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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I tried some bourbon stout. Sorry to say I thought it was a mistake. I love stout, but the bourbon added a ...gloss finish... which over-wrote the subtler flavours. I did rate the white wine I got on the cheap - Castanzu 2012: EDIT - Better website http://www.wine-searcher.com/find/castanzu+vermentino+sardinia+italy/2012/-/-/r
  2. I for one approve of the Retreat from Reality gaming binge. When I found out my mum had cancer I went straight over to GTA3, loaded up, played for 72 hours straight and came out utterly carefree, determined to help any way I could, and run over prostitutes.
  3. Best retcon ever.
  4. But isn't temperature related to pressure? As temperature rose I guess it would make the molecules speed up, and move apart, lowering their temperature. If it doesn't could this somehow be implicated in black holes?
  5. Eating leftover grilled artichokes, and drinking black coffee. You really have to try this. It combines on the tongue and makes a taste quite literally like nothing I can describe.
  6. Nephie's a girl?! I'd be a really ****ing robust girl if I were. And that's a full house! marry me.
  7. " I grab the dame by the shoulders like THIS, see? And she gets hysterical, so I have to slap her around to calm her down. And then I kiss her so hard I bruise her teeth." (Old Harry's Game)
  8. Call me crazy but I actually want this to be a thing. Maybe not exactly like that but I would love to see a roaming group that just picks up random crap that has been lying around in the world that you left sitting there and then if you need it they will be MORE than happy to sell it to you at a 20% markup How about you call them in using a spell? If later on it turns out that you wanted it you can buy it from them for maybe 30% of the market price because they're basically mental. They only collect stuff because the spell marks it. The way a tooth fairy collects teeth. This way I know I'd leave most things, and as I said earlier you'd probably never buy it back because it's utterly useless. But if you did need it then you can.
  9. BBC Monitoring do an uncharacteristically savage demolition of the Kremlin agitprop in the Ukraine crisis. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27104185 My favourite is the unsupported allegation that shadowy Western mercs are attacking pro-independence groups using a mixture of WW2 German and NATO weapons. You know, just to hammer the Nazi link to death.
  10. Wouldn't it make more sense to do an approach via normal channels?
  11. I take your point about people being badly informed. But I don't just blame 'click' media. It's also the problem that having abandoned philosophical or political 'bias' the only way to report anything now is by emphasising the 'weepy puppy' angle. I simply don't think it's logically possible to have news media that is abbreviated and balanced and of quality. Balance takes time. Abbreviation requires focus. So we end up sacrificing quality. Or - thinking about it - we end up reporting news we already basically understand. Limiting the news to social interactions and novelty. I'm glad we've moved to discussing the role of media. Because my point wasn't that democracy is doomed. My point is that rather than wasting time attempting and failing to stop vested interests making policy, we should be improving the way ordinary people make policy.
  12. Er... no you can't. It's called the principle of feedback, and it applies to all systems of a given complexity.
  13. For these far right politicians it is far more important to cause a stir than to say anything legible. I guess he just took it to the logical next step. Yeah, but that sort of non-sequiterial leaping is the sort of gibberish I've only ever seen before in a roleplaying game, while attempting to confuse guards. Usually just before setting fire to the curtains and jumping out the window. Please tell me he then went on to set fire to the curtains and jump out the window.
  14. Mostly playing the Dishonored DLC, while listening to the Tigerlilies. The Tigerlilies should really be the official soundtrack.
  15. Also, more googleable from work: singer Lisa Hannigan
  16. My absolute favourite tank game was Red Orchestra (1). Rolling around in a steel rattletrap, bullets spanging off the armour, shouting at other crew members over the noise. ...Or just holing up in a barn with a bolt action rifle and a cigar while waiting for tank commanders to stick their heads out of the cupola like adorable nazi meerkats.
  17. It's a gift I have. Although I hate to say it but I usually only infuriate women that way. Typically when I'm being very respectful and/or busy I say something or text something and end up fleeing for my life. Sometimes to a different city. Merely being thrown out of a RP group is pretty mild by comparison. I noticed that you dodged the question, if you didn't want to answer it you should just have said so. I think you're going into the ignore list... Hold on. I think I did. It probably wasn't what I said. It was how I said it.
  18. But the thing is that we can almost certainly get more benefit in purely domestic terms by applying the same engineering research effort to just making simpler products down here. The example I always come back to is LED lighting. Change in tech, saves billions in energy use.
  19. I know I'm retreading conversations we've had before, GD. But my point is that whether you like it or not there are some problems which can only be dealt with at a high level - national or transnational. The environment is one of them. Corrupt or not you're going to get situations where a national agency, which is ordered by The People to 'sort out' environmental issues is going to try and sequester lots of stuff.
  20. He's leader of the Liberal Democrat Party (of Russia, he's not Nick Clegg's alter ego; rather a bizarre name considering they are whacked out detached from reality ultra nationalists). It's similar to how in the Westminster system you'll usually have speaker from the ruling party and deputy(-ies) from the smaller parties. Oh, OK. Thanks for explaining. The term is a bit misleading.
  21. So would you agree that at least part of the problem in the OP is that the 'control group' - normal people don't get what they want because they: 1. Don't know what's going on 2. Don't know how they'd change things if they did know what was going on 3. Don't know how to say what they want to change 4. Don't know to reward anyone who gives them what they want, because they don't know when it happens (see point 1)
  22. I don't mean this as hostile as it probably sounds. But the environment is inherently non-federated. It doesn't even respect national boundaries. Like the war on terror trans-whatever issues pose a real challenge to localisation of control.
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