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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...ion-people.html China creating single city that will be twice the size of Wales.
  2. I thought you slept on a kind of freefloating cloud of lingerie models.
  3. That reminds me: I hate you more than syphilis.
  4. I'd not say this if I hadn't heard it from a green party spokesman's own mouth: depopulation is their ****ing plan. Not that this is illogical. I just find it hilarious that so many peaceniks are greenies. How exactly is this depopulation going to happen then? Who dies first? Will asking very politely do the trick?
  5. It'd be a big risk, certainly. I think it would come down to whether any personalities exist to unite the huge section of the population who would panic at the thought of the MB taking over. If Egypt did go MB then I'd start investing in companies which make khaki and bullets.
  6. Listening to The Ballad of Davy Crockett, from the compilation I mentioned before, Golden Voices of Yesterday. Perfect Fallout fodder. A weird start to the day tho.
  7. Simple. Learn sanskrit. Dammit, I thought I had. At least passably. What's bugging me most is that I seemed to have a fair grasp of understanding one night and then the next it all just ...went shazaam. And I have no freaking clue what happened to throw that switch. Do you sleep with a plastic bag on your head?
  8. Simple. Learn sanskrit.
  9. So, you're saying that if I fix the rest of my life that will only make the 'problem' worse? While I'm asserting that it's a kidn of displacement activity? Interesting.... BTW, Nep, you mentioned that you don't know anything about the guy. Don't you think that you should? I mean here you are, taking liberties with the love of HIS life, and you know nothing about him? Seems a little unfair, mate. Largely because I'd bet that if you knew more about him you'd quite tinkering and move on.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean, I don't think an oil company wants to drill in my condo. A short sale is my best option for moving the property. Our loan is with Wells Fargo, and they've been allowing a lot of short sales as they are much better than foreclosures. But if I can just modify the loan to close the gap between what I make in rent and what I pay in mortgage, HOA fees, and property taxes, I'd be happy. I have a great tenant living there now, the property is in good shape, and if the market ever recovers it would be nice to have it as an investment property. I for one am interested in how it goes. Keep us posted.
  11. We need food _right now_
  12. Just wondering if there's any way you can leverage terms on your sale there, Hurlshot. ...You need speed. Is there any way you can tap into a market which needs even greater speed than you do? Corporate? Oil?
  13. Was pondering similar, but not very similar issues myself, Nepenthe. Awkward damn position where two exes write to me daily wanting me back, and I write to one other ex wondering if I should get back with her, and if she'd have me etc etc, while generally feeling like the whole business is simply me being lazy and I should do internet dating or something. Have decided in reality the entire mess wouldn't bother me for an instant if other areas of life were sound, so have thrown myself into my work, fixing the house, catching up with friends, buying presents for my niece, talking to my cousins and uncles and so on.
  14. Getting my just deserts as - after weeks of cajoling - my housemate catches the CRPG bug. Have had string of very early nights as the wee bastard plays Fallout 3 into the small hours.
  15. I'm honestly starting to wonder if you're just trolling, or this thing is actually so hard for you to grasp? No, I'm actually a fan of GoW. Objection, you are badgering the witness. Ironically, I thought he was witnessing a badger.
  16. I rarely go to see any movie without plenty of explosions to cover the noise of other audience members being inexpressibly rude and fatuous, talking or texting or actually ringing people. The result is either apoplectic fury, or losing millimetres of tooth enamel on my part.
  17. I should imagine he's far too excited to sit down and write it out. He's like a kid at his birthday party on this one. Tearing around his flat shouting "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". This may be the greatest sentence I've read today. This makes me sad for the other sentences.
  18. Do you think it would help if I told them I ain't gettin' on no MMO, fools. (?)
  19. In fairness to Bethesda I thought I'd pass on 'news' that my housemate was playing FO3 for the first time, and first time CRPG, and he was &&&&ing loving it. Especially the whole business with creating the character.
  20. I can't remember who anne hathaway is, but you got my attention.
  21. I should imagine he's far too excited to sit down and write it out. He's like a kid at his birthday party on this one. Tearing around his flat shouting "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".
  22. Whatever happened to girls being icky and vice versa? When I was that age the only disturbing intent the girls head as whacking me in the shins with sticks. I still have a dent in my shin bone to remember it by. Stuff like that just makes me wonder if I grew up in another universe.
  23. Gorgo claims to be using a twelve FEET monitor.
  24. If i may kiss arse for a moment, I think a lot of credit goes to Fionavar for that. He is the hub for the moderation, and the moderation trims off the xecesses. Although of course the quality of debate is down to the actual members.
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