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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Why don't you be the interrogator this time? Don't really care to hear about the latest woman he's stalking, crappy TV show he's watching or console game he's working on. I suppose I am just grumpy today, though. Last time that happened to me I imagined that the guy had an bushbaby/tarsier sitting on his shoulder, that he hadn't seen yet, and I had to keep him distracted. If I didn't then he'd scream and fling the poor little fellah across the room.
  2. I'm not really sure we wouldn't have muslim terrorists. Terrorism is a product of world war two, and the communist 'revolutionary' model. Bulk violence in the name of Islam isn't anything new to the 20th century, either. Ever heard of the 'mad mullah'? I had this discussion with Frank Gardner - who I thought was very decent to take the time to do so considering he'd only recently been shot - and he conceded that it's important to distinguish between a rationale and a cause. Palestine is just how these fellahs choose to mobilise. If it wasn't that it would be something else. Ceuta-Mellila, or Playboy, or sausage rolls, or (more likely) the plight of 'ze workers'. I'm not saying that Palestine doesn't add a ot of quantity to the numbers of potential terrorists. I'm just saying that it's a bit much to blame it for everything.
  3. Why don't you be the interrogator this time? LOL. Yeah, go subtle, though. See if you can get them to divulge any state secrets.
  4. I dunno, man. Can you imagine taking that face to dinner? I'm having fight down the urge to leap nervously away from the keyboard just meeting her stare. Don't get me wrong. I'm as prone to falling for ice queens as the next man. But I'm damned if I'll do it in my imagination.
  5. Sure. But the study never said men were the only killers. You're just pretending it did for reasons that deserve their own study.
  6. Oh, Malc. You daredevil. *shakes head and smiles wistfully* *then vomits*
  7. Thanks, kgambit. It's traditional to have - Only girls - Always jumping - Never any ugly dudes
  8. Get your docs onto an optical disc. Probably less space than you think.
  9. Best method I know is to use just a little oil (4/5 vegetable to olive) and some salt and garlic, to coat the potato slices, stir in a high heat about three times, at two minute intervals, then turn the heat low and let them steam in a mix of their own water and the oil. About 25 minutes all told. You can drain off the excess oil at the end.
  10. So either you're totally ignorant of scientific normality - doing a study on a limited sample - or you're trolling the subject of people killing their own kids. Classy.
  11. Mkreku's favourite day of the year. Schools hand out A-level results, family newspapers print thinly disguised schoolgirl shots.
  12. I'm also curious about what interventions might work. To be honest I think those guys who just drive to succeed without any real interest or emotional weight behind it... I think they are accidents waiting to happen full stop. Granted only a tiny percentage kill tehri own bloody families. But theyr'e all a bit messed up.
  13. I used the example of the gennie to trigger exactly that suggestion. Teargas doesn't peacefully disperse people, and it causes a massive disturbance to surrounding areas. I don't mean to get aggressive, but you need to read a few accounts of first world crod policing to understand how ****ing difficult it is. I interviewed a police sergeant who told me that the most frightening thing he ever saw - and this across a career involving dismemberments and armed robberies - was a football crowd. And that's an unarmed British football crowd. Seriously. Dig around a bit and have a read of some first hand accounts of the kidn of crowds we're discussing. You may not agree with me at the end, but I guarantee you won't feel the same way afterwards.
  14. Maybe in that link. I didn't see it. Probably too few cases to draw many conclusions from that study. My key follow up is how do these differ with non-English-speaking cultures? Say Japan?
  15. Old story but I just burst out laughing on seeing it: British anti-immigration candidate against non-whites, paints herself orange.
  16. The four types Self-righteous: Killer seeks to locate blame for his crimes upon the mother who he holds responsible for the breakdown of the family. For these men, their breadwinner status is central to their idea of the ideal family. (case study: Brian Philcox) Anomic: The family has become firmly linked to the economy in the mind of the killer. The father sees his family as the result of his economic success, allowing him to display his achievements. However, if the father becomes an economic failure, he sees the family as no longer serving this function. (case study: Chris Foster) Disappointed: This killer believes his family has let him down or has acted in ways to undermine or destroy his vision of ideal family life. An example may be disappointment that children are not following the traditional religious or cultural customs of the father. (case study: Mohammed Riaz) Paranoid: Those who perceive an external threat to the family. This is often social services or the legal system, which the father fears will side against him and take away the children. Here, the murder is motivated by a twisted desire to protect the family. (case study: Graham Anderson) From the BBC
  17. I have to agree with Bruce. How in the name of ungodly funt would you resolve this peacefully? Step up and tell us: what combination of tactics, skills, and equipment would you use? I only ask since you're so sure.
  18. What concerns me is that casualties are too high to resolve trhough reconciliation, but too low to attrit the Brotherhood's total manpower. Worst of both worlds. Thought: presumably what you'd want woudl be some sort of industrial grade irritant factory on a trailer, which could turn household waste into some grud awful smoke. Park that upwind of the site and turn it on.
  19. "purebloodity"?
  20. http://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/total-destruction-of-the-tamil-tigers-the-rare-victory-of-sri-lankas-long-war/ I have a friend with a more than passing connection to Sri Lanka. He was emphatic that the last offensive was tantamount to a walking barrage/ kesselschlact. It was a slaughter involving many thousands of innocents [his view]. He said to me when it was going on that it was only a matter of time before people started copying it. I was utterly disbelieving, given what he told me. Then you show up with a copy of a highstreet newspaper saying just that.
  21. What I love is that the forum's eyes are firmly fixed on this question while Egypt is melting down.
  22. Ref Mr Parker's comment in light of Hurlshots: monitoring without action is a total waste of goddamn time, money, and liberty. The real issue, as I've said many time sin this thread, is what we do about threats once identified. What we _should_ be doing is funding programs which tackle the extremists we already know about and or have locked up. What we _should_ be doing is attracting less nutters and more normal people into the services (so we don't have to rely on nutters). We should also be treating veterans as people with needs we already know about, like PTSD.
  23. The pilot was just two guys making sidelong glances at each other for 90 minutes.
  24. **** me. That's good going.
  25. I just had the most terrifying realisation. Somewhere on this planet a man or woman, or possibly a bunch of them, are worrying about how to launch or re-brand a breakfast cereal. This is their life. Their experiences, their UNIVERSE hangs on some campaign of utter nonsense. But that's not the terrifying thing. The really terrifying thing is that they probably think it all makes perfect sense, and are happy enough doing it.
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