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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. It would if it started coughing flames out the top when action got really intense.
  2. Sorry about delay in replying. thanks everyone for trying to grapple with this. - Yes the drive is recognised. I can access it and play music. - I _believe_ I used to be able to move files around on it. - I have tried disabling what I _think_ is file protection. 'Nothing' happens. - Error message reads: well, there isn't one. deleting, copying, moving are all disabled. Don't even show up in the right click list.
  3. Who the fork?
  4. That is properly genius.
  5. Bugger. I just clicked on the damn thread out of habit, going through the forum.
  6. Talking about that inflata-house I had the notion last night that you could use it like an arterial stent to support quake camaged buildings. Presumably.
  7. Back from another wedding. Spent first evening wondering what offence I'd caused to have this rather cracking little brunette keep taking the p*** by excessively flirting with me. Last night finally dawned on me that she was serious.
  8. I must say I was extremely disappointed with the absence of follow through on any of the characters (as has already been mentioned in this thread). These were very powerful people with powerful themes. Yet where was the story?
  9. Reduced LOD, whatever that is, and no longer use quick save. I wonder if the quick save thing is something to do with STEAM? I have no idea. Just wildly speculating.
  10. You take that back! That's my sister!
  11. Ouch.
  12. I intend to do some planking about midnight tonight, or as I call it 'streety resty time'.
  13. I don't know about you chaps, but wild horses wouldn't make me look at a thread I'm being told to look at.
  14. Given that, going by the rate of accusations by other members, we're all idiots anyway...
  15. OK, I'm sold. Going on the to buy list.
  16. he damn well isn't. Althugh his loser mates are. I had Drizzt chase one of my party around in circles while his companions were explosively pounded, before hammering him with 6 lower magic resistance spells, and a greater malison, as a prelude to massive misfortunate death. Didn't manage to polymorph him into a squirrel though. Now that really would have been hilarious. Could have given Boo someone to play with.
  17. Well, here's hoping the update fixed the crashes.
  18. On the plus side you don't have my problem of waking up and trying to just walk forward.
  19. Mine keeps crashing like a pre-war biplane. Back to the bad old days of one crash every ten minutes or so. Driving me nuts. But it's also stopping me wasting all day playing it.
  20. Honest Hearts DLC for New Vegas. It's quite good because although it's absorbing and entertaining I can only play for about ten minutes before it crashes. So I'm getting plenty done. I'm more and more convinced that the engine problems are with water, since water is bloody everywhere in the expansion. Whereas it was almost nowhere in Blood Money.
  21. I just discovered that I can't access my Story USB external hard drive. I need to shuffle some music around, but guess what? No dice. What in the name of artificially sweetened star spangled f*** is going on? It's my hard drive. It's plugged in. I am using win7 professional, but I'm an administrator. Seriously. EDIT: I can play music from it. I've also tried checking/unchecking the read only option.
  22. Suspected mexican vomiting sloth on the right... Edit: And yes, he's not quite 4 months old yet.. As I suspected. You know those triangular protuberances are venomous, don't you? Venom induces persistent migraine symptoms prior to explosive shin failure.
  23. I doubt that will work. I can't replay Dragon Age because the CD key was on the box, and the box got thrown away. No assistance whatever from customer service. Congrats, dudes. No me buyee Dragon Age 2. Halfwits. Sick of being treated like a criminal when I stump up 30 quid to legitimately play. So on and so forth.
  24. I dno longer believe that you won a puppy. Instead I suggest it is some form of Mexican vomiting sloth.
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