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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Actually it seems he was British, and far from being a 'nutter' he was described as bubbly and friendly. As many jihadists often are, he was approaching his thirties, and was married, a graduate, and had children. Moreover, it seems he was challenged logically and reasonably within his own mosque in Luton, and simply stormed off. As for this being abortive and beneath consideration, Kaftan, you sound as if you're grasping. Lone terrorist tradecraft is always going to be substandard. But their intent to kill is perfectly genuine. Getting lucky is hardly good grounds for complacency. Or do you want to visit the victims and relatives of victims when the next one works effectively, and say that you argued against protective action? Contempt for terrorists is perfectly appropriate. Contempt for their ability to maim and kill is not. ~ I think it's interesting that people like this are mounting direct real violent attacks on free speech (he attributes the attack at least partly to the cartoons), and there isn't a fraction of the media and left wing support against them that there is for Wikileaks against the USA.
  2. Hang on. You're saying one of your charming gorgeous young ladies is coming here? I think the only gentlemanly thing to do is to let me look after her on your behalf. Ach, who am I kidding. After Shryke, it'd be like weaning someone off crystal meth onto yoghurt.
  3. No doubt this will be just the excuse needed for Sweden to drop the ordinary people of Afghanistan like the awkward burden they are. Just try not to think too hard about who they are being surrendered to. All this talk the jihadists do about 'protecting the women and children' of Afghanistan makes me ill. These are presumably the same women and children the Taliban routinely intimidate, and even mutilate or kill if they dare to educate themselves or speak out?
  4. made me glad I'm no longer a student on a mission. The soundtrack really makes it though.
  5. I'm laughing so hard I've started crying...oh gotta take a break from that. *whew* Good recommend. I'm also crying with laughter. Mmmm.. chicken flatulence. EDIT: 3 pages later and I've hurt both my stomach and spine laughing. Must stop reading...
  6. I for one think the world would be much better and safer if the various democracies simply ignored every dictatorship. After all, they're only ***s and even if they got it into their heads to hurt us we can shoot them with maxim guns or something*. In the meantime we should restrict ourselves to asking very politely if they'd mind not being so frightful. *Although obviously we shouldn't build maxim guns for fear of putting ideas in their heads.
  7. Really lathered the singing practice today. Fingers clenched etc.
  8. I quite prefer small planes. Something about the immediacy of the aerodynamics.
  9. OK Krez, to me you're moving in the right direction. But it's still a democracy founded on an electorate that bears no responsibility to the government/states they are invigilating over. How about if I have HIV? One could argue that all HIV status should be public knowledge to reduce stigma. There's some merit to the case. But should that case be adjudicated by a body I have no say in whatsoever? What about my voting record? You can say that this would not happen because I am a person not a state. But this is simply how YOU would wish to run the organisation in question. In fact the organisation has no training, no meaningdul code of conduct, and no supervisory body. It is a recipe for abuse which would result in abuse as surely as eggs, flour, sugar, and butter make a cake.
  10. What the **** is this? A thread for racist abuse? Fine. Chinese people are diligent and subservient! The Swiss do nothing but hoard blood diamonds and make clocks! The Welsh destroy areas exactly corresponding to the size of their country in an attempt to raise their national profile!
  11. Fair play. I wasn't saying it automatically made you support the death penalty i jsut happen to know it very often changes people's minds. ~~ Does anyone have figures on how often life terms are proved inappropriate? I think it would be interesting to compare and contrast. While you're looking also find out how long life terms run for.
  12. You've recognised nothing, you've just made an assumption. I was doing so quite deliberately. Krez? You care to back me up?
  13. WTF? Seriously, what the **** are you talking about? Please tell me of the "many conflicting groups" in the sixties formed BECAUSE OF DEMOCRACY, and then from a global perspective, and in which way stifling someone's voice forcibly would have caused less tension. I must insist that you read a great and courageous book (that I don't agree with all the way) about radicalisation and abuse of free speech by fanatics in the UK. The Islamist, by Ed Hussain. It's not very long, and I am certain you will find it rewarding. Mr Hussain worked for the fanatics until he wised up. Fanatics who number in the thousands, and whose numbers grow.
  14. I don't find the prospect of Iran falling apart the same way as the Soviet Union did as an occasion for joy.
  15. You are of course aware that it was standard KGB practice to pose as journalists for precisely this sort of information? An associate of mine was explaining to me today how wikileaks had technical dvantages in reporting issues, and they are interesting in themselves. But why these can't be married to a democratically constituted body is still beyond me. Do we really have so little respect for our society and people that we trust a self-appointed bunch of vigilantes more than the people we choose to defend us? Because if so then I'm defecting to China while I can still get a good deal.
  16. None taken - I agree on that part, but my first point stands. It's an unnecessary invasion of privacy that serves to no practical purpose. It makes the lives of those who enjoy being groped a little better. Hells yeah. It's about time things went our way! ROFL
  17. Walsingham


    I meant carrion eaters.
  18. Actually in seriousness, I went through a short phase of being afraid of flying. I realised it was being so accustomed to it which made me scared. I then elected to study flight on the plane, and to be really really excited by how awesomely clever the business is. I did much the same thing to overcome my fear of needles.
  19. LOL POlanski's another case in point. It's OK to be a rapist as long as you are a hip liberal rapist.
  20. In fairness to GD, re-read his recent posts. I personally feel I've got a good handle on his position now. And it isn't simply weak government. I'd putr words in his mouth and suggest it's very 'close' government with local bodies. Something like the way I imagine the Swiss do things.
  21. This is a logical fallacy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_emotion And your logical fallacy is an attempt to fit a non-linear problem into a linear philosophical process. Besides, I've made my terms perfectly clear. Go do as I say, then we can talk. Because I do you the courtesy of recognising that your own standpoint is based just as much on an emotional reaction to wrongful execution.
  22. True Neutral: This, represented with kind permission of Stratfor.com
  23. I was once on a plane an my neighbour turned out to have a fear of flying. I selflessly launched into a lecture on the culture and customs of the Hazara peoples of Afghanistan, and she was soon far too bored to be scared.
  24. An interesting replacement for morning coffee.
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