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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. ...Because no human being needs to consume that many calories in a single sitting? Eat it or throw it straight in the trash, it's waste.
  2. I don't know about her other decisions, but a business is a hard thing to let sink. In many ways it's harder to replace than a house.
  3. I don't know if it's exactly funny, but the usual speak your brains produced an absolute blinder today: From the article here http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/edwest/1...lking-about-it/ Made me laugh.
  4. I told you curries are good for colds.
  5. If you'll forgive my saying so, that's a bloody dangerous line to take. They're just merchants. We can and should smack them down when they get delusions of grandeur.
  6. Sorry to hear about your mother in law. Banking is like a donkey. Treat it well and it will be surly but useful. Fall foul of it and it will rend you into a hundred tiny pieces with it's odd mishapen teeth. And then poop out the bits onto your relatives. Then drive off in an alarmingly expensive car.
  7. Um... I'm getting some weird readings on Volo. I think he may be shaping up into some sort of perfect trollstorm. Discussing TOEE and NWN1 at once was too much.
  8. I just did a 'man date' thing with Dwayne in GTA IV, Got drunk, and tried to drive home. I actually feel queasy and hungover now. Eugh.....
  9. Just realised it's been more than two weeks of my new 'diet'. Which consists of simply eating what I need to, rather than cutting calories as such. Toast or oatcakes for breakfast, raw fruit or veg for lunch, then a solid helping of whatever I fancy in the evening - usually stew or curry or grilled meat etc. Make sure to chew and enjoy the food rather than scarf it down. It's actually pretty easy, and I'm losing weight.
  10. Very crude irony missed there, mate.
  11. I don't play EVE, or any other MMO, but I know how I'd feel if some c*** hacked into an offline save game repository. Malicious hacking is on the list of pointless ****ing **** which should be punished with being locked in a penthouse apartment with Julian Assange.
  12. The thing is that if I calm down I know that the TES games aren't staggeringly awful. They're just staggeringly uninspired. Meaningless killcarry quests in cookie cutter dungeons. All set against a pulp novella fantasy backdrop without any complexity either socially or morally. It's like staring into the eye of a fish. Yes, fine, eyes are clever and I couldn't make one. But boring as porridge. Or the eye of a fish.
  13. But surely, companies can't possibly be evil?
  14. Melt in the hand, not in the mouth? Steady. Hold the line....
  15. Umbra's the only thing I can really remember, because I got her to chase me to the capital city and then climbed onto a house and let the city guards finish her off. I had to go away and read a book.
  16. Jesus. Big update. NO time to read it all.
  17. It's not 'all in the eye of the beholder'! What kind of madness is that? Volo 'likes' NWN for the simple reason that virtually no one else does, and he's a troll. It's like grits and gravy. Speaking of which... (my emphasis) Finally, AAAAAAARGGGHHHHHH
  18. Chances are if you can imagine it, any sufficiently advanced science can approximate it. Mmmm... chocolate supermodel....
  19. It's been a hell of a dry spell, GD. But I still vaguely remember something along those lines.
  20. Never read anything about him in detail before. Thanks. If anyone here doesn't get how large organisations can be so stupid and cruel they should reflect on the fate of this man who was neither (apparently).
  21. Good god.
  22. Pulp Fiction = humour.
  23. Interesting point there, GD. Of course losing 20000 staff would be a disaster. But surely it's simple to institute a frontline service badge, like you have para wings? (Not sure if you have the same system in the US) You can be in the Corps, but you aren't 'qualified' for the front line without passing key tests. TA now basically have to pass the same fitness tests as the regular Army here in the UK, since both serve side by side. Surely applying exactly the same standard of fairness. IMO, if you really want to get women accepted in the Army it's simple: have them pass a _harder_ phys test than normal. Not that the equality brigade would ever get their heads around that.
  24. Don't take this the wrong way guys but 99% of you never served in the military. And unless I'm wrong, Gfted1 and I are the only ones on this board regularly who have ever served in combat. You just don't fully understand what you are talking about. I do not say that to be confrontational or nasty, it's just how it is. No offence taken, mate. Although I don't recall ever saying that women shouldn't be judged by the same grounds. If they can't complete the PFT for the corps or regiment then happy days. To take an argument which I've certainly not come across before thinking of it just now, what about people from poor backgrounds? Bear with me. In my experience in training fellahs from disadvantaged backgrounds make excellent soldiers. They also tend to stick with the Army for longer, making a career out of it, which saves money and promotes stability in units. We could speculate as to why, but it's not important. Suppose this is true. Do we refuse to allow chaps in from middle and upper class backgrounds? Of course we don't. We shove em all into uniform and test the crap out of them. We don't say , "Oh, but Tarquin isn't very physical but he has a degree so give him an easier test." EDIT: The key point here is that talking about average performance for given backgrounds is pointless. We have basic selection and training for a reason. Simply let it do its job.
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