This may be as much a disagreemebnt over semantics. You cannot simply brush aside the pejorative 'expert system'. Because there is a world, WORLDS, of difference. An expert system is a dedicated procedure oriented on a task given it by a human. All you've described to me so far are complex expert systems.
Conversely, what you are evangelising - and I can't really imagine why - is true AI. But as I've already asked, what is the point of true AI? What is the point of a genius if it's efforts are oriented on possibly alien lines? Frittered away on staring at dancing bees?
And don't simply assume we are techno-savages because you read New Scientist. The problem is that you are entranced by the infinite possiblities of computer science, without recognising that any real world advances will cost lives and treasure. None of it, however possible in the abstract, will happen just because you think it's awesome.