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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. That's a bloody silly thing to say, if you don't mind my saying so. Granted there's a lot of trash, but there's piles of enjoyable and even interesting TV come out of the USA.
  2. It's more the opposite. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/j...bducted/?page=1 Never I believed I could hate someone just because of their faith, but it's happening. Hence my original post. The wee ****ers are winning every time tension and hatred grows.
  3. The LIves of Others Film about the Stasi, and one couple in particular. Kind of reminds me of being a mod. Five stars.
  4. Not sure I could handle that book. It's not like I need depressing at the moment.
  5. It's more the opposite. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/j...bducted/?page=1 F F S Good converts there. I'm sure Allah appreciates them no matter the circumstances.
  6. I just got the weirdest feeling that Sluggo's turning into the next Elmore Leonard.
  7. Well, there was an attack in Iraq which claimed coptic Christians wre the inspiration. Claimed they were abducting Muslim women. Which sounds laughable, but my experience with many folks from the Mideast is that they'll believe all sorts of mad stuff if it sounds juicy enough. Just look at how much the Protocols sells over there...
  8. I'd love for them to repackage TIE fighter with some modern engine. Same basic missions and story.
  9. Probably why he picked the fight. Also, don't underestimate old geezers with bad attitudes. They're often very bad news in my experience. A young feller might knock a tooth out, but an old **** might follow you home and set fire to it.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12103248 AlQ been busy this festive season. I'm in a pretty sunny mood generally, but I've got a bad feeling about these attempts to precipitate ethnic tensions. It seems like we've totally surrendered the initiative to AlQ et al. and they're making inexorable headway towards all out war.
  11. I am probably talking through my hat here, but I'd say actually CGI DOES make it more likely that a film is utter balls. Mainly because it can be made by a disparate team, with even less commitment to the project, even less supervision, and initiated by people with less credentials in making film. Just a notion.
  12. Gamed out at the minute. New Vegas, Alpha protocol, Civ 5, GTA V, Left 4 Dead 2.
  13. I am into computer games, actually. I just don't feel the need to post about it incessantly on the internet! Yes, because doing that on a games forum would be inexcusable.
  14. You mean like a system architect, or just compliance monitor?
  15. I got to say the thing I most love about LoF is how he thinks that putting a gif of a computer game in his sig we'll somehow think he's into computer games. Rather than just spamming the board with propaganda every few weeks. It's almost endearing. Like a puppy wearing shoes.
  16. That's a pretty shocking case. I worked with CP kids when I was a teenager, helping at a special school. I kinda liked them. I'm not saying I'm a saint though. I felt more and more compelled to help, so I cut loose. Anyway, point being that CP is dramatic, and I wouldn't always call it a life. But it's not degenerative, and not normally painful (excluding fluid on the lungs which is common). BUt I could see someone trying to divest themselves of a CP kid pretty easily. Not everyone. But there's a bunch of a-holes out there.
  17. My advice is to be polite and interested in everyone you meet. Seriously. I met a lady earlier this year who I talked to out of feeling sorry for her being stuck in a corner at a party. Turned out at the end of the conversation she gave me her card and she's this big film producer! Ditto numerous other occasions.
  18. Yeah, and MacD's is the best food in the world. Actually I saw the Scrooge film above and have to give it props for using a lot of Dickensian English. Not sure if the word filter will let one of the greatest English authors through. Actually, I'd love to see what Dickens would write about the internet.
  19. I f&&&ing love the glossary. Particularly "of great theoretical and practical importance" which I think may have come directly from some of my essays. Krez: science apolitical? WTF? Please don't make me come all the way to Australia just to smack you with a plank with 'no such thing as scientific fact' written on it.
  20. Got back from Ireland yesterday. The trip can be expertly summarised to around 70% by the song . Withe remaining 30% consisting of boiled ham, irish whisky, fog, and bad driving.
  21. KLA was intentionally trying to provoke Serbs by committing terrorist acts against them, and they and other Muslim groups in the Balkans received support from both Al Qaeda and Iran. Evidence? Any? I've never heard anything of the kind. Not to any significant degree.
  22. Chronic bureaucratic bollocks is not an excuse for doing things that are stupid. A sore point you'll find for many Britons.
  23. I know, WoD. LoFtastic.
  24. Really? I would have said that releasing someone you know is going to commit further crimes is idiocy. The key distinction here is the one I've tried to stress between the chronically stupid, or misfortunate, and the career predator.
  25. Maybe I misread the article. I thought it was talking about El Nina, not necessarily global warming, and predictions for cold weather until March, which I consider interesting and useful.
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