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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I never minded that. More power to the rest of the party. Keeep in mind that you are only one of thousands of other bhaalspawn at first.
  2. Equally it was sub-moronic to have everyone level up with you. It meant that being level 20 was no more fun than being level 1. Utter *lapses into a variety of expletives culled from five continents*
  3. Maybe after you've done some more time here people will bite. Glad to see you're no toaster though. What have you got against toasters? I am personally offended. BwaAAAAGH! Cylon!
  4. Feeling a bit small dog at the minute. Science can tell us what gives a given result. Classifying the result as good or bad is an ethical question, and equally is axiomatic. As such it is not scientific.
  5. GOLD Please note: NOT family friendly gold.
  6. Given that money could have gone to - I don't know - orphans or the truly mentally ill, cancer research etc... I think he should be told to go feth himself.
  7. Fanboy gibberish ftw! I'm a browncoat viper-piloting fething jedi-master of the Jan Jansen Boo-petting fanboys.
  8. Isn't it in Preacher where the question is asked whether God knew Lucifer was going to rebel, indeed created him to rebel, and then punished him for doing so?
  9. FO3? Er... I mean Oblivion.
  10. I have to agree with my learned friend. FO3 is the only game I've ever played that has made me so totally uninterested in finishing it. And I completed This Means War.
  11. Agreed on the war thing. The seige in BG2 Throne of Baal was pretty warlike.
  12. Thinks: is racism towards fctional species OK? Thinks: Elves Thinks: Where's my shotgun? I'll give THEM enchanted arrows!
  13. Maybe after you've done some more time here people will bite. Glad to see you're no toaster though.
  14. I read that the Iranians send him a sort of deathmas greeting card every year just to remind him it's still extant. I think the archbishop of Canterbury should call down a fatwah on one of their guys heads. Actually, of course I don't. They do have the lamest excuse though "Oh, I'm sorry the system won't let us rescind that. Only the Ayatollah can do it and he's dead." Makes them sound like BT customer services.
  15. Pid, you have privileges denied because you have a cute cat avatar. Assuming that is a cat, of course. Now I look hard at it, it could be a boot fungus.
  16. GOLD
  17. I'm no Christian theologian, but I know a few. Apart from you people, of course. They typically argue that our propensity to sin is part and parcel of free will. The gift of free will is part of what makes us special. Everything else in creation is a dumb mook. Or was I not listening properly?
  18. Damn I was going to say Vice City. I don't think in any other game taht I have failed to complete a mission because I was laughing so hard I was crying. "...Most times I just run away. That way you instil fear in your opponent. They never know when you will descend from the rafters LIKE A BAT!"
  19. I was going to say the exact same thing. You must be a genius.
  20. Depends, who was funnier, you or the other guy? Well, I was naked.
  21. Oh absolutely! :0 I'm known far and wide as an apologist for extremist Islam! Frankly I did feel there was something in my earlier comment. While you know I hold each man accountable, at the same time I accept the principle that we should accept the results of our actions. If I stand up at a Spurs Match at the Arsenal end and start singing I may get hit by a bottle. The guy who threw it should not have done so. But equally am I not partly responsible? I knew it would happen, after all.
  22. Tale, you never EVER let me get away with crap. So you certainly belong somewhere in there. Possibly under 1.
  23. I just stopped for a mooment to admire the erudite qualities of the forum's membership. ...Anyway... Thanks for the link, Pidesco. However, judging by the comments, that book simply reinforces my initial reason for having religion in science. It fosters a good attitude. In answer to your more recent post I thought I had already answered it. Logic and evolutionary theory (which I try to support) does indeed say that our heredity benefits from having friends and living in generaly honest societies. However, it does not mean that is ALWAYS true for the individual. When you or I stand in a position of unchecked power, and have the unfettered option to commit something 'bad' the only reason not to is because we feel accountable to a non-real entity. In my case this miniature giant space hamster.
  24. 1. Is it possible to have serious, workable internet romances that doesn't lead to have gay sex with a boy pretending to be a girl? > Of course it is. It is certainly improbable, since: - You don't really know what they look like - You only 'meet' them when you are feeling like it. - You are not responsible for them If you made a point of contradicting these things and still liked them then you'd be fine. I've had some damn fine friends via the internet. 2. Who wants to see a really ugly picture? > Why in the name of the Holy Order of the Wilful St Cretinous would I want to do that? 3. Why is it we internet geeks spend way too much time on asanine forums such as Obsidian, Bethesda, *raaavpuling.com*, Badjojo, Ford.com, TelevisionWithoutPity, BIO, or mlb.com., or any other place (for bonus points, name the 3 of those that i actually visit - Obsidian is a freebee choice, HAHA!)? > Because we are able to be who we are in our heads, not how our ape ancestors made us look. A man or woman being judged by their expressed thoughts. 4/5. I can't go into this for obvious reasons. What I will say is that it was recently the anniversary of the appearance of Onur the Courageous. Make of that what you will, anyone who remembers the most awesome thread in forum history.
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