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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Not a lot I would imagine. But everyone knows English people smell, are hairy, have bad teeth, are pale, fat and receding. Compared to a handsome young foreigner like you, I
  2. Keeeping things the same _from the player perspective_ is sensible. But do you mean more than that?
  3. I agree with Calaz <siz> Although I should stress that I haven't played W2 yet. The big fights seemed more epic for two reasons: 1. Threat overload. Even when there were not many people around you had freaking fireballs crashing down, and plenty of spells and other stuff. Plus you wanted to husband the defenders. So one had this sense of being overwhelmed. 2. Battle command You got to choose your troops. So you internalised numbers of soldiers even when they weren't there.
  4. Interesting observation which I'd echo. I wonder if it was simply that anyone smart enough to code a mod got turned off long before they wanted to make a mod?
  5. Seeing any animal with its birthday suit off is a little disturbing. And I say that as a card-carrying carnivore.
  6. That's all very festive, Krez. But as I think the banking crisis alone should have highlighted, wishful thinking doesn't end at the doors of Parliament. Any Parliament. The problem is that neither wind nor solar produce power on a scale or to the right time schedule as non-renewables. To make Britain entirely renewable is literally impossible using current technology.
  7. That would be an adder, yes? Ouch.
  8. ROFL. Yes. Very discretely put. I think. What specifically? I assume you don't just want a general country brief.
  9. There was nothing wrong with Far Cry 2 which couldn't be fixed by having a testicle gougingly simple mission architecture. By which I mean "Go to B, kill people on route, kill subject X" Obsidian should write the some DLC for Far Cry with, you know, and actual story, set in the country before the events in the main game. EDIT: Massive props to the team for making it so evocative in sight and sound, though. It really makes me miss Africa. The only reason I play the game any more is to admire the occasional sunset.
  10. Cheery thought: given the tremendous success of the franchise, presumably there's an outside chance that someone will invest in a decent engine for the next big leap.
  11. I'd definitely concur with the notion that NWN2 was tactically weak. Cretainly copmared with the challenges in Baldur's Gate, which were practically Valve-esque at times. Unless that's just my memory deceiving me.
  12. Did a good solid hillstomp this evening in a solid drizzle which was quite refreshing. Managed a short 100m sprint afterwards. Good lick of speed too. But didn't take it any further as I was worried I might jelly my back. Savagely pleasing to be able to run once more. Celebrated with cherry seven up, pizza, and ice cream.
  13. I should apologise for my tone. I didn't mean to sound so snotty just now. But it's a little galling to have you (Krez) say it's an over-reaction. 1. Britain may not be so badly off with crime 2. There are places which have a very VERY bad time with crime 3. Assuming it's not magical elves that stop us from sliding into worse crime then it's probably a function of factors and trends. 4. I think it makes sense to try and identify when trends and factors are at work moving us towards worse crime and do something about it. 5 [supplemental] I just realised I may be contradicting myself in the other thread about the TSA and fascism.
  14. Good point, Nep. Could this be a case of Merkel saying she'll do it to please her lunatic minor partners in the greens. then when an almighty cack-kessel brews up she can turn round and get out of the commitment without losing them?
  15. I might understand the Germans not getting alarmed about Russia standing on its economic windpipe, if the Russians hadn't already tried squeezing it a couple of years ago! I mean seriously, this is ****ing la la land, to me. Wanting an alternative to nuclear power is perfectly fine. Thinking there is one when there isn't is childishness on a monumental scale.
  16. You've lost me, old boy.
  17. Ate to much salt this morning. Now I'm going to head out for a hillstamp and sweat some of it out.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13257804 Can someone please explain what in holy hell the Germans are up to? My understanding is that wind power is a fantasy in terms of generating power on a mass scale. Solar's obviously out. So that only leaves coal and gas. Gas is better than coal but all Germany's gas comes from Russia. And we know how well they play with others. And this is all over a nuke scare which has claimed less than 100 lives to my knowledge, and which demonstrates that even in the worst imaginable circumstances nuke plants are not the terrifying beasts we've always been taught about. If it's half as stupid as I think it is then this is a dark day for both Germany and democracy.
  19. They do have names, Malcador. This is (apparently) the Spring Holiday. According to my calendar.
  20. By implication you are saying that this kind of thing never really happens? Actually, the Triads were using 14-15 year olds to carry out attacks on premises in the 90s because they could easily avoid police countermeasures. Moreover, the startling thing here is that it exposes a rich vein of gang culture which has been only getting worse in the UK for the last twenty years. I think it's good to stare hard at the consequences of abandoning people to sinks, without either positive or negative support /constraint. What's your point?
  21. Planned on a lazy bank holiday Monday. Actually got bored with gaming within ten minutes and got down to work. Loving it, although have run out of coffee.
  22. By 'not remotely interesting' I presume you mean 'detracts from your rose tinted view of society'?
  23. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/cri...t-killings.html Any guesses on how much it cost to hire him?
  24. I'm building me a 'justice shed' for holding those suspicious types.
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