties are equally stinky. The choice at present seems to me whether you want to get robbed by Moriarty or by those guys from the Home Alone movies. You're still funted either way, but it's a question of tone.
  17. I think that's one reason to throw very large objects, like elephants. EDIT: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6259620.stm Points out that the use of cars full of gas cylinders could well have been copied from trial notes of Dhiren Barot.
  18. You're right. They make slow ponderous strategic errors. Like very very stupid glaciers.
  19. There is no defense, I'm just pointing out hypocrisy. Sand and Pop say they hate Republicans for their corruption but have no problems with corruption from democrats. I don't think Libby deserved a pardon either. *Walinsgham's expression changes to one of alarm as his forward momentum is exploited by GD and he is flung out of the debating ring*
  20. I'm in favour of 'Kato units' like in the Pink Panther. Teams of law enforcement pranksters whose job it is to simulate crisis conditions at inopportune moments. If you fail they simulate the relevant injuries.
  21. I remember the 7-11s in Thailand. Back then they were still a clash of cultures. Lord knows what they're like now.
  22. GD I expect a better defence from you than that. This isn't the fifth grade.
  23. I think it is disgraceful. What possible cause is there to spare him a sentence he blatantly deserves? I've never had much respect for the Bush administration, but this is ridiculous. I mean, even doing it now, rather than doing a Clinton is idiocy. Mind you, thinking it over I guess Bush's administration is kind of like the chancellery bunker, May 5th. Anyone who has stuck it out this far isn't going to quit now for anything.
  24. My grandfather had a tumble, but what originally looked minor turns out to have complicated into a build up of pressure on his brain. It seems so strange for something as trivial as a loose slipper to have done for him. It's weird but I don't know what to say to the guy, even though there is so much TO say. Maybe it's just that at 90 he's had his innings. Maybe it's that there's too much to say and I can't begin for fear of only getting out a fraction of the whole and making it all wrong.
  25. Indeed a most interesting study. But I also found it rather sad in many ways. Being myself a democrat, the opinions of those respondents are effectively the opinions of our leaders. And they seem to me utterly incomprehensible.
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