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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Ah. The old "I just failed so now you guys are all sub-****" response. Nice.
  2. I note that no-one has ventured anything beyond a single undated photograph with which to summarise Iraq's current state of affairs.
  3. @Exodiark. Being from the same country as Steven Fry I think you need to have a good hard think about your argument. Mentioning a handful of other 'ethical' issues doesn't make your case very clearly. On what basis does Foxconn components equate to making capital punishment for being gay? Or being raped for being a low caste woman? On what basis does British colonial history make modern Britain complicit? Both stephen Fry and I are modern Britain. I'd appreciate you being a bit more ****ing specific if you're accusing me of something.
  4. How is that girl not hot? If I made that girl smile I'd be happy for a week.
  5. Did anyone else just suddenly decide it's all about Volourn?
  6. 'Point. Apologies for not understanding Gorgon properly in the first place.
  7. Point which just occurred to me: if the USA did clamp down on funding for Israel, wouldn't they just immediately go to Putin's Russia? I mean Russia is obviously in the market for a regional buddy, and Israel is a **** of a lot better bet than Syria. Plus, while I don't have any figures, but I'd put 20 quid on there being many more zionists in russia than there are palestinians.
  8. If that's the case I think oby needs to have a wee sit down with some milky tea and a chocolate biscuit and ask himself if he's really angry about politics, or something else is bugging him...
  9. OK, maybe the olympics is supposed to be about joining together. But it could be very powerful. Sport hits ordinary people right in the conscience. Bruce and I can remember that more than anything else it was rejection from sports which made white South Africa have to think about apartheid. Because excellence in sport was a fundamental part of life in school and so on. Being internationally rejected was a constant reminder. I take exception to exodiark's point about feeling entitled. as a matter of fact, you look round the world and womens' rights and homosexual rights give a pretty good ****ing yardstick for civil liberty and respect of individuality. And speaking personally, if I was potentially due to get locked up or even executed for something I had no goddamn control over I'd be pretty pissed off. It's exactly as ludicrous as criminalising skin colour or being poor.
  11. That's easy to implement by pre-generating a key for each possible action and Xor-ing that with a key generated for the game; the modified key is used to generate the random result, so that you always get the same outcome. As rjshae says, this is very very simple. It's to do with saving the sequence of random number seeds along with everything else.
  12. Plus ca change... as our cousins say.
  13. I've read that some studies are showing that playing Tetris before bed helps people forget things that are stressing them or causing anxiety that prevent sleeping; wonder if that would have helped? I remember getting some results with spider solitaire. But I'd wager that tetris is superior, now you mention it. Thanks for the tip.
  14. That looks like a rather unimaginative ripoff of Iron Sky. EDIT: I was talking about the linked - Nazis at the Centre of the Earth.
  15. Went to bed too early so had inevitable freaking nightmares. However, dusted off the meditation after many years cold turkey and used that to get heart rate down etc. Back to sleep and got 5 hours all told. Managed my shift today OK.
  16. We can thank Angela Merkel for this. She hasn't just invited the Russians into European security. She practically carried them in.
  17. I admire your optimism, Rosti. But perhaps not your perspicacity. One nation? You'd need a single incredibly charismatic and well connected individual to pull that off, galvanised in the public awareness on both sides by some bloody awful event. And then the hard liners on one side or another would shoot him.
  18. I find it sad, not funny. It is sad. And I think bans are richly deserved. It's the kindest thing. Since these 'gentlemen' clearly spend far too much time indoors. Unless maybe sending them outdoors would spike physical assaults.
  19. Neck bones? Neck bones. I'm going to hunt a bit more near Skadovsk so that I can afford more ammo for my SVD Lynx (I have 20 rounds right now), then I'll try to solo the merc camp mission. I suppose I could go there at night and get the intel sneaky style with no bloodshed, but now that I got a SVD in my hands, I think I'm going to kill them, all of them, no mercy style (they sure wouldn't show me any). I 'll just need to find a good spot, with a bit of cover and a tree or rock to duck behind to reload, far enough away so they can't reach me with their assault rifles and grenades and waste them as they try to advance on my position. If they happen to have a sniper or two in their midst then we'll just have to see who the better shot is. I'll likely burn through all my ammo, but the gear I pick up off their corpses should more than buy all of it back and it's a relatively easy trek back to Skadobsk from there and I can stop and rest at Noah's in case of blowout. I am going to add that phrase to my belt kit forthwith.
  20. Pretty sensible reaction when some stranger yells at you. not really. I remember getting caught in an impromptu 'wookie off' in a motorway service station. With a whole bunch of strangers making wookie noises at each other. Okay, my first thought when reading the term "wookie off" was not what it ended up being. You mean, like, pulling each others' arms off?
  21. Like the tag says, I wondered if it is worth the 3 quid it's on sale for.
  22. Pretty sensible reaction when some stranger yells at you. not really. I remember getting caught in an impromptu 'wookie off' in a motorway service station. With a whole bunch of strangers making wookie noises at each other.
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