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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Am I the only one who is worried by what exactly you might be calling "hippy love crystals"? You know, those quartzes and whatnot they use for aligning the shakras and healing people. We think we know how to make them explode. Seriously.
  2. Only - and I can't stress this enough - you are are smart enough to spot them. Sucks to be you and not me.
  3. That, son, is why God gave you an imagination.
  4. I can confirm that it is perfectly possible using this method to retain all his kit throughout BG2 Throne of Bhaal. I currently have his stupid blue chainmail and scimitars taking up much needed potion space in my inventory as I face the final battle. I fully intend to keep it until I am a *spoilers* and I can create some sort of comedy imp to wear it. EDIT: azure79. It is quite possible to beat him fair and square with enough summons, but it is also possible to do it just be running around really fast. For the latter strategy I recommend playing at the same time.
  5. Few people object when their sercvice provider spams them with a note saying 'take advantage of new holiday tariffs', but they squeal like angsty pigs when the govt. says they might want a message saying 'tsunami coming' or 'nerve gas approaching from east' or 'reactor over-reacting'. Yes, it could be abused. better stay a-****-ing wake, then.
  6. I love the way the artcile starts out with typical lazy journalist "Craze that kills" fear mongering. Planking's been around for a couple of years, I'm sure.
  7. I have trumped all your weekends, for in conjunction with two friends, and a book on Nikola Tesla, we believe we have found a way to weaponise hippy love crystals.
  8. I'm still loving this debate.
  9. Has anyone on the forum got any reolatives with sensory or perception impairments, and wouldn't mind my asking a few questions? I'm doing some reasearch and I like to brush reality between journals.
  10. That's pretty cool.
  11. Hiding behind masks is also a sociopathic trait. Because the sociopath hasn't any true personality as such. So is a lack of sympathy. I'm just saying. Can't imagine what made me think of it.
  12. Please tell me you are not LoF. Because if there's two of you then there might be as many as five, and you could have a party.
  13. What makes you assume that? 1 Iron Curtain 2 KGB I actually know some former KGB men. Border Guards. Nice chaps. Taught me a lot of what I know about throwing parties.
  14. For ****'s sake, I thought we'd laid the ghost on the torture issue. One more time, for the cheap seats: There is no dilemma. It is not a choice between using torture and saving lives. Torture doesn't bloody work. It can break a man but it doesn't provide useful information from the kind of people you need. Nor does it turn people against their former comrades. Hate to break it to you wannabe special agents, but tea and a kind word has got more key information out of terrorists than any amount of beatings and nail pulling. Perpetuating this debate directly props up the use of torture. TORTURE IS WRONG AND IT DOESN'T WORK. Enough already.
  15. I might. But I am a fething idiot.
  16. Almost couldn't stop working last night. had some kind of brain monsoon, with ideas and diagrams and all kinds of crap flying out of me onto foolscap. What does "bad monkey president, bad trousers" even mean? Eventually so exhausted I went to the pub and drank scrumpy which is about as effective as smacking yourself in the head with a tire iron, but more sugary. Woke this morning and back to work. i only hope this is n't some kind of pre-mortem frenzy of some kind.
  17. Do you think we'll finally get some consistency about the junk you find lying around. I sugest three region classes: - Unexplored pre-war - Public or well-travelled pre-war - Post war new societal This way you'd get sensible junk lying around. Instead of finding that some helpful chaps have left ammunition lying untouched in a post box for 200 years.
  18. Best OC ever, so I'm trold.
  19. If you're a paladin, you shouldn't be killing Drizzt in the first place. Drizzt is of chaotic good alignment... try killing him with Keldorn in your party and see what happens. Jarlaxle, on the other hand, is fair game and fits your description like a glove. I have had Keldorn in my party the entire time, and he didn't even mention a problem with killing Drizzt. Honest to God. Besides which, being a Paladin isn't about being good, its about being lawful good. Drizzt insulted my honour and so he had to die. If I was chaotic good then maybe I could have ignored the insult. And while we are on the subject , what kind of name is 'Drizzt'? how do you even pronounce two zeds next to each other? Is that as in 'buzz'? Drizzzzzt. What a male hen.
  20. Sure, but I kind of doubt that's the spin they are putting on it on Fox. Anyone who watches Fox news can feth off into a hate sandwich.
  21. Because it had a side-effect of transporting true proletarians in its flightpath to delightful villas in the heart of the sun, where they would improve their minds and eat sturgeon.
  22. This. And I don't even smoke up under normal circumstances. This would be a special occasion.
  23. There is no way for one person to determine whether his own self-awareness is true or false. So there is no other choice but to accept your self-awareness as true. How does this change for the delusional? How are we to distinguish? Naming no names *cough cough*
  24. What makes you assume that?
  25. But if that self-awareness is false, am I actually self-aware? Or am I simply acting within physical constraints of processing power imposed by the universe?
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