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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Didn't know about the Port Arthur retouch issue, Zor. Can you link a reliable source? I could use it on something I'm writing. Save me a few minutes if you have one in mind. Incidentally, speaking of Wikipedia isn't it interesting that it's no longer at all credible as source material? Doesn't it rather critically undermine its role as online knowledge source if it can't be referenced? Meaning we have to go back to using multiple repositories or *gasp* actual libraries with actual books?
  2. That's not the point, and you know it. Progress tends to kill people, and Islam is one revolution behind the times. Meaning you think we can't get through our current troubles without going to the barricades? Good thing I'm medically unfit, although I can't say I'm looking forward to my nephews and nieces being slaughtered in the trenches around Athens or what have you. Krez: Poetry? WTF?
  3. Multilateralism only goes so far. And how far is that?
  4. After the whole 'orc' incident my brain obviously thought I could use some cheering up. So i dreamed I was in a kind of action serial like 24. One of my friends turned out to be imperiled by getting stuck in some underwater tunnels in a storm. But then it emerged that in the fuuuutuuure that guerilla marketing had extended to infiltrating popular shows with human simulacra preprogrammed to ad lib lines reflecting well on the sponsor's products or services. The key problem that as unrealistic as they were, they were indistinguishable from normal actors. Anyway, plenty of charging around there. Then woke too early and back to sleep. Dreamed I was in a futuristic retro Agatha Christie mystery. Knew it was a dream, so 'breakfasted' on excellent eggs benedict, fresh coffee, and toast with gentleman's relish on the sun terrace. Woke to a grey morning, but in fine mood. Been working well since.
  5. Probably not. In the end, she kind of looks more like Alektra Blue anyway (if you google, it's probably NSFW). Still, "carved from the same tree", as the Finnish saying goes. Besides, we'd need to whack her new husband first. I think we should make a film called the Damn Fools Club, which is about a bunch of people like us who set out to 'liberate' the ones who got away. Bit of romantic comedy, plenty of assassination attempts. Would be hilarious.
  6. That potentially he's the annoying guy who owns the company and doesn't have to bother with the company dress code? Potentially. And if you run into some great hulking meatslab with a lazy eye you can't draw some sound implications? I'm saying all this as a chap who thinks of himself as pretty refined, but the other day my friends pointed out someone who they said was my absolute double, and I swear he was actually an orc. So I hope it's not always true. But if it looks like a loon, and it sounds lie a loon, it's probably a loon.
  7. You fellahs are stil talking in generalities. I know at least two female soldiers who'd wipe the floor with a good 30% of the male ones I've met. And often did. The way I figure it is one common standard, whoever excels can have eight balls and three breasts for all it matters*. However, on gut instinct I think it's wiser to have separate units. Which isn't that extreme when you consider that I think we should go back to haveng county regiments or at the very least regional ties in regiments. *Although this would probably add to the costs of parachute harnesses.
  8. As you say, we're all interconnected now, so we need to get you chaps back on your feet asap.
  9. I just received the assignment today, it is no way related to Shryke banging that burlesque dancer. He is banging her, right? haha there were no shenanigans both of us are in relationships and were well behaved Funny thing about being well behaved. You tend to find it correlates with being badly behaved at other times.
  10. It's pretty pointless demanding that people ignore looks, Krez. That's Buddha level enlightenment. Not going to happen in the mainstream. Besides which I believe that looks are often perfectly sound measures of a man. They don't tell you everything, but they say a lot. For example, are you telling me that if a man walks into a board meeting wearing a hawaiian shirt then that isn't indicative of anything?
  11. One day you will make your way to hell and be forced to live up to these statements of yours by actually enjoying the OC. Which will of course be impossible. As we are about to see as we witness the play through.
  12. I was interested by what Volo said about cash being the only thing that mattered and immediately and unsurprisingly disagreed violently. The biggest reason he's wrong is that the purchase isn't occurring at only one point in time, with unconnected parties. If I hate the game after I buy it I won't buy another one, and I will advise others not to buy it. This will hurt sales. It follows logically that Bioware would want to know what we will like about the game, and to cut things we don't - bearing in mind the impossibility of making everyone happy. Having said that, however, I don't believe any large established company is in the habit of paying the slightest bloody attention to the market in meaningful terms. Although I'm not sure if that's because they're stupid or we lie all the time about what we want.
  13. You know the girl who broke my heart? The one who was a dead ringer for her? Do you understand now why I'm such a whiney bitch? I'm beginning to wonder if we've been talking about the same girl. If so, I apologise in advance for murdering you with a fridge.
  14. Aw, cute.
  15. If you think I'm following that link, you are insane.
  16. I got the impression from somewhere that he shaved his own eyebrows off. On which note, I don't see anything wrong with mocking the stupid prick. Maybe if all we ever said about mass murderers was that they were pathetic losers then you wouldn't get copycat wannabes.
  17. No, but sending some Bradleys to the rescue would have made hell of a lot more sense than sending in Humvees. Not to mention they were ridiculously undermanned for what they were trying to do, and apparently had no contingency plans. Not contingency planning is a feature of all 'imperial' warfare against 'natives'. No-one ever wants to admit that the locals might know how to fight after 1000 years of doing little else.
  18. I'll see your "real change" and raise you "the more things change, the more they stay the same". And you and I are sitting around a damp cave smashing rocks together. Progress happens.
  19. As a man of the world I feel I must make a stand on breasts: small is great, but large is awesome. And if anyone feels large is unacceptable then I can only suggest they've never met any. Some of my best friends are gigantic breasts. EDIT: My work diary for today is going to look damn strange.
  20. Hold on, Numbers. Stranger things have happened than a staged event provoking real change.
  21. That picture just made me lose D3 San.
  22. I don't think community leaders in a lot of places turn a blind eye to terror. Keep in mind that the jifs enthusiastically murder moderates.
  23. My advice based on long experience is to set some challenges before the folks who've applied. Talent means bugger all unless people want to work. Challenges make them commit to working.
  24. Having just seen the film I can understand why the soundtrack would be good.
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