Don't take this the wrong way guys but 99% of you never served in the military. And unless I'm wrong, Gfted1 and I are the only ones on this board regularly who have ever served in combat. You just don't fully understand what you are talking about. I do not say that to be confrontational or nasty, it's just how it is.
No offence taken, mate. Although I don't recall ever saying that women shouldn't be judged by the same grounds. If they can't complete the PFT for the corps or regiment then happy days.
To take an argument which I've certainly not come across before thinking of it just now, what about people from poor backgrounds?
Bear with me.
In my experience in training fellahs from disadvantaged backgrounds make excellent soldiers. They also tend to stick with the Army for longer, making a career out of it, which saves money and promotes stability in units. We could speculate as to why, but it's not important. Suppose this is true. Do we refuse to allow chaps in from middle and upper class backgrounds? Of course we don't. We shove em all into uniform and test the crap out of them. We don't say , "Oh, but Tarquin isn't very physical but he has a degree so give him an easier test."
EDIT: The key point here is that talking about average performance for given backgrounds is pointless. We have basic selection and training for a reason. Simply let it do its job.