If you're a paladin, you shouldn't be killing Drizzt in the first place. Drizzt is of chaotic good alignment... try killing him with Keldorn in your party and see what happens.
Jarlaxle, on the other hand, is fair game and fits your description like a glove.
I have had Keldorn in my party the entire time, and he didn't even mention a problem with killing Drizzt. Honest to God.
Besides which, being a Paladin isn't about being good, its about being lawful good. Drizzt insulted my honour and so he had to die. If I was chaotic good then maybe I could have ignored the insult.
And while we are on the subject , what kind of name is 'Drizzt'? how do you even pronounce two zeds next to each other? Is that as in 'buzz'? Drizzzzzt. What a male hen.