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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Dog romance, but no cat romance? I DEMAND EQUALITY, BIOWARE! I am in favour of caterpillar romance.
  2. I'd be up for that. Bagsy methane powered astromech droid.
  3. Put a part in there for Biff Hardcheese and you got yourself a deal, buddy.
  4. Good point. The challenge must not be linear and flawless. The antagonist must have weaknesses, which would come from a list, and be exposed through flaws in their machinations. Expert players would be able to spot which flaws were evident and infer appropriate places to strike.
  5. Both hooves to the chin at full extension? I can't believe he wasn't crippled if not dead.
  6. The big problem which I think is evident from all our brushfire interventions is that although many people on our side get it, the machine of government fails to grasp the significance of charismatic leadership when there's no tradition or mechanisms of stability. We always back some 'safe' option. But 'safe' just won't cut it. Reports (I have no diea if true or not) are already coming in that Sufi shrinesin Lbya have been attacked as 'heretical' (or whatever the Islamofascists call it).
  7. I know what you mean. Earlier this year I was on the way to work when I heard on the radio it was the 20th anniversary of the beginning of Desert Storm/Gulf War. I almost wrecked. How could that be so long ago when I remember all that so clearly? You know it never occurred to me that in a lot of our discussions on teh Gulf a lot of people I'm talking to don't remember the firt Gulf, let alone Iran-Iraq. Huh. ~ Momentarily enraged this morning I thumped the desk hard. The twisting motion flared my back and I collapsed briefly. Spoiled the moment completely. I am become comedy.
  8. Concept 1 (derived from above): - The protagnoist has a number of strengths which they build up during the game. - The strengths derive from changes in the game environment, cities converted, artifacts held, skills learned - The antagonist will register growth in each of these, and will attempt to remove or counteract the protagonist's strength in each area by various means - Not sure how the antagnoist woudl compose sufficiently clever means
  9. Um, I've seen about a bajillion people holding that gun. I'm guessing it's pose for the cameras and wait for someone iconic to take it. The first guy I saw was fat and middle aged.
  10. Raise the difficulty. Seriously. You'll thank me.
  11. Hey, waitasecond...
  12. I occasionally think 64 bit causes me problems. In the same way that a pig occasionally thinks there is something on its head.
  13. It's totally a lie. We've got him on the back of a speedboat right now, being taken away to an undisclosed location. Where he'll join the elders of Zion. And Elvis.
  14. Oh noes! Not Iran! WTF? Are you from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Dictators?
  15. Coosawhosawhatnow?
  16. Holy crap, long time no see, man! :(
  17. http://mytownlive.com/Coosawatchie.SC I have no idea what that bot was on about. It was so crazy I almost burst into tears.
  18. It's been a while since I've played The Witcher. I confess I didn't notice any skipups being capitalised upon. However, what you describe is certainly on similar lines to what I'm angling for.
  19. I knew a guy who was a poisonous opinionated buttwad, whose only pleasure in life was urinating on other people's dreams. Sorry. What were we talking about?
  20. Provided the hallucinogens have a slimfast effect I'd imagine we'd all be pretty relaxed about it. Working flat out today. I haven't even had time for a coffee. Or bacon. Which is borderline insane on a much more meaningful level.
  21. OK, This one is properly ha-ha funny. It's also soundwise NSFW.
  22. Walsingham


  23. Slept phenomenally well. Woke up with a bunch of solved problems, from the practical to the philosophical sitting in my mental 'in' tray. From "You should spend the money and fix that window" to "If you consider the change in behaviour it's pretty clear that God actually WAS Jesus, and his subsequent buggering off from world affairs makes perfectly good sense if you understand his life was a message about the futility of even absolute power." Go to bed hungry, it seems.
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